Chapter 44 The nurse who brought wine to the field laughed numbly!

"King Heart! King Heart! I want to see the king's heart! "

"I'm new here, do you still have a song behind the king's heart?"

"Ahem, I have a father who wants me to ask, can Wang Xinxin sing "Love You" again?"

"Poof! I also have a dad friend who wants me to ask, hahahaha! "

"Wang Xinxin boy came to report! Sing love you quickly, I want to vote for my sister in the heart! "

"May I ask if the national dancer Su Ming is coming to the show? Does he have any other songs? My mom lacks a song to dance! "

"Yes, can you invite Su Ming over? Let him give my mother a divine comedy! "

"Hahahaha, is the National Grand Dancer okay?"

"One thing to say, everyone who has watched Su Ming's live broadcast knows that he himself is indeed very happy, and the best thing is to shake the most dazzling national style on the flute car, I don't think it's too much to say a big dancer!"

"Don't say it, Su Ming is going to broadcast live tonight, and when the time comes, find him to write a dance song for our mother!"

"Ahem, how much does it cost Su Ming to write a song, I want him to write another song for our family's heart!"

"Wow! Is the boss fan here? "

"Boss, please speak to the tuba!"


At the beginning of the second half.

With the continuous fermentation of the song "Love You" on the whole network.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is a large number of fans of "Love You".

The barrage is also a wild brush of Wang Mind and Su Ming.

It seems that there are very few people who watch the show seriously.

The scene was not affected by the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Otherwise, these players may have to abstain immediately.

That's the momentum.

What's so much better than this game?

And continue to talk back to the scene.

With the emergence of one player after another.

Lao Xue Ziqi and the other four judges are still commenting on the contestants as usual.

But it was still the same as at the end of the first half.

Although I am very serious in the evaluation, I still can't find any players and works with bright spots, and they all seem to be not very passionate.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Yue, who had been sharp and indifferent in the first half, was arrogant and arrogant.

This time it was unusually mild.

Basically, every player comes up, and he is boasting.

Of course, this praise is not a professional one, it is a casual boast.

Now that "Love You" is gaining momentum, he scolded the song again in the first half.

If you look like your most awesome, you are likely to expose your stomach without ink.

And it's also easy to be cyberbullied.

This is not only his own idea, but also the advice given by the company.

"Okay, thank you Li Wei for bringing us a song "Taboo".

"Congratulations to Li Wei for joining our Ziqi team."

"Then next, let's invite the next player, Mao Buyi!"

As the selection of a contestant ended, Mr. He looked at the manuscript and loudly announced the next contestant to appear.

"Mao Mao is also a nurse like the heart we played in the first half."

"And the song he wants to bring us is also an original song."

"The name of the song is "Eliminate Sorrow"!"

Hearing what Mr. He said.

Many spectators at the scene, as well as the four judges, had a slight expectation in their eyes.

The same nurse, the same original.

I don't know if this player can surprise them.

And as Mr. He's voice fell.

The prelude is to sound slowly.

At the same time, Mao Buyi also took a deep breath and walked to the stage step by step.


Maybe it's because I'm too nervous, or because I've drunk too much liquor.

Mao Buyi was just about to go on the stage, but he didn't pay attention to a step, and he fell directly.

"That, Accompanist Master, stop for a moment!"

Seeing this, Teacher He hurriedly rushed up and signaled the accompaniment to stop.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

"Be careful!"

Old Xue Ziqi and the others also hurriedly spoke, showing concern on their faces.

The audience at the scene even covered their mouths one by one.

It's not going to be an accident on the show, is it?

Fortunately, Mao Buyi's fall was not heavy at all, and he hurriedly got up by himself.

and signaled to Teacher He that he was fine.

"I'm a little too nervous, it's okay, I can sing."

Mao Buyi's face was flushed at this time, holding the microphone in both hands, and said shyly to Mr. He and the audience.

At this moment, he was at a loss all over his body.

It's already a social phobia.

I didn't expect this to be sung yet, and I fell directly on the stage, which is also too social!

And such a scene fell in front of everyone.

It undoubtedly caused a burst of laughter.

I have to say that this clumsy and cute appearance is really so cute.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"No, why do you smell like alcohol?"

Teacher He was also amused by Mao Buyi, and once again cared about Mao Buyi's physical condition.

But at this time, he smelled a strong smell of liquor.

"Sure it's okay."

"The smell of wine is that I am a little nervous, I drank wine when I went on stage just now, and I used it to strengthen my courage."

Teacher He's question, Mao Buyi hurriedly replied, and at the same time took out a bottle of Jiang Xiaobai from his pocket.

And this one-glance answer, coupled with Mao Buyi's extremely serious expression, and Jiang Xiaobai.

The comedic effect came up immediately.

"Hahahaha, this brother is too shy, it's okay to drink and strengthen his courage!"

"No wonder I can fall, I guess I drank too much!"

"Poof, Jiang Xiaobai carries a cauldron! Hahahaha! "

"Jiang Xiaobai quickly made money!"

"Are you sure it's a nurse? Why do you feel that this nurse is a little unreliable, hahaha! "

"It's so funny!"

"Don't say anything else, even if he doesn't sing, I will vote for him, look at the child who fell!".

"I'm going to vote too! Comedians belong to yes! "


The barrage was suddenly broken by Mao Buyi's operation.

Originally, the show was quite boring to watch.

Suddenly, a person came out of the drinking scene, and took out Jiang Xiaobai's nurse with his backhand.

The effect of the show is really explosive!

"You're so interesting!"

"Program team, do you have a stool?

"He's drinking, I'm afraid he'll fall, let him sing on a stool."

Lao Xue was also teased by Mao, and asked for a stool for the program team at this moment.

"Indeed, he is so cute."

"I'm really looking forward to what songs he can bring."

Ziqi on the side smiled and leaned back and echoed.

Yang Mi naturally didn't need to say much, and she was about to laugh crazy.

Su Ming's eyes are really vicious.

It's obvious that Mao doesn't mean to be so shy, but this comedy effect is directly full!

I just don't know how Mao Buyi's singing skills are.

Will the song to be sung later be as popular as "Love You".

If she can also become popular, she plans to bet on Su Ming completely.

Write a fire song.

This is stronger than the average Qu Dad!

And just when the atmosphere of the audience was pulled up by Mao Buyi's wave of operations.

An abrupt voice rang out suddenly.

"Ahem, that, if you don't fall, sing it as soon as possible."

"Don't delay the next players."

The person who spoke was none other than Fang Yue.

Mao Buyi bumped into him not long ago, but he still remembers it.

Look at this unintentional stupid look.

After singing later, I definitely have to give a bad review!

And Fang Yue said so.

Teacher He's side is also not easy to say.

The recording of the program is really a matter of paying attention to the time.


After the program team brought a stool to Mao Buyi.

Singing is also back on track.

I saw Mao Buyi exhale deeply, and nodded slowly towards the accompanist teacher in the distance.

The next second.

The prelude to "Dispel Sorrow" is to sound again.

"The melody is very good! Very distinctive! "

As soon as the prelude sounded, Lao Xue's eyes lit up, and he gave an evaluation at the first time.

It's a long, accordion-like melody.

People can't help but feel a sense of time rushing to their faces.

Countless stories unconsciously gradually emerge in my mind.

It's an amazing feeling!

And under this accompaniment, Mao Buyi's whole person's aura has gradually changed.

There seems to be an indescribable sense of detachment in this young man.


Mao Buyi spoke.

"When you walk into this fun field

Carry all your dreams and thoughts on your back

All kinds of makeup on the face

No one remembers what you look like


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