Chapter 181:

Chapter 181

What am I going to do there?

No, I didnt cry. Something got in my eye.

Youre kidding me. Ian snorted.

Im No-eul didnt say anything after that. He just shook his head slightly and lowered it, but Ian noticed the comment section of a popular portal site on the screen of his phone.

No-eul, why are you looking at that?

Im curious about the reactions.

You should go to the fan cafe if youre curious. You shouldnt look at that stuff.

This feels familiar. It reminded him of the old memory when Kim Young-hyun came to him when he was looking at the internet reactions during the early days of his debut as Awi.

So this is how it turned out.

Im No-eul thought Ian would leave soon, but he was still sitting on the opposite chair. He rolled his eyes and glanced at Ian.

Why, are you uncomfortable? Should I just go?

No, its not that

Ian decided to wait until Im No-eul opened his mouth. It was also a way to vent out when someone had a problem.

Of course, when Ian was Kim Yong-min, he had no one to talk to.

[Isnt this a waste of time?]

Why do you think its a waste?

Jin kept nagging, but Ian ignored him. He wanted to try being a kind senior for once.


Ian lifted his head. Im No-eul called him, but he was silent for a long time.

Ian didnt rush him and waited until the next words came out.

Is it always like this?

Im No-eul, who was wondering if he could talk about this, finally opened his mouth. It was a vague question without a subject, but Ian knew what he was talking about right away.

[Its always like that.]

Jin immediately answered, but it wouldnt reach Im No-eul. But Ian couldnt say anything.

Its hard.

The publics interest in the agency increased as the affiliated singers continued to succeed. Some people even became fans of the agency itself.

Fever, who followed Black Rush and Awi, received explosive attention even before their debut. It was more so because their debut period coincided with Awis hiatus.

We got more attention than when we debuted.

He had checked the internet communities from time to time during the filming of Z-Day, so he knew well how Fever, or Im No-eul, received attention and how they were provoked, fabricated, and criticized.

Ian crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair.

What should I say?

It was inevitable as a public figure. It was always like that, and it was not something we could stop. Saying that would sound like Its been like that, so you have to endure it.

I dont think I can give you an easy answer.


Im No-eul lowered his head in disappointment.

Its not that your problem is trivial. Its hard for me too.

Im No-eul lifted his head again at Ians words. He had lived two lives in the entertainment industry, both in his previous and current life, but Ian was also a human being. As a human being, he couldnt help but get hurt by excessive criticism.

Im just used to it, not comfortable with it.

Ian had just learned how to deal with it.

Well I dont have anything to say except to toughen up your mind.

How do I do that? I dont know, hyung.

Im No-eul fiddled with the corner of his phone that had turned off the screen and asked casually.

Well If I have learned anything, its self-righteousness.


If I do it, its romance. If someone else does it, its adultery.


Im No-eul uttered an exclamation with a blank expression.

Of course, if you do something wrong that makes the headlines, you cant think like that. And of course, you cant do anything immoral or illegal either. That would be a big problem if youre self-righteous. You know what I mean, right?


Anyway, other than that, you have to keep thinking that youre right and theyre wrong.

Me on Seong PDs variety show?

Yeah, you just have to say okay and well pack our bags and head to Gangwon-do right away.

He would have to consult with Kim Myungjin, but it was a no-brainer to accept a high-rated variety show. Kim Myungjin would welcome it and squeeze it in even if they had a lot of schedules.

I recommended you because I thought you wouldnt be able to do the job well.


Kim Juyeongs expression, which had been flustered, brightened up in an instant. Rural Life was a weekend prime time variety show, as well as a trusted Seong PDs show. There was no reason to refuse.

Why not you and me?

Minhwan hyung said he was having a hard time. He had his phone taken away and couldnt search for recipes. He said he only ate rice and kimchi.

Wow, thats perfect for Juyeong, isnt it?

Jo Taewoong, who was listening next to him, tapped Kim Juyeongs shoulder and made a fuss.

Hey, this is your chance. Go for it.

But what about our comeback preparations?

Kim Juyeong hesitated. It was their long-awaited comeback, and he didnt want to delay it by a day because of him.

Thats something we can figure out among ourselves.

Juyeong, its not like its going to be pushed back that much just because youre gone for a few days.

Right, cant we just do our recording first while youre gone?

The members shouted for him to decide quickly. Kim Hyun frowned at Kim Joo-youngs words that followed.

Can I do this well?

Dont be ridiculous. How often do you get such an opportunity? Hey, someone tell Kim Myung-jin quickly.

Ill do it.

Park Seo-dam was already calling Kim Myung-jin. Ian went to her side and added his opinion.

One day is too short Ask him if we can get two days.

Then lets finish recording as much as we can before we go.

Lee Joo-hyuk quickly changed the recording schedule as if it was already decided, and managed to get Kim Myung-jins permission after a short call. Kim Myung-jin praised them for getting such a schedule.

Joo-young got confirmed for a hit variety show, lets go eat meat.

Meat? Hey, Jo Tae-woong, are you using Kim Joo-young as an excuse?

Joo-young is being exploited.

They had only seen the food at the wedding and had not eaten yet. The members jumped up at Jo Tae-woongs words and headed outside the practice room.

Kim Joo-young walked side by side with Ian and casually asked.

Do you know the cast members well?

Min-hwan hyung has a similar personality to Jo Tae-woong, so youll get along with him quickly. Hye-ji noona is also kind.

What am I supposed to do there?

What are you supposed to do? You go there and cook, clean, help out, and become a new servant to replace Jo Min-hwan.

Just do what you did at Tae-woongs grandmothers house and everyone there will become your fanatics.



Kim Joo-young was nervous because it was his first time doing this kind of variety show.

Ian stroked his chin and thought. Rural Life season 2 had a lot of incidents and accidents. The water pipe suddenly burst, the farming tools were rusty, and they had trouble harvesting the crops in the field.

Min-hwan hyung complained that there were a lot of problems in the house and he didnt have any tools to fix them, right?

Ian recalled his memory and advised Kim Joo-young.

If I had to say bring some household tools and baking soda.


(Dancing King Kim Joo-young 2) Choi Ian 11:00

(Dancing King Kim Joo-young 2) This scary guy 11:00

Kim Joo-young, who had gone to Gangwon-do to film Rural Life, sent a message out of the blue.

He says he arrived well like this.

It seemed that Ians advice worked well. While he chuckled, the other members sent messages at Kim Joo-youngs random words.

(Hyun-hyun 3) ? 11:02

(Jo Tae-woong 4) What? 11:02

(Dancing King Kim Joo-young 2) Theres something like that, I have to give my phone to PD Sung, see you in Seoul 11:03

After that message, Kim Joo-young did not show up in the chat room for two days.

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