Chapter 117:

Chapter 117

Let’s focus on Park Jin-hyuk!

AWY, Jin-hyuk injured his ankle during AMF shooting... ‘Emergency room visit’

AWY’s Jin-hyuk suffers minor ankle ligament injury, album release delay is “under review”

He thought there would be no problem since he had succeeded lightly during the rehearsal. The trouble was that Park Jin-hyuk got greedy on the main stage and jumped higher than he did in the rehearsal. He twisted his ankle when he landed.

“I’m worried about Jin-hyuk hyung.”

“Are you okay, Ian?”

“I’m fine.”

The six members who returned to their dormitory headed to the entrance at the sound of the door lock opening.

“Hyung, what happened?”

“They said the ligament ruptured. They decided to cast it for two weeks and see how it goes.”

Park Dong-soo moved aside, and Park Jin-hyuk limped into the dormitory. He smiled sheepishly and lifted his injured ankle.

“I gained charisma and lost my ankle.”


“It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt much.”

Park Seo-dam supported the limping Park Jin-hyuk. He sat him on the sofa in the living room and the members sat casually on the floor.

“But we did well on our stage. The reaction was great too.”

“Hyung, don’t tell me you watched AMF at the hospital?”

“Yeah, why? You guys didn’t?”

We were worried about you. The members looked at Park Jin-hyuk with a disappointed expression. Lee Ju-hyuk sighed deeply.

“Anyway... let’s order some food today. Hyung, is that okay?”

“Today... yeah, let’s not worry about diet management.”

They would have cheered and been happy if it had been normal, but they weren’t happy with the delivery food they got as an excuse for Park Jin-hyuk’s injury.

“What did the company say? Our comeback is not far away.”

“They’re discussing it because of that... but your opinions are the most important. What do you want to do?”

“How about we talk while we eat?”

That sounds good. No matter how busy we are, we have to eat well. Park Dong-soo picked up his phone and called Kim Myung-jin who was waiting in the parking lot.

Lee Ju-hyuk ordered some delivery food and came back with a tablet pad. He sat in the center.

“Let’s monitor our stage from earlier.”

‘American Music Festival’ was broadcast live on MyTube and the clip video was uploaded right away.

The AWY members danced to the music with a blazing abandoned factory behind them. Their movements were perfectly synchronized and their live performance was full of realism. Jo Tae-woong and Kim Joo-young complimented them.

“Who are these guys? Who is this handsome guy?”

“Isn’t he amazing at dancing with blond hair? He totally turned the stage upside down.”

At the chorus part of the song, Ian and Park Jin-hyuk climbed up on a forklift bucket and sang. The members gasped at their appearance captured in one shot.


“Look at their expressions.”

Park Jin-hyuk, who rapped with a frown and thick eyebrows, looked cool even to other men.

‘At least he was cool...’

[So what? They got paid peanuts for AMF and Park Jin-hyuk got hurt.]

AMF was a famous festival in America, but this year’s online concert was not selling tickets or viewing rights, but a free concert to encourage people in difficult times due to COVID-19. From the singers’ point of view, they performed purely to raise their awareness.

“I’ll make a frame out of that scene and reminisce with my Silver Town peers later.”

“I’ll hug it before bed and reminisce about ‘how awesome I was’.”

As Jo Tae-woong and Kim Hyun talked, the members on the screen lined up in a row. Park Jin-hyuk and Ian jumped down from the bucket and stood behind them.

“It seemed like a good jump?”

“Oh, I lost my balance there.”

The camera caught them in a full shot, with Park Jin-hyuk wobbling slightly at the end of their stage. Lee Ju-hyuk turned off the tablet pad and spoke.

“How was it? I think our choreography was awesome, don’t you?”

Park Jin-hyuk poked Jo Tae-woong’s shoulder, who was sitting diagonally below him.

“Oh, Tae-woong improved a lot in singing. You should pay more attention to your expression now.”Rêađ latest chapters on no/v/e/l(b)in(.)com

“Okay, noted.”

Park Jin-hyuk made an okay sign with his thumb and index finger. Ian followed up with feedback.

“Like Seo-dam said earlier, let’s not make it roll well but make it heavy even if we use force.”

The members ignored Park Jin-hyuk’s words and continued to discuss the stage composition.

A wheeled chair might look pretty good if they decorate it well. But do they need a chair? Ian suggested an idea.

“How about something like a palanquin? Like in historical dramas.”

“Oh, that’s good!”

“Let’s add that for now.”

Park Jin-hyuk laughed bitterly. He felt sorry for changing the choreography because of him.

“Guys, isn’t the scale getting bigger and bigger? I’m really...”

“Just stay still. I’m feeling it now. The stage is going to be awesome.”

Kim Hyun cut off Park Jin-hyuk’s words. Lee Ju-hyuk summed up the situation.

“Okay, there will be feedback from the choreographer teacher, but let’s do it this way for now?”


“Let’s focus on Park Jin-hyuk!”

Watching the members exchange opinions excitedly, Kim Myung-jin whispered to Park Dong-soo.

“So, are they not postponing the release?”

Park Dong-soo smiled bitterly as he saw the members thinking about the stage composition before giving a definite answer to the manager.

“Guys, so you’re not postponing the activity?”

“Of course.”

After hearing the doctor’s opinion, Park Dongsoo didn’t try to stop the members who insisted on performing. He agreed with them that they wouldn’t have to move too much on stage. Of course, he didn’t expect them to recover quickly during the music show schedule.

“Hyung, I’ll take a shower first.”


Park Jinhyuk, who had become roommates with the cleaning king Kim Juyeong after a fierce battle, collapsed on the bed.

“Why did I do that?”

He twisted his body as he remembered the accident that happened earlier that day. In fact, if he had done as he did during the rehearsal, this accident wouldn’t have happened.

He thought it would be cool if he jumped higher from here. That was the root of the problem.

-Jinhyuk oppa, don’t be hurtᅲᅲᅲᅲᅮᅮᅮᅲᅮ

-Oppa, it’s okay if you’re lateᅲᅲᅲTake care of your health firstᅮᅲᅲᅮ

Park Jinhyuk opened the fan cafe and stared blankly at the posts filled with his worries. As he scrolled down, his worries continued endlessly.

Suddenly, he received a notification that Lee Juhyuk had posted a new message.

[Juhyuk] AWYdom! Don’t worry!


Jinhyuk’s injury is not that serious.

The official article will be out soon, but I wanted to tell you first. We decided not to postpone our activities. We will proceed as planned.

We will change the stage composition, so please look forward to it. We will take good care of Jinhyuk!

The photo he uploaded was of the members scribbling on Park Jinhyuk’s cast after dinner. The comments increased explosively.

Park Jinhyuk laughed with a deflated voice. He thought they would put him aside because he was injured, but who would have known they would make him the center.

The members who saw Lee Juhyuk’s post appeared in the group chat.

(Ian4) Ah – 23:30

(Ian4) I was going to post first – 23:30

(Hyunhyun2) You’re so fast, hyung – 23:30

(Hyunhyun2) I just had to press the write button – 23:31

(Jotan3) As expected, the one with the earphones is different – 23:31

(Lee Juhyuk2) ᄏ – 23:31

Lee Juhyuk won the bet on who would access the fan cafe more often and do fan service.

Park Jinhyuk smiled and posted a message on the fan cafe telling them not to worry.

AWY (AWY) Jinhyuk ankle injury... No postponement of album release. [Official]

AWY, agency on Jinhyuk’s injury “Regular album activities will proceed as planned... We will do our best to protect our artists”

-They’re not postponing even though he’s hurt? Are they crazy?

-Park Jinhyuk will get a lot of hate for this comebackᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-They’ll overlap with my idols

-Will they not play MyKit and Mafia game again? It was fun

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