Chapter 42 Shy Mao is uneasy

Inside the Internet café.

The paparazzi brushed the microwave together, and immediately noticed the change in public opinion on the Internet.

Originally, after a wave of sea fish, there were still many voices questioning Su Ming on the Internet.

But now it's almost all gone.

Instead, it's all a piece of flattery.

"Brother Ming, did you really write this song "Love You"? This is also so good!".

"Damn, I feel good, it's so sweet!".

"Brother Ming, it has to be you! No wonder Brother Ming, you just said that you are not in a hurry, it turns out that you have a backhand!".

"Brother Ming, look at it, it seems that Lao Xue and Ziqi also said that they want to find Brother Ming to write a song!"

"Brother Ming really has a card!".


The paparazzi were all around Su Ming at this time, touting you and me one by one, with admiration on their faces.

They were still thinking about what Su Ming would do with Fang Yue and Haiyu hacking him.

I didn't think of a song thing.

Everything is reversed!

In this way, the methods that the sea fish engaged in will be in vain all of a sudden!

No wonder Su Ming is not in a hurry, it turns out that he has a back hand, this trick is really amazing!


For the paparazzi's touting.

Su Ming was completely indifferent.

His attention was now all on the operation.

"Point your front teeth, click your front teeth, don't hit someone!".


"Yes, I finally won!".

Watching the other party's crystal explode, Su Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's so hard to think about it!

And after the game ended, Su Ming also asked what the paparazzi were talking about just now.

After a little understanding.

Su Ming's mood still didn't fluctuate much.

Isn't "Love You" popular?

How big is it?

This song was in the previous life, and it was the existence of the whole network!

The degree is no less than the most dazzling national style!

But about Lao Xue and Ziqi asking him to write songs.

I don't know if what these two people said is true.

If it's a good mouth, forget it.

If only it were true.

Not to mention, he really has something suitable for two people to sing.

As for public opinion.

Now public opinion is biased in favor of him again.

He didn't bother to bother with it anymore.

Looked at the time.

There is still more than an hour before the departure time.

But don't worry, you can open two more!

And seeing Su Ming so calmly, he opened again.

The paparazzi all showed admiration on their faces.

Normally, ordinary celebrities are so touted by public opinion, and they are chased by first-class singers like Lao Xue Ziqi to write songs, and they have long been happily flying.

But Su Ming is a calm stroke!

This detachment of mind is really extremely rare.

It is simply their honor to be called brothers and sisters with an existence like Su Ming!


Back to the show.

With the end of Wang Xinxin's singing.

The next players can be said to be very unlucky.

The audience's threshold has been raised by "Love You".

Now it's their turn.

No matter how hard they sang, they were still so mediocre.

And not to mention the audience.

Even Old Xue Ziqi, Yang Mi and others are far less passionate than before.

It's not that they're not dedicated, it's that the gap is really too big!

Compared to Wang Xinxin.

The performance of these players is very average.

And the level of players without ups and downs immediately caused the popularity of the originally traffic-bursting live broadcast room to slowly begin to decline.

Seeing this scene, the director can be said to be in a hurry.

But it's useless to rush.

Now I can only hope that there will be contestants in the future who can sing a more explosive song than "Love You".

But this possibility is almost zero.


With the end of the first half.

The show ushered in a half-hour advertising time.


Wang Xinxin had already come to the lounge where Mao Buyi was at this time.

Mao Buyi, who has not yet played, is still practicing seriously at the moment.

Looking at Mao's face, it seemed to be very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, believe in Su Ming's song, and believe in yourself. "

Wang Xinxin said in encouragement.

She knows Mao Buyi's level, and there is absolutely no problem with promotion!

Mao Buyi nodded and said seriously: "Well, I will work hard, at least I can't lose Su Ming's face in this song." "

At present, Wang Xinxin has reversed public opinion for Su Ming with "Love You".

Naturally, the pressure on him is not so great.

Now the only thing he wants to do is to sing this song "Dispel Sorrow" well.

However, his personality is not as lively and cheerful as Wang's, and he is relatively shy and socially afraid.

It was the first time I was on such a big stage, and I was faced by so many people and so many cameras, and I was worried that I would play abnormally.

"Forget it, why don't you say that this song was written for me by Teacher Su Ming. "

"If you don't sing well, it's not good for Teacher Su Ming. "

After struggling for a while, Mao Buyi glanced at Wang Xinxin, frowned and said.

After speaking, Mao Buyi went to the lounge where Teacher He was.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xinxin was really a little crying and laughing.

This is too much consideration for Su Ming, right?!

But of course, in the final analysis, Mao Buyi is still not confident enough.

And the other end.

At this time, in the Fang Yue lounge.

"Do these netizens understand music?"

"I actually said that "Love You" is better than my song, and my song was written by an ace composer!".

"Wouldn't these people think that Su Ming's broken songs are better than those of ace composers?"

Fang Yue looked at all kinds of public opinion on the microwave and couldn't help but scold.

Now the Internet is all blowing Su Ming and "Love You".

In fact, it doesn't matter if you blow them, the most important thing is that some people actually use his "The Man in Love" as a comparison, and praise one by one!

But he was still angry, and the company sent a message.

I saw the general meaning clearly.

Fang Yue was directly stunned.

The level of "Love You" is really higher than that of "The Man in Love"?!

Then isn't it a bit stupid for him to spray "Love You" on stage?

Originally, he found fault with the king's heart, on the one hand, because of Su Ming, and on the other hand, he naturally had the songs of an ace composer to guarantee him.

As long as the quality of "Love You" does not exceed that of "The Man in Love", then everything he says is right.

I didn't expect it.

This Nima....

It seems that in the second half, he has to scold less players, and if he talks too much, he will lose!

Took a deep breath.

Fang Yue simply didn't think too much about it.

Get ready to get up and go out to the bathroom.

However, this is just out of the house.

I was knocked down by a tall figure.

"You don't have fucking eyes?".

Fang Yue subconsciously couldn't help but scold angrily.

I saw that the other party was wearing a small glasses, looking dull and a little shy.

This is exactly what Mao Buyi wants.

"I'm sorry. "

Mao didn't want to apologize in a hurry, but because he was in a hurry to find Teacher He, he didn't care about helping Fang Yue, so he turned around and left.

looked at Mao's back.

Fang Yue's face darkened.

"Where's the stupid big one?!".

"It's still a player, right? Look at me if I don't give you shoes!".

Since his debut, he has not suffered such grievances!

That's just right.

In the second half, he pointed to this stupid big man to find faults, and the other players mainly boasted.

Anyway, looking at this stupid big man, he doesn't look like he can sing.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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