Chapter 51: Tomorrow's Superstar Login? Don't delay your plainclothes work!

Let's go back to Su Ming.

Seeing that her sister was so shy, she didn't even dare to take the initiative to speak.

Su Mingdang even took the initiative to break this embarrassment.

"Okay, don't be shy, don't be my idol or something,

I'm just an ordinary person, and we'll be friends in the future, so just make me your employee now. "

"Here, give me the apron, let me do the work of roasting and pancakes."

After Su Ming fixed the live broadcast room on Wuling Hongguang,

Rolling up his sleeves is to take the apron on Chaoyue's body and put it on his body.

Then he began to brush the pot very skillfully.

A set of operations down, smooth flow.

looked at Su Ming's back.

Sister Chaoyue's face was still red at this time.

However, Su Ming's unburdened behavior did make her a little less nervous and shy.

Su Ming is really the same as what she has seen in the live broadcast.

No shelves at all!

Just like the big brother next door!

But then Sister Chaoyue walked to Su Ming's side and wanted to take the apron and the pot that was being washed.

"Brother Su Ming, fried goods, I'll do the pancakes."

"You can go there and help me sell these rag dolls and small jewelry and other things."

"Roasted food, I dry pancakes every day, and they dry quickly."

Su Ming has no shelf, but after all, "940" is a star.

She didn't think that Su Ming would also do fried noodles, fried rice, and multigrain pancakes.

However, Su Ming clearly did not compromise.

directly gave Sister Chaoyue a "believe me" look, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't just know how to write songs." "

"Why don't you just fry a noodle and make a pancake, it's very simple."

After that, he continued to wash the pot.

And seeing Su Ming's confident appearance.

Sister Chaoyue frowned, smiled helplessly, and said nothing more.

She remembered that when she first learned to roast pancakes, she was also so confident with Su Ming, but when it came to practice...

That's fine.

Who made Su Ming her own idol?

Let's let Su Ming play first.

When Su Ming tasted the bitterness, she would go on top.

Anyway, she didn't think Su Ming could really help her.

As long as she can see Su Ming, she will already have enough blood to earn.

"Poof! What's going on with Su Ming, he doesn't really want to make pancakes, right? "

"Hahaha, what the hell is this confidence on your face?"

"Could it be that there is still this project in the artist training of Jiahang Entertainment?"

"Look at Sister Chaoyue's expression, hahahaha, she is probably ready for today's harvest."

"Su Ming, is this here to help? It feels like he's here to smash the field! "

"Su Ming, why don't we write songs, I don't know if I'm lonely when I write songs,

Anyway, trying to fry a bowl of rice that is difficult to swallow, and spreading out a lump of unformed pancakes, it should be quite lonely to be scolded by customers. "

The barrage is really fun to watch at this time.

Like Sister Chaoyue, they didn't think that Su Ming would do these jobs at all.

And just when the barrage was about to watch Su Ming's jokes.

In the live broadcast room, dozens of Huazi swiped the screen in an instant.

And the person who brushed the gift was none other than him.

It's Ziqi!

For a while, the barrage immediately exploded again.

"Holy! Is this Ziqi herself? "

"What's the situation? Is Ziqi also watching the live broadcast like us?! "

"Ziqi, it's me, please deduct 1!"

"Ziqi, when will tomorrow's superstar be broadcast, is there any news?"

"Ziqi, do you have anything to do with Su Ming? It's too angry to shoot! "


Ignore the barrage.

On the other side of the screen, Ziqi was already smiling.

That's right.

She was indeed watching the live stream!

Today, the show was forced to end, and she had nothing to do.

In addition, she originally liked to watch Su Ming's live broadcast.

So as soon as Su Ming started broadcasting, she clicked in as soon as possible.

"This Su Ming is really funny!"

"Was he really the one who wrote "Sorrow"?"

Seeing Su Ming's confident face when he was rushing to work.

In her mind, she had already made up the picture of Su Ming's overturn in advance.

And not long after Ziqi's Huazi smashed down.

The next second.

Lao Xue's Huazi has arrived, dozens of them in a row, dazzling!

"! it! What's the situation?! "

"Lao Xue is here too? It can't be a high imitation, right? "

"Damn! What a person! More than 30 million followers! "

"Is Old Xue Ziqi secretly watching the live broadcast?"

"Don't say more, I don't know why Ziqi watched Su Ming's live broadcast, but Lao Xue is here for Su Ming's talent!"


"Lao Xue is really tough today!"

"My mother! Is this the off-site login of "Superstar of Tomorrow"? It's just Mimi and Fang Yue! "


Lao Xue's arrival undoubtedly made the live broadcast room completely boiling.

You must know that Lao Xue did not hesitate to offend Fang Yue and the capital today because of Su Ming's song "Dispel Sorrow".

Now Lao Xue appears in the live broadcast room.

undoubtedly strengthened Lao Xue's position - brainless position Su Ming! Or standing talent!

"What the hell, Su Ming really wants to do it himself? That can't be the whole down? "

In the car, Lao Xue, who had already gone out, looked at Su Ming in his mobile phone with a sharpening knife, and he was also smiling.

Just go and set up a stall.

Could it be that you really have to do it yourself?

It's okay to fry noodles and the like, it's really not a big technical job, with less salt, you can barely eat it if you fry blindly, but pancakes are different.

If the heat is not mastered properly, the dough is easy to stick on top.

When the time comes, it's not a cake, it's a ball.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

For everything that happened in the live broadcast room at this time.

Su Ming naturally didn't know at all.

At this point, the pot is washed and ready to welcome customers.

And while no one is coming.

Su Ming and Sister Chaoyue chatted. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

After some conversation.

Sister Chaoyue seems to be completely not so shy, and the whole person is extremely lively.

And in conversation.

Su Ming also learned why Sister Chaoyue would set up a stall here.

Sister Chaoyue came out of the village to work last year, but she ended up in a black factory, and she ran away with a bucket when she couldn't do it.

Later, I heard that there was a job to train a women's group, and if you signed up, you could receive 3,000 yuan, and if you were lucky, you could become a star.

So he came to the magic capital without hesitation.

But creation makes people.

The training company closed down in less than three months because the boss ran away with his sister-in-law.

She has no academic qualifications, and she doesn't have the skills to get her hands on, so she plans to set up a stall to try.

I didn't expect it to happen!

More than half a year has passed, and she has now mixed up a Wuling Hongguang.

And after learning about Sister Chaoyue's experience, Su Ming nodded, not too much

Because of this experience, it seems to be similar to the super moon sister in the previous life.

The only difference is that in her previous life, Sister Chaoyue's successful girl group debuted.

"Then Chaoyue, do you want to be a star yourself?"

At this time, Su Ming said with a smile to the Chaoyue sister in front of him.

Hearing this, Sister Chaoyue couldn't help but be stunned, and then hurriedly waved her hand.

"Me? I think I want to, but how can I be a star?

I can't sing all the five notes, I can't dance, the only thing I can do is fried noodles and pancakes. "

Obviously, she lacks self-confidence.

"The problem is no..."

"Boss, let's have fried rice, add chicken thighs, deboning, and then don't chop green onions!"

Just when Su Ming was about to encourage Sister Chaoyue's wave, 0...

A voice directly broke his rhythm.

It was a woman who spoke, and next to her stood a man, who looked like husband and wife.

"Okay, I'll fry you!"

came to business, Su Ming naturally wanted to do business first, and rushed to the pot at once.

But just when he was about to catch fire.

The man next to him just pulled the woman away, and at the same time looked at the woman reproachfully: "Are you stupid?" Don't disturb other people's plainclothes work, let's change the stall and fry. "


"Can't see it yet? Have you ever seen such a handsome person come out and set up a stall to sell fried rice? Will he fry? "

"Hurry up, if it affects people's plainclothes work, we will be in trouble!"

"Hey, husband, it's got to be your sharp eyes! Something almost happened! "


While the two of them were thinking in pieces, they had already moved to the booth next door.

And listen to this conversation between the two.

A series of question marks popped up wildly on Su Ming's face, and the whole person stood in front of the pot messily.

What the hell is plainclothes???

Do you seem to be on a mission?

And also.

Why can't you set up a stall to sell fried rice if you are handsome?

And the barrage at this time.

It's already laughing!

"Hahaha! God is in plain clothes! "

"Poof! This big brother is too stable, this has already been judged to be a problem before it is fried! "

"I've thought about 10,000 kinds of problems that Su Ming might overturn, but I never thought that he would lose on this face? It was thought to be plainclothes, and it really made me laugh! "

"Is it also a mistake to be handsome? Hahaha! "

"Before Su Ming wrote "Dispel Sorrow", did he have a failed stall experience?"

"! It's not going to solve the case, is it?! Could it be true that it is not the problem of the sea fish, but the stall?

I can't sell things at a stall, I have nowhere to show my cooking skills, and I am recognized as plain clothes, if I think about it, it's quite lonely! "

"I'll go! It doesn't seem to be unreasonable! Are we wrong about the sea fish? "

"Poof, you're going to laugh at me, you're really good at making up for it!"

"Otherwise, Su Ming should go to the small square opposite to set up a stall and sing, that one is good at it."

"I'm betting on a cow, Su Ming won't be able to sell it today!"

"[Ziqi]: If it were me, I would also think that Su Ming was plainclothes, hahaha!"

"I'll go, Ziqi has a barrage!"

"Ziqi didn't leave!!"


"Poof, Brother Su Ming 5.6, or I'll come, right?"

Seeing this, Chaoyue on the side immediately couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud with a poof.

Being treated as plain clothes, this is also outrageous!

Su Ming frowned, his eyes were unwilling.

"No, just wait, there will definitely be customers."

Hear this.

Sister Chaoyue could only smile helplessly.

Who made you look so handsome?

Not to mention that man, if she didn't know Su Ming, he might think that Su Ming was plainclothes.

And quickly.

Su Ming's voice just fell.

In the distance, there was a loud shout.

"It's Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming is there!"

"Let's go, take care of our Brother Ming's fan business!"


This is exactly the paparazzi who just went to park.

At this time, a group of dozens of people walked through the street in a mighty manner, as if it had attracted a burst of attention.

I don't know what kind of gang it is.

And at the same time as the paparazzi rushed over.

The face of the man who recognized Su Ming as plainclothes suddenly changed greatly, and he hurriedly pulled his wife and ran away from the stall next door like crazy and ran into the distance.

"It's broken, I'll just say it's plainclothes!"

"So many people are coming, it is specified that something is going to happen, let's run!"

"Husband, shouldn't you be influenced by us?"

"Don't say it, just run!"

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