Chapter 92: If you provoke our two-legged beasts, they will be destroyed!

The outer wall of the reservoir was coated with a layer of concrete and the work was largely completed at this stage.

Looking at the time, it was close to dusk.

Lin Ran washed his hands and prepared to go to the reef to collect fishing cages and catch seafood. The three girls also took their tools and planned to go to the beach to catch the sea.

The four set off, and an hour and a half later, they returned to the shelter full of harvest.

When cooking, the three girls proposed to go to the little tiger girl tonight to have a barbecue, and you can see the tiger girl by the way.

Lin Ran readily agreed.

Then everyone took torches, firewood, salt, and food to the woods where the tanks were placed.

Now there is salt in the team, even if it is barbecue, it is not dull.

After Lin Ran set up the bonfire, he helped Chen Yu make a barbecue together, while Boss Yang and Reba took the seafood to feed the little tiger girl. As the sun goes down, the sky is still clear, and it seems that it will be at least eight o’clock if it gets dark tonight.

After feeding the tiger girl, Yang Mi proposed to let Lin Ran bring the guitar, today’s good weather, everyone gathered outside to engage in barbecue, how can there be no music.

Seeing the three girls looking enthusiastic, Lin Ran did not refuse.

Because he took the time to check his points, there are more than 6.8 million, and there is no problem at all in redeeming a few songs.

The remaining points are also enough to redeem other skills.

Seeing Lin Ran go to get the guitar, the audience in the live broadcast room also became happy, after all, many of them had heard Lin Ran sing, and the singing was indeed good.

The point is that this kid is an original singer.

The last song “He Summer Summer”, the lyrics are excellent, praising ordinary ordinary people.

So everyone is looking forward to what song Lin Ran will sing tonight.

“That day I picked up the guitar and put my hands in my pockets, indicating that there was no opponent!”

“Brother Ran is going to sing again, watch the show while eating at home, enjoy!”

“Last time I kept looping that song, although I was watching a video, it was really good, so looking forward to it!”

“If my brother doesn’t come out and sing a song again, do you still have this little fresh meat of him in your eyes?”

“Yes, without watching the barrage reminder, I forgot that Lin Ran is a little fresh meat.”

“Looking forward to it!”

“Looking forward to it!”

“Looking forward to it!”

Suddenly, the entire screen was slowly the audience’s expectations.

After watching Lin Ran and their hard work for a day, at dusk, on the beach where the evening breeze blew, watch them eat barbecue, and then listen to Lin Ran singing, enjoy it properly.

Liu Guifen and her husband Lin Quanyou finished dinner, put their mobile phones on the coffee table, plugged in the charger, moved two small benches to sit next to them, and when they saw this scene, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

When did my son learn to sing?

As a mother, Liu Guifen remembers Lin Ran’s bits and pieces.

Her own son has grown up since he was a child, really did not grow much, when he was a child school chorus songs, she heard her son sing, can only be described as a pity.

So for Lin Ran to sing with a guitar, she and Lin Quanyou were skeptical.

“When my son sings, he won’t be scolded by the audience, right?”

Liu Guifen was a little worried.

She watched the live broadcast all afternoon, knowing how much the audience liked her son, and her heart felt proud and happy.

After all, if someone likes Lin Ran, it means that Lin Ran has done a good job.

So now I am very worried that when my son sings, he will be complained or scolded by the audience, which will not be embarrassing.

Lin Quanyou took a sip of the teacup and analyzed: “It should not be, if you like a person, you must tolerate his advantages and disadvantages, as long as the singing is not too ugly, it should not be.” ”

“Should? You turtle talk with moisture. ”

Liu Guifen frowned.

Lin Quanyou’s face tightened,

“Absolutely not! The son looks so handsome, didn’t you watch the news? As long as it looks good, fans are praising everything, although it is very unconscionable. ”

Liu Guifen nodded, as if so.

His son looks as handsome as Liu Dehua, so he should not be scolded.

Besides, if you are handsome and singing good, where is such a perfect person.

With a hint of worry, Liu Guifen continued to watch the live broadcast.

Lin Ran came back with a guitar and a coconut.

“Today is the first day of dinner with the baby killer whales, everyone has worked hard, drink some coconut water to celebrate.”

Open the coconut and pour coconut water for everyone.

When the barbecue was ready, the four of them sat around the fire and toasted together about the sunset and evening breeze.

After drinking coconut water, I started eating seafood barbecue.

What grilled shrimp, grilled fish, grilled crab, because with sea salt and mint sprinkled on, although there is no chili, but there is also flavor, the main thing is a fresh.

This is by the sea, the seafood eaten is fresh, and the taste is a little better.

“Well, this grilled shrimp is good, can it be eaten for the little tiger girl?”

Reba ate a bite of grilled shrimp, it was praised, and immediately wanted to share it with the little tiger girl,

“How is that possible, there is no barbecue in the killer whale’s food ring.”

Lin Ran quickly persuaded her not to mess around.

Don’t be a little tiger girl who didn’t die because of the wound, because she died of eating barbecue, wouldn’t she be a sinner.

“Then I’ll give it something else.”

Reba put down the skewers, fished out a live shrimp from the tin jar, and happily walked to the tank.

“Tiger girl, call sister, call sister, sister will give you small shrimp and shrimp.”

In the next second, I saw the little tiger girl sticking her head out of the water and shouting a few times at Reba, which looked very cute.

Reba was overjoyed and threw the live shrimp into the tiger girl’s mouth.

The tiger girl’s mouth closed and she cried out happily again.

Reba simply melted into the tiger girl’s cry, reached out and touched its mouth, and the tiger girl obediently let it touch.

Seeing this scene, not only everyone present laughed, including the audience in the live broadcast room, but also turned into a tiger girl and launched a barrage.

“The little tiger girl is so cute, it’s just as cute as Reba!”

“How smart is this killer whale?”

“Ocean Boundary Street Slippery Messing with you? Killer whales like to tease two-legged beasts the most. ”

“What is a two-legged beast?”

“We humans, killer whales even sperm whales and humpback whales dare to sneak attack, but will not harm humans, in the records, wild killer whales have never maliciously injured people, it is estimated that they know that if they provoke our two-legged beasts, they will be exterminated.”

“Nonsense! We two-legged beasts run without tigers, lions are fast, and they are not too big, but who in the animal world sees us is not shivering! ”


“Two-legged beast NB!”

Teasing the tiger girl, Reba returned to the bonfire and said with a smile: “The tiger girl is so smart!” ”

“That’s of course, killer whales are known as ocean killers, they are found in the North and South Poles, and the tropical ocean, and they are one of the most intelligent animals in the ocean.”

Lin Ran said.

“Killer whales are considered to be among the few animals other than humans that have their own language system.”

“Unfortunately, humans can’t crack their language systems yet, otherwise there is a naïve way to communicate with killer whales.”

After listening to Lin Ran’s words, the three girls had a deeper understanding of killer whales.

After a barbecue meal, the four people continued to sit in front of the fire and chat.

Yang Mi looked at the time, squinted at Lin Ran, and said with a smile: “You can start singing, last time you promised to sell me a song, a few days have passed, are there eyebrows?” ”

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