Chapter 22 Microwave fans have exploded, and they have been hanging on the hot search

Su Ming made a phone call.

Ling Zhen Zeng Yi was directly stunned on the spot.

What's the situation?

Is this to sign them?

And listen to the voice on the other end of the phone.

Isn't this Yang Mi?

This is a real star!

If you can sign Yang Mi's company, won't it take off?

It's just that they can't even pass the audition, and they are still a little weak in their hearts.

Su Ming didn't even hear about their work and wanted to sign them.

Isn't that a bit too hasty?

"Okay, I know Sister Mi, I'll talk to them. "

Hang up the phone.

Su Ming directly began to discuss the signing of the contract with the two.

The two of them are empty-hearted, but how can they refuse?

Someone signed them, I really wish they signed it right away!

And see such a scene.

The live broadcast room was all stunned.

It's too hasty!

The most important thing is that Yang Mi really agreed!

Could it be true that Su Ming and Yang Mi had a leg in the previous biquel?

"Su Ming, thank you so much, but I still have some questions, is it really a problem with our singing style?"

Ling Zhen looked grateful, and at the same time asked the question she had been wanting to ask just now.

"Of course, judging from the timbre you two sang just now, you two are suitable for singing a song like "The Most Dazzling National Style" that I just gave, and it will definitely be popular. "

Su Ming waved his hand and smiled helplessly.

Sometimes choosing the right direction is much more important than blindly trying to do it.

As for why they signed the two.

Su Ming was naturally thinking about Yang Mi.

In the previous concert, Yang Mi must have lost a lot of money.

Sign this phoenix combination, it may not be much in the short term.

But in the long run, a very high rate of return can definitely make up for the loss.

"The most dazzling national style? Is this song your original?".

Zeng Yi frowned, he didn't know the name of this song until now, but he really hadn't heard of this song name at all.

"Well, I wrote it before. "

"When the contract is signed, I'll sing this song to you. "

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

To be honest, he sang hi and hi.

This song is still sung well by the original singer, and it can be used as the debut song of the two.

As soon as this remark came out.

Ling Zhen Zeng Yi was undoubtedly grateful.

Su Ming didn't use any singing skills in the song "The Most Dazzling National Style" just now, but judging from the melody and lyrics, it is definitely a good song!

But Su Ming sang it to them directly.

Not only sign them with the company, but also give them songs.

Su Ming is simply their Bole.

If only it could really be popular in the future.

Su Ming's kindness, they definitely have to repay it twice!

And Su Ming's remarks.

It undoubtedly caused countless heated discussions in the live broadcast room again.

Although they had long guessed that this song was Su Ming's original.

But after Su Ming admitted it, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Because this song is a little bit worse than the song that was given to Zhao Lei in Chengdu before!

It doesn't look like the work of the same person at all.

The most important thing is that Su Ming is still so generous.

Such a good song, just give it!

If nothing else.

This most dazzling national style will also be out of the circle like that song in Chengdu.

It's possible even if it's even hotter!

And it's just as I thought.

With the release of the clips of the major self-media authors lurking in the live broadcast room.

At this time, there were a few more entries about Su Ming on the hot search again.

[Su Ming's new song].

[The most dazzling national style].

[How many unknown works does Su Ming have].

[In three years of Haiyu entertainment career, what is the reason why Su Ming did not release works].


Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

After talking about the signing.

Several people in the car were also a little tired.

Especially Su Ming.

The amount of activity today is too much, and I have drunk alcohol, so I will have to lie down for a day tomorrow.

And with Ling Zhen and Zeng Yi getting off the bus at their destination.

Chi Xiaoyun will soon be home.

Obviously, today is really happy for Chi Xiaoyun.

Parting from Su Ming is even more reluctant.

But after all, there is no banquet that will not be dispersed, and it must be separated.

Su Ming also said that they are all in the magic capital anyway, and they can come out to play together when they have time in the future.

After the two separated.

The live broadcast room was naturally closed.


Millions of viewers can be said to be homeless.

I can only run to major social platforms and video websites to start reminiscing about today's live broadcast.

At this time, the hot search can be said to be extraordinarily lively.

First of all, the biggest buzz.

It is surprising that it focuses on Su Ming's wonderful events on today's day and Su Ming's two songs.

Under the evaluation of those composers, Chengdu's popularity has slowly decreased, even if it is okay.

But "The Most Dazzling National Style" is different, and the popularity can be said to be unprecedentedly high.

Now it has been topped to the top of the hot search!

Because for this song, netizens don't care about the quality at all.

The main song is hilarious!

As the title of the song says, it is full of ethnic style!

Paired with the swinging picture on Su Ming's car.

This song is extremely demonic brainwashing.

At first, you will think, what kind of Kunba song is this?

But after listening to it a few times, the whole person couldn't help but sing along.

And the accompaniment of this song is only casual at the moment.

If you can match the most suitable accompaniment, this song is probably more brainwashing!

In this entertainment industry full of love songs and rap, "The Most Dazzling National Style" has undoubtedly become a clear stream.

It is worth mentioning.

Su Ming's microwave fans have also skyrocketed from more than 500,000 to more than 5 million at this moment!

Except for the discussion about Su Ming and the song.

The most discussed topic has returned to Haiyu Entertainment and Fang Yue.

Previously, Haiyu Entertainment had secretly hired a marketing account, Hei Su Ming, and had no talent.

But Su Ming casually took out two songs.

Although the quality of this song and the level of production are still to be studied.

But at least it can be regarded as a work that can be regarded as a shot.

It can be said that it slapped the face of Sea Fish Entertainment.


Regarding the voice of Haiyu Entertainment's malicious snow hiding Su Ming for three years, it is surprisingly constantly fermenting on the Internet.

Even the matter of Su Ming's fake singing that was originally a public relations officer was re-topped.

And even with the impetus of some hostile capital.

Haiyu Entertainment has now been named "the grave of newcomers", "talent terminal", "fresh meat processing factory" and other bad infamy.

It's only a few hours.

The following comments on the official microwave of Haiyu Entertainment have come to two or three hundred thousand.

Such a big cadence.

As a top entertainment company in the entertainment industry, Haiyu Entertainment has not experienced it for a long time.

Tonight's Haiyu Entertainment Public Relations Department, Planning Department, and even many high-level executives are destined to be a sleepless night.

And as the initiator of this incident.

Su Ming can be said to have no idea now.

When I got home, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming didn't turn on the microwave at all, and he didn't even look at his mobile phone.

After taking a shower, I went straight to bed.

The snoring sounded like thunder, as if it could shatter the darkness.

No way, the biological clock is like this.

And at the other end of the Suming community.

As the owner of Jiahang, Yang Mi is now a little insomnia.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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