“Two police officers.”

“Can you tell us about the process of criminals going to jail?”

Ma Shushu asked.

As a host, she naturally wants to open the topic appropriately.

After all.

This is not really to put them in jail.

Instead, in the show, show the audience the prison side and let them understand the specific process better.

So, some interaction and interviews, it’s essential.

“When common criminals are sent to prison to serve their sentences.”

“Their first stop will be to the training base, mainly to gather all new prisoners to receive education and reform together.”

“The purpose of this training camp is to make criminals aware of why they come to prison, and to let them learn the discipline of prison.”

One of the prison guards said: “The duration of this training mainly depends on the length of the prisoner’s sentence, which is usually one or two months, but at least one month.” ”

“After passing the strict examination, they will be sent to the corresponding prison and start the real life of sentence!”

When introducing the process.

This prison guard couldn’t help but look at Lu Zimu.

“Look at what I’m doing.”

“You’re not going to let me go to prison.”

“This show won’t directly become a reality show and let me live in prison, right?”

Take a look at this look.

Lu Zimu couldn’t sit still.

This atmosphere, no matter how you look at it, looks like he wants to experience it for a long time.

“It’s not.”

“Naturally not.”

“Due to time constraints, we will skip this process directly!”

Ma Shushu explained immediately.

If this makes Lu Zimu really misunderstand, it will not be good.

After all.

At the time of the invitation.

The program group has already said it in advance.

A program is generally only filmed for a maximum of one day.

It is impossible to shoot for such a long time.

If Lu Zimu was really allowed to enter the training base, it would be at least a month.

And most importantly.

Other shows, at best, just let the artists go to the army to experience.

But he can’t go to Lu Zimu, so let him go into prison to experience life.

Even if it is to be specialized, it is not done this way.

“Hahaha, Lu Zimu really can’t hold back!”

“It’s really going to laugh at me, all of them are looking at Lu Zimu!”

“If it weren’t for the worry that he 06 would run away, I guess the program team would want to send him in!”

“Really send Lu Zimu in, even if he agrees, the Lu family will not be able to agree, and the Lu family will definitely come forward at that time!”

“In this case, I think it’s better to send him in, for nothing else, just so that I can see the Lu family!”

“It’s better to be aggrieved Lu Zimu, because I also want to know life in prison!”

“Lu Zimu singing tears behind bars in prison, it will definitely be more tasteful, and I am in favor of doing so!”

How is Lu Zimu’s mood.

That’s all self-evident.

But the mood of the audience is too good.

The greater his reaction, the happier the audience will be.

At the time of coming.

Lu Zimu called a scenery infinite.

The non-stop Versailles has long stimulated everyone to the point of not wanting it.

As a result, now, it was his turn to be deflated.

This made all the audience feel a happy mood, as if it was successful revenge.

Therefore, seeing Lu Zimu’s reaction now, it made them feel particularly happy.


Happiness is that simple.

It was established in Lu Zimu’s pain.


And soon.

In extremely mixed moods.

Two prison vans arrived at a prison.

This is Deep City Prison and one of the largest in the country.

Number of criminals held.

It can be ranked in the top three of all prisons in the country.

At the same time, the management here is also very strict, and it is really strictly guarded.

People outside can’t get in.

The people inside don’t have to expect to come out.

When the prison car enters the prison.

Lu Zimu’s state was actually let go.

Or rather.

He was never afraid of prison.

All the previous reactions were nothing more than unprepared surprises.


It is also the program effect that Lu Zimu took the initiative to make.

If he hadn’t done this, how could the audience have been so happy.

After all.

He didn’t commit any crime.

Although Lu Zimu is very rich, he also likes Versailles.

But this is not a crime, and it is impossible to be arrested at all.


How could Lu Zimu be really afraid.

Instead of being afraid, he was more curious about prison.

That’s why.

After coming to prison.

On the contrary, he is more open, which can be seen from the change in his temperament.

This made Ma Shushu feel a little surprised.

I thought it was after coming to prison.

Lu Zimu’s reaction should be greater than before.

I didn’t expect him to be so calm, and even he could see that he was eager to try.

After they get off the bus.

A group of people came over to greet them.


“I am Liu Guangzhi, the warden of Shencheng Prison!”

One of the middle-aged men took the initiative to extend his hand.

Lu Zimu also shook hands with the other party and said hello: “Hello, I’m Lu Zimu!” ”

After introducing each other.

According to the arrangement of the program group, the tour of the prison began.

However, just when Liu Guangzhi was about to hit all the inmates and wanted to facilitate the filming of the program group.

Ma Shushu immediately put forward his opinion.

“Prison Director Liu.”

“We want prisons to be functional.”

“Usually, what they do, what they still do, don’t force change because of our arrival.”

Ma Shushu explained: “Because our show is to show the real side, so that the audience can better understand the side of the prisoners!” ”


Liu Guangzhi was embarrassed.

Then, he nodded and agreed.


“However, I hope you will not easily go out of the protective area.”

“The main thing is that there are some personnel, they have not completed the educational transformation, maybe they may hurt people!”

Liu Guangzhi solemnly reminded.

About this.

Lu Zimu and the others were naturally understandable.

This is a prison, not a normal place.

So to speak.

The criminals in this.

Few are people who will keep to themselves.

In other words, those who keep to themselves are unlikely to go to jail.

In prison.

There are all kinds of people.

Any evil person can be in this.

Even, some people seem kind on the surface, but no one knows if he will suddenly attack people.

General prisoners.

In order to avoid his sentence being extended, he naturally did not dare to do so.

But there is no guarantee that there will be extremely crazy individuals.

This kind of thing.

Although it is an event with a small probability.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

If such an attack occurs in prison, the impact is very bad.

Especially now that it is still live broadcasting, the impact is even more serious.

For Lu Zimu, these outsiders.

Most of these prisoners will be hostile.

Their visit will make these people feel like they are being seen as monkeys.

If you know Lu Zimu’s identity.

Then they are more likely to act extreme because of jealousy.

That’s why Liu Guangzhi is so careful.

Not overly careful.

Rather, in a special occasion such as prison, this caution should be maintained in itself.


Under the protection of several prison guards.

Lu Zimu and the others began to visit the prison.

In fact, the prison at this time is not as terrifying as everyone imagines.

Except that the hairstyle and clothing are relatively uniform.

In other respects, it is not much different from the outside.

The main thing is to receive education and reform every day, and the daily life is very simple.

Go to bed early and get up early.

Maintain a very self-disciplined rhythm of life.

Whether you want it or not, you must do this self-disciplined rhythm of life.

Then, after getting up, it is time to complete some work, all of which are simple industrial products.


It looks no different from some processing plants.

At most, workers in processing plants can leave the factory.

Criminals in prison, on the other hand, can’t leave here. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the pace of life is very similar.

While coming along the way.

Lu Zimu felt too much hostility.

Most people here are very hostile to him.

This hostility.

He thought it was a form of jealousy.

This is a kind of jealousy that is extremely unbalanced in the heart.

After all.

The news that Lu Zimu came here has already spread.

The whole prison already knows.

For his identity.

Although they don’t know very well, they can guess it more or less.

A person who is both a star and a rich second generation.

Especially looking at the bright clothes, and the front and back clusters.

By Lu Zimu’s side, he was still following such a big beauty as Ma Shushu, and the two were extremely close.

Here it comes.

It is easy to make people jealous of him.

Especially for people here, most of them are a bit extreme psychologically.

For Lu Zimu, a rich second generation.

They are more likely to have hatred.

That’s why he can feel so much hostility.

But Lu Zimu didn’t care at all.

He was not affected in any way by these hostilities.

Even his behavior has not changed in the slightest, he is still going his own way, extremely high-profile.

It seems that there is no fear at all that it will provoke more hatred.

Lu Zimu really didn’t care at all.

In his opinion, even if he hates him again, he can’t do anything with him.

Even if you are outside, you can’t do anything with him.

Not to mention being inside, you can only stare at him with your eyes.


They just can’t do anything.

For this inexplicable hostility.

Lu Zimu didn’t care in the slightest, just a little disdainful.

Only incompetent people.

will hate people for no reason, completely unrelated.

And this time.

It is precisely the time for the inmates to let the wind go.

Many people play sports on the playground, and even less so in basketball.

Lu Zimu poured them down.

It still attracts the attention of many inmates.


When they tried to get closer, they were immediately warned by the guards.

Everyone was not allowed to approach Lu Zimu and them.


They were just curious and wanted to come and see the liveliness.

But as soon as they were warned, many people’s psychology began to become unbalanced.

Especially seeing Lu Zimu’s face, it didn’t matter.

This made some people angry, thinking that he was provoking them.

Some people just look at a person who is not pleasing to the eye.

Then no matter what this person does, it will make people feel unpleasant.

For example, Lu Zimu.

He attracts the most hatred right now.

“Teacher Lu.”

“They seem to have an opinion about you.”

“You have to be careful and pay attention to your own safety!”

Mashushu also discovered this situation.

Therefore, she also reminded Lu Zimu for the first time.

Even the director and the warden are considering whether to let him stand in the middle.

In this way.

It is also guaranteed that these people do not have the opportunity to attack him.

“Lu Zimu is too attracted to hatred!”

“This is normal, most people in prison are not normal!”

“Normal people generally don’t go to prison, it’s normal for them to be jealous of Lu Zimu!”

“A winner in life like Lu Zimu is originally easy to provoke jealousy!”

“You see that he went to prison, there is no restraint at all, and from time to time he still provokes Shushu, which of course makes people very jealous!”

For this case.

All the audience noticed.

The atmosphere of the scene,.

Ordinary people are easily envious and jealous of Lu Zimu.

And a winner in life like him, born in prison, will attract the greatest hatred.

Especially his current attitude.

It makes many criminals prone to anger and sees it as a provocation to them.

Other outsiders face these criminals.

They generally show fear and dare not approach their eyes.

But Lu Zimu was different.

He was not restrained at all, as if he did not take these criminals seriously.

Such a 083 attitude.

Naturally, it will be regarded as a provocation by criminals.

This is Lu Zimu’s nature, but these criminals don’t think so much.

Therefore, to make all the audience quite worried, he will cause public anger.

Although said.

In normal times.

These spectators shouted and killed Lu Zimu.

But in fact, it was just a joke, but I don’t want him to be really hurt.

So, this atmosphere now makes them all very worried.

“It’s okay.”

“They wouldn’t dare.”

“And, what did they do!”

After hearing Mashushu’s reminder.

Lu Zimu still replied without caring.

Moreover, he did not even hide his voice, as if he was not afraid of being heard.

Ma Shushu: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

Warden: “??? ”

This attitude can’t help but shock everyone.

It’s a little crazy to say such things in this place.

If Lu Zimu whispered, there was nothing.

But he spoke loudly, as if he was deliberately for everyone to hear.

Then this attitude is even more arrogant.

When Ma Shushu reminded him, he deliberately said it very quietly, just because he didn’t want to cause displeasure to these people.

But when it came to Lu Zimu.

But he said it so brazenly.

The people who were originally here were already hostile to him.

And now.

Lu Zimu also dared to be so arrogant and arrogant, which was simply mocking everyone.

For a moment.

The atmosphere at the scene became a little tense and frozen.

In particular, many criminals stopped their movements and looked at Lu Zimu one by one.

This made all the audience can’t help but pinch a sweat for him.

In case it really provokes public anger.

Even if there are many prison guards present, they may not be able to protect him.

At least eat some of the pain of flesh and skin, that is inevitable.

After all.

There are too many criminals here.

Once there is a conflict, it is certainly impossible to control everyone at once.

It was inevitable that someone would rush in front of Lu Zimu and act to hurt him.

Most of the time.

These criminals can restrain their behavior.

If they hadn’t been stimulated, they wouldn’t have attacked outsiders visiting for no reason.

This is punishable and will be extended.

People in it will still want to go out, naturally it is impossible to mess around.

Even if you can’t get used to the other party, you won’t do it easily.

But in the case of being provoked.

It is difficult to guarantee that they can restrain their temper.

If this anger rises, these people will not be sentenced to imprisonment.


None of them knew why Lu Zimu did this.

When he was outside, he didn’t have that attitude at all.

Come to the prison.

Face these criminals of all stripes.

Lu Zimu’s attitude was so arrogant.

This makes everyone confused . His behavior is a little too perverse now.

Judging by his current behavior, it doesn’t look like his style.

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