Chapter Seventy-Seven: Does Such a Teacher Really Exist?

As the director's words fell.

The audience fell into a brief dead silence in an instant.

The audience looked at each other one by one.

Su Ming: This has just arrived?

Just now, Mr. He was about to shout out the three words, and suddenly he was interrupted by the director, which is true and somewhat verifies what Hua Chenyu said just now.

On the judges' bench.

The three of them, Old Xue Ziqi and Yang Mi, exchanged glances with each other at this time, and their faces couldn't help but be a little worried.

The director said it so suddenly, there is a high probability that Su Ming has just arrived.

But since you want to sing, you have to at least tune the soundtrack first.

You can wait for Mao Buyi to finish singing before going on.

In such a hurry, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat Huachenyu's "King's Power".


The director at this time was also helpless.

Su Ming called just now, his tone was extremely anxious, and he said that he must play immediately, and he couldn't delay for a minute.

At that time, if he didn't agree, I was afraid that Su Ming would turn his face on the spot.

As for why he was in a hurry, he naturally didn't know.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming seemed to arrive downstairs with the students.

However, due to the large number of students, they had to take the elevator in batches.

"Teacher Fang, how is the situation on Master Li's side?"

When all the students had gone up, Su Ming deliberately pulled Fang Yu aside, frowned and asked.

In the car just now, he noticed that Fang Yu's expression was wrong.

"It's bad, it could be at any time..."

Without the presence of the students, Fang Yu's emotions were finally a little unbearable, and he was already choked up halfway through speaking.

Hearing this, Su Ming didn't speak, but his expression was serious, and his eyes were a little solemn.

It seems that he guessed correctly, and he really can't hold it.

Fortunately, he was more resolute when he communicated with the director just now.

Every minute and every second is precious to Mr. Li.

Not at all.

"Let's go, seize every minute. "

The elevator doors open.

Su Ming patted Fang Yu's shoulder and spoke lightly.

At the same time, a flash of firmness flashed in eye 06.

This song "Farewell" must be sung well!

And waited until the backstage of the recording site.

Fang Yu called the phone again for the first time: "Sister-in-law, the children are about to come on stage, you let Gangzi watch it!"

Inside the hospital room.

Teacher Li's wife was still sobbing.

But now, there are not only Mr. Li and his wife in the room, but also several doctors and nurses.

Because during the period just now, Mr. Li's heartbeat rate has become more and more slow, and he may fall at any peak and trough.

Judging from their experience, this is most likely to be gone, and now they are hanging with a breath.

At this time, Mr. Li, who was lying on the hospital bed, was still looking at the screen in front of him with half-squinted eyes.

It's in the last stages of its life.

He had already explained all the trivial matters at home.

Now the only ones who can't rest assured are these children.

I have been with these children for three years.

I didn't expect to fall in the last few months.

This last shift was not able to hold after all.

I haven't seen the children return from the exam room in triumph.

It's a pity.

But there is nothing he can do, he has done everything he can.

I wanted to pass away so quietly.

I heard that the children were going to give him gifts.

He had to hold on to this breath.

I also want to see the children one last time, and the gifts they gave him.


Recording live.

took advantage of Su Ming and the others to get on the elevator.

The audience seemed to have begun to talk to each other.

"Why hasn't Su Ming come to power yet?"

"Hasn't Su Ming arrived yet?"

"It shouldn't be, the director just reported the curtain. "

"I guess you're getting on the elevator, right?"

"Poof, that's too much of a hurry, if he's in such a hurry, will he have time to do the soundtrack accompaniment? Or has it already been done in advance?"


Su Ming has not appeared for a long time, which obviously caused a short vacuum period in the show.

Although Mr. He is trying his best to interact with the audience, he reads the sponsor's advertising words from time to time.

But this still can't alleviate the discussion brought by this vacuum period.

And the number of people in the live broadcast room at this time.

It has already begun to climb towards 70 million.

"Su Ming's wrist is really too big, so many of us are waiting for him. "

"Who fired him before? I think this thing is quite outrageous!"

Hua Chenyu saw that Su Ming had not come for a long time, so she immediately aimed at the opportunity and came to such a sentence.

However, what he said did not gain much recognition.

On the contrary, it was unanimously scolded by the barrage.

"Archmage is talking about your mother?!"

"That's it, although I don't know why Su Ming hasn't appeared yet, but to say that Su Ming's down-to-earth spirit is hype, I don't agree to this!"

"Isn't it, have you ever seen a celebrity who can help fans set up stalls? And the level of selling cakes is better than those uncles and aunts?"

"Did the archmage sing a song of his father and float himself, forgetting that he summoned bodyguards to press the fans?"

"I think he just wants to take revenge on purpose! I've never seen a star like Su Ming, who doesn't look like a star at all!"

"But why hasn't Su Ming come yet, it's been a few minutes, Teacher He is not embarrassed on stage, I am embarrassed for him. "

"Yes, the director has reported the curtain, and Su Ming has not arrived yet. "

"It should be on soon, don't worry, just wait. "


Back to the scene.

Facing Hua Chenyu's speech, the faces of the old Xue Ziqi and others on the side were undoubtedly angry and anxious.

Su Ming, isn't this there yet?

And just when they were anxious, Mr. He, who had been easing the atmosphere on the stage, suddenly stopped and began to listen carefully to the sound in the headset.

After a few seconds, a smile finally appeared on Mr. He's face,

"Okay, let's wait for a long time, Mr. Su Ming encountered a traffic jam on the road just now. "

"But now we're backstage and ready to play. "

"Then next, let's hand over the stage to Teacher Su Ming!"

When Mr. He stepped down, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Damn, it's so hard to host this show!

Su Ming has finally arrived!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

And with Mr. He's words, it fell.

The eyes of the scene seemed to be all in unison towards the entrance entrance.

Is it finally time to wait?!

The next second.

I saw Su Ming carrying a guitar and a harmonica, and he suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

That's right, Su Ming finally appeared!

And behind Su Ming, there were rows of students following him.

At this time, the students' faces were a little nervous, and their eyes were red, but their eyes were extremely firm.

And for the arrival of these students, the audience was obviously not much surprised.

After all, this matter has long been on the hot search.

It's just that, to their surprise, the expressions of these students, as well as Su Ming's extremely serious state at this time, made them a little unexpected.

What's going on?

This atmosphere is really dignified!

The original discussion at the scene was already silenced by the solemn atmosphere of Su Ming and the others.

Even the flower dust that was originally going to choke a few words in front of Su Ming.

I didn't dare to speak for a while.

Because judging from Su Ming's expression, he didn't doubt it at all.

If he said a few cool words now, it is estimated that Su Ming would have to scold him Shabi in the next second, and rush down to him at the same time.

This kind of thankless work, he still forgets.

And quickly.

As the students lined up one by one, they were neatly arranged.

Su Ming picked up the microphone.

"Before I start singing, I want to say a few words to Mr. Li Rengang in front of the screen. "

"Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people, you have dedicated yourself to the cause of education for 20 years, and you have already been full of peach and plum all over the world. "

"Originally, you could choose to step down in the last period of your life, but even after a full eight rounds of chemotherapy, you still chose to stick to the three-foot podium. "

"Although I have never met you, I am really in awe of your words that you can make me forget my illness. "

"No surprises, under your tutelage, your students are all excellent, they are very kind and grateful. "

"This song was written by the children, and it is also a gift from the children. "

"The name of this song is "Farewell"!"

Su Ming's expression was solemn, and his words were full of respect.

And as soon as Su Ming's words came out.

The faces of everyone in the audience couldn't help but become solemn.

This moment.

They seemed to have some sudden realization.

No wonder Su Ming would bring students here.

No wonder the news said that there was a late stage of stomach cancer and something like that.

No wonder these students' eyes were red, and Su Ming's expression was extremely serious.

Now everything is clear.

Cooperate with Su Ming's words just now.

The whole thing is now immediately connected in everyone's minds.

In other words, the reason why the students came along was to sing a song to their teacher who had stomach cancer and might be dying, to show their gratitude.

Su Ming is in it, acting as a guide and a matchmaker.

And from Su Ming's words.

They already felt the greatness of this Teacher Li.

Stomach cancer in the late stage, eight chemotherapy treatments, still on the podium.

It's incredible that these things are connected together, and it's hard to calm down.

At this moment, Lao Xue Ziqi Yang Mi and the audience at the scene couldn't help but raise their heads slightly, their faces were extremely heavy, and there was an indescribable taste in their hearts.

Even the directors and production crew in the background were all touched all of a sudden, and their expressions became a little sad.

Even if the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 70 million now, they are a little unhappy.

Backstage, Fang Yu, who was listening to Su Ming's words at the moment, seemed to be completely unrestrained, and burst into tears.

Although he was a teacher, he was also a rough man, and he couldn't say the beautiful words that Su Ming praised and even praised just now.

But in his heart, he knows better than anyone else the greatness of his brother.

No matter how well this song "Farewell" is sung later, he feels that this trip is worth it!

"Sister-in-law, is Gangzi watching?"

"The kids are going to sing soon, let him hold me up!"

At this time, he couldn't help but look at the other end of the phone again to confirm the brother's situation. 337

"Watching, watching!"

There was a phone call, and the sound of crying came out of nowhere.

In the ward, whether it was his wife or several doctors and nurses, they couldn't help but burst into tears after listening to Su Ming's speech just now.

Several nurses in charge of taking care of them subconsciously covered their mouths at this moment.

They never expected that this ordinary teacher would have such an experience, which really made them awe-inspired.

This is especially true of the doctors, who have helped to do the eight chemotherapy treatments they have experienced before.

They always thought that it was because Mr. Li didn't take care of his body, which led to the accelerated deterioration of his condition, and it turned out that after chemotherapy, he actually ran back to class.

Hospital bed.

Teacher Li also seemed to be slightly touched by these words, and his godless eyes showed a slight fluctuation just now.

And let's talk about the live broadcast room at this time.

The barrage is already completely boiling.

"Hey, I've had stomach cancer, I've had eight rounds of chemotherapy, and I'm still going to class, which... Does such a teacher really exist?"

"What Su Ming said is really false, why does it sound a little unrealistic, the pain of stomach cancer in the late stage, that ordinary people really can't bear it!"

"It's really a bit incredible, after eight rounds of chemotherapy, people are weak, can they still go to class?"

"Judging from the students' expressions and Su Ming's tone, I think it should be true, there is no problem!"

"I also think it's okay, brothers, this is a show, if Su Ming uses this kind of thing as a singing gimmick, isn't that looking for death?"

"It makes sense! Su Ming's character is guaranteed, he won't be able to do that kind of thing, this thing must be true, I just don't know what the situation of Teacher Li is now?"

Judging from Su Ming's words just now, this Teacher Li should also be watching in front of the screen. "

"I don't know how Su Ming's "Farewell" was written, I hope Mr. Li can be satisfied. "

"Brothers, brush a wave to pay tribute to Teacher Li!"



Everyone is not only surprised by Mr. Li's dedication.

At the same time, I am looking forward to Su Ming's "Farewell".

"Kids, cheer up, we're going to get started. "


Su Ming exhaled deeply and looked at the rows of students behind him.

The students also exhaled, and after getting ready, they nodded at Su Ming.

At this moment, the whole scene was surprisingly quiet, and all the audience subconsciously held their breath.

The lights on the stage also gradually dimmed, focusing on Su Ming and the students.

The next second.

Su Ming picked up the guitar and slowly began to pluck the strings.

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