Chapter 61: Old Xue Ziqi, don't scold! Let's do it!

In the blink of an eye.

It was already the morning of the next day.


In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Su Ming faced the morning sun and stretched his waist, and the whole person was refreshed.

After a night's sleep, this mental head can be regarded as restored.

took a serious look at his own outfit.


This dress is really comfortable to wear.

It's so free!

It is said that women's clothing only needs once and countless times.

There seems to be some truth to this.

Of course.

There will definitely be no next time for him.

Walk out of the room and into the living room.

Yang Mi was eating breakfast at this time.

Not to mention, Yang Mi, who just got up and is still pure and has no makeup, is still so resistant to fighting.

"Sister Mi, it's early!"

After Su Ming said hello to Yang Mi, he went to the bathroom to wash.

And Yang Mi looked at Su Ming in a skirt at this time.

I can't help but recall the scene when Su Ming came out of the bathroom yesterday night and the tiger pounced on her and fell on her.

I can't help but feel the urge to move my gaze downward.

Immediately, his face turned red again.

"Don't think! Don't think! "

Yang Mi hurriedly dispelled the evil thoughts in her mind and began to eat breakfast with her head bored.

But the more you control this and don't think about it, the easier it is to think about it, so this meal is full of red face and hot face.

I don't know how long it has been, Su Ming has already finished washing up and sat down at the door opposite her.

"Over there, the company should have already arranged to sign a contract."

Su Ming picked up the noodles on the table and ate them, and at the same time asked about Sister Chaoyue.

Yesterday evening, he had asked Sister Chaoyue to report to Jiahang today, and now at this point, Sister Chaoyue should have arrived at Jiahang.

"Well, the personnel department has already arranged it, let's see what variety shows are suitable for her after a while, and let her try the water."

Yang Mi nodded, she watched the live broadcast yesterday, and her impression of Sister Chaoyue is still very good.

Not only can the external conditions be, but people will also come to things and let go, this kind of character is still very popular in variety shows.

But after all, he is still a newcomer, so he can only arrange to go to some small shows.

Then, the two continued to talk about it.

chatting and chatting, the two of them seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment of yesterday night, and returned to the usual mode of getting along with sisters and brothers.

And just when the two were chatting.

The door slammed open.

Reba ran in in her pajamas.

"Sister Honey! Sister Honey! Oh no! Oh no! Su Ming is on the hot search again! "

"Also, Lao Xue Ziqi and the Hua Chenyu who scolded Su Ming quarreled on the microwave!"

"Sister Mi..."

Reba held the mobile phone, anxious, and his face was extremely flustered.


Halfway through this, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

I saw Su Ming wearing Yang Mi's skirt, eating at Yang Mi's house in the morning, and the two of them were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was ambiguous.



She had long thought that these two people might be hiding a leg from her back.

It's good now.

Grab the bag directly on the spot!

And if you have a leg, you have a leg, and this progress is too fast!

It's all overnight!

Also, why did Su Ming wear Yang Mi's skirt?

Are two people playing so perverted?

Reba's face turned red when she thought of this, and then she quickly covered her eyes: "That... I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, you guys go on! "

After that, he turned his head and wanted to leave.

"Reba, it's not what you think!"

"Reba, listen to me!"

Seeing that Reba was about to misunderstand, Yang Mi Suming hurriedly stopped Reba.

"Sister Mi, what about being single together?"

"Why are you... Alas~~~"

Reba didn't dare to look at Su Ming, and looked straight at Yang Mi, revealing a disappointed face that had been betrayed.

Yang Mi was anxious and funny, and said helplessly: "What are you talking about, Su Ming and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, don't think nonsense!" "

As soon as I heard this.

Reba couldn't help but be stunned, turned his head to look at Su Ming, and his face became annoyed.

Then he picked up his pink fist and beckoned to Su Ming.

"Good for you, Su Ming! Eat and wipe clean, and don't give Sister Honey a name, right?! You scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag!! "

"Sister Mi, don't be afraid, I'll give you a head!"

Su Ming was speechless for a while, wearing a skirt, and didn't know how to explain.

What to eat and wipe clean?

He and Yang Mi are obviously innocent, okay?

finally controlled the excited Reba.

Only then did the two explain yesterday's events one by one.

After learning the truth.

Reba was also a little crying and laughing for a while.

That's what happened.

I thought something had happened to the two.

But this lonely man and widow...

"Are you two sure you two didn't do anything yesterday night?"

Reba was skeptical, and asked again.

"Not really!"

"No guarantees!"

After getting the exact answer, Reba nodded and didn't care about it anymore.

Since this is the case, don't say it, Su Ming looks quite expensive when he wears this skirt.

"By the way, Reba, what did you just want to say?"

"Su Ming, Lao Xue, Ziqi, Huachenyu, what do you mean?"

Yang Mi remembered what Reba shouted when she first entered the door, and asked with a frown, the whole person was confused.

Reba slapped her head and almost forgot about her business.

"Don't you all look at your phones? Look at the microwave hot search! "

"Yesterday, Hua Chenyu posted a microwave to mock Su Ming, and by the way, he promoted his new song, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Then this morning, Lao Xue Ziqi stood up for Su Ming on the microwave and scolded Huachen together! "

"This thing is now on the top of the hot search!"

Listen to Reba's words.

Su Ming Yang Mi's expression froze, glanced at each other, and then quickly turned on the microwave.

[Huachen ridiculed Su Ming's quality! ] 】

["Listen to Mother's Words" can't get into the eyes of Huachen! ] 】

[In order to maintain Su Ming, Old Xue Ziqi angrily scolded Hua Chen! ] 】

[Is Wang's new song about to be released?!] 】

In the front row of the hot search, there are a few crimson hot words hanging at this moment.

Click in to take a look.

It is all about Huachen and the content that Old Xue Ziqi is sending microwaves to fight each other in real time

[Lao Xue]: "Singer Huachen language, promote new songs, promote new songs, put aside this to find someone Su Ming to touch porcelain, I really laughed, do you know songs?" If you don't say anything else, just yesterday Su Ming's song "Listen to Mom's Words", you can't write it in your life! "

[Ziqi]: "Singer Hua Chenyu, I have never seen such a shameless way of publicity, it's a pity that Mr. Wang Quan's song is sung to you." "

[Singer Huachen Language]: "Lao Xue, laugh to death, is "Listen to Mother" a good song? Yes, I can't write it in my life, so I wouldn't write such a garbage song. "

[Singer Huachen Yu]: "Old Xue Ziqi, besides, don't call here if you two receive Su Ming's benefits, didn't Su Ming say that he wrote two songs for you?" Hurry up and post it, whether his song is good or not, when my new song is released, let's talk about the results! "

[Lao Xue]: "Singer Huachen speaks, grades speak? Your song, lyrics and music are all written by Mr. Wang Quan, no matter how good your grades are, you have a hammer relationship! If Mr. Wang Quan stands up and comments on two sentences, I can listen to them, but what are you? "

[Singer Huachen Yu]: "Lao Xue, no matter how good the lyrics and songs are, there is no good singing skill, they are all a piece of, and what I mean is what Teacher Wang Quan means!" Don't scream! "


Obviously, the three of them maintained polite communication from the very beginning of the morning.

Now it has developed into a direct attack.

Such a scene can be said to be enjoyable for netizens who eat melons to watch0...

This awakening is directly a big scene!

There may be many people who don't know Su Ming well.

But these three old fritters in the entertainment industry, they know each other.

The three of them turned their faces at the moment because of a man named Su Ming, which is really a bit outrageous.

So at this time, entries like "Who is Su Ming" also climbed to the end of the hot search.

But obviously, Su Ming has been hanging on the microwave for too long during this time, and many people have heard a few songs written by Su Ming.

And so.

Underneath the microwave of Huachenyu, the comments are almost one-sided.

"Archmage, are you doing it for you? Dare to touch porcelain Su Ming? "

"I laughed, now in this year, do you dare to touch porcelain Su Ming if you can sing?"

"Old Xue Ziqi, don't scold! Let's do it! "

"The last person who promoted a new song in this way is already cold."

"A man surnamed Fang gave you a thumbs up at this time!"

"Huahua, don't pay attention to the comments of the men below, you are the best, looking forward to the new song!"

"Poof, no, no, no one really likes mages, right?"

"There are still a lot of brain-dead fans of Master Hua, but don't be afraid, I can beat ten cars with one punch!"

"Brother steady, I'll hit ten at most with one punch!"

"Poofhahahaha, ten, ten are okay?!"


Because of the heat caused by this time, it is particularly huge.

The number of comments has reached the million level!

And look at this rising bad reviews.

Hua Chenyu was extremely angry at the moment, and at the same time, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He still underestimated Su Ming's current popularity a little.

The comments that scolded him can be as high as nearly one million, and the fan army can't control the comments!

The most important thing is that Su Ming himself has not made any response yet.

If Su Ming speaks out, it is estimated that the comments will be even more explosive!

But fortunately, the company didn't blame him for this.

On the contrary, I think he did a good job.

This is really a complete rubbing of traffic!

At the same time, it really publicized the release of new songs.

Don't look at the bad comments now, netizens are forgetful.

As long as the quality of the new song is resistant.

After a period of fermentation, the new song list is simply casually on.

Of course, the company thinks Huachenyu is doing a good job.

Wang Quan, Wang Qu's father was in a somewhat complicated mood at this time.

How did this flower dust language tie 0.6 to a boat as well?

He didn't think Su Mingge was so bad?!

But now that he has signed a contract with Tianle Company, he can really follow the company's meaning and cooperate with Huachenyu.

"Damn, these two are really annoying, I scolded Su Ming, what's the matter with them?"

Hua Chenyu looked at the old Xue Ziqi who was still on the line with him, and her face became more and more gloomy.

This can have so many comments scolding him.

Naturally, these two people are indispensable.

Now he's basically alone against a thousand troops.

Some comments scold how ugly and ugly it is.

Just a few more glances, the mentality is going to collapse!

So this heart is horizontal.

Huachenyu directly closed the comment area.

Out of sight, out of mind!

Subsequently, under the instructions of the broker, after the last microwave was posted, there was no response.

[Singer Huachen Language]: "Old Xue Ziqi, I'm too lazy to talk to you, just one sentence, Lao Tzu just thinks Su Ming's song is not good!" Let's talk about results! "

Old Xue Ziqi also said more, and also dropped a microwave.

[Lao Xue]: "Singer Huachenyu, when the superstar restarts broadcasting tomorrow, I will sing the song that Su Ming wrote to me, and the results will speak!" "

[Ziqi]: "Next Saturday, I will bring the new song "Bubble" to the stage, this song is also written by Su Ming, the audience's eyes are bright, and the answer to the question is left to the audience to judge! "


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