Chapter 189:

Chapter 189


The fans who finished the pre-recording sat back in line. They started to write their reviews of the show on their SNS accounts and fan communities, to record the atmosphere of the event.

-Taeung and Seodam cried

-They performed so well and Ian ripped his shirt (very important)

-They remixed the intro They are genius idols

Dasol also bragged to her friends that the show was crazy and awesome. Jang Minhee replied with crying emoticons, and Dasol smiled and turned off her phone screen.

Did you see Ian ripping his shirt earlier?

Yes, I did!

Not satisfied with posting on the internet, she chatted with the Thai fan sitting in front of her, reliving the stage they just saw.

From afar, the fan manager and the new managers of Awi came carrying big boxes. They contained the reverse fan gifts for breakfast.

Everyone! Please receive them in order of your numbers!

Inside the studio, they were dismantling the stage they just did and rebuilding it for the next one. So there was quite some time left before the next stage.

The fans orderly received their breakfast. In the paper box, there were sandwiches, fruits, and juice.

Lets eat a lot and cheer for todays recording.Yôur favorite novels at n/o(v)el/bin(.)com

Sorry for making you stay up late. Stay with us till the end!

And there were sticky notes that seemed to be written by the members themselves attached to the inside of the box. Looking at the note that the person next to her received, they were not the same for everyone, but different messages for each member.

So thoughtful.

They were famous for this since the Alympics.

Dasol bit into her sandwich with a happy expression.


Please move in order of your numbers!

Dasol, who had done two more recordings after the first stage, finished her lunch and stood in front of the coffee truck prepared by the members.

In the morning, they mainly performed the songs that had been released before, and the last stage was scheduled to be the comeback title and the side tracks.

I thought it would be hard, but its not so bad?

Kim Eunha told her to brace herself and go when she heard that Dasol was on the list for Awis comeback show. She had told her stories of other people who had experienced the comeback show for half a day.

Its not that bad compared to their concert.

Dasol, who had been very nervous, stretched and headed to the coffee truck. She was already excited by the performance itself, and it was a bonus to see her favorite idols faces relatively close.

-Awis comeback show live

They are spoiling their fans

Im at the scene and I think Im going to die of happiness, what else do they have

Look at what they gave us Is this the Alympics?

I just got a churro from the coffee truck

Look at their handwritten notes, they are all different, so touching

Koreans must feel satisfied only when they feed others, no matter what the situation. They kept giving food to the fans to cheer them up, so they felt full.

I want to hear their new songs soon.


The excitement and anticipation lasted only until the evening.

It would have been better if they could perform without interruption, but they had to come out and wait again for the next stage after each song.

It started to hurt to sit on the floor, and it hurt to stand, so they had to sit down again.

Im so tired

Dasol, who was waiting for the next stage, drooped her head in exhaustion.

Anyone has a charger?

I do, but my phone battery is 6% too.

The fans who were chatting loudly in the morning became quieter and quieter, and some of them slept with their faces on their knees, or just stared at their phones silently.


Wow Im exhausted.

The members who finished a song and came back to the waiting room sprawled on the sofa.

I cant relax and sleep because I have to do the next stage as soon as I feel sleepy.

Our staff and fans must be having a hard time too.

The members were in a similar situation as the fans. At least they had a waiting room, which was much better than the fans.

The members wiped the sweat off their faces with towels.

Isnt our choreography too hard for humans? How are we going to dance like this when we have our 10th anniversary?

Ida-sol stared blankly at the members who wore the costumes she wanted to see. Her heart, which had been a heavy fan of 2D comics, thumped.


Where is the stylist teacher? Ill bow to you in the direction you are.

The suits that fit their bodies were similar to the uniforms they wore when they debuted, but there were differences in the details.

What? You want me to spoil it? Its not fun if I spoil it.

Our new song is Blue hour. I saw the articles that the fans interpreted. Twilight and dawn

Jin-hyuk! Stop!

Ah, Jin-hyuk hyung is doing it again.

The six members quickly gathered around Park Jinhyuk, the spoiler fairy, to stop him from spilling any secrets.

Jinhyuk hyung, well take care of him.

Yeah, go ahead and deal with him.

Jo Taewoong and Kim Juyeong, who had hooked their arms around Park Jinhyuks, dragged him to the corner of the stage.

As the members moved, the thin chains that wrapped around their faces and bodies sparkled under the lights. The fans who were watching them also had their eyes lit up.

Alright, were going to start the last recording.

The fans screamed at the PDs words. The members found their positions for the choreography, and Lee Juhyuk asked the fans.

Everyone, you must be tired from waiting so long, but this is our last stage, so can you cheer louder for us?


Idasol also tried to memorize the new song from beginning to end with a clear mind, as if she had entered the first recording.

Im nervous

As the fans held their breath and stared at the stage, the studio was filled with the melody of the new song.


Idasol, who had watched the last stage and came out trembling, muttered blankly as she saw the morning sun rising in the sky.

This is crazy

This is it.

-Is the recording over?

How was it?

The kids new song was crazy

It was awesome, just awesome

Please take care of our kids for life, coordi-nim

-Dont cry and someone write a detailed review

I dont know, it was just crazy, I dont remember

Memory evaporated, just awesome, see for yourself later

Im so jealous, why didnt I go to the comeback show

It was really hard, but I woke up after seeing their new song, its the best ever


Good job, everyone.

You too, hyung.

The members who had finished the comeback show and got on the van groaned as they sat on the chairs.

This time, the new manager, Park Jiwhan, was behind the wheel. He started the van with a nervous expression.

But why did Taewoong cry in the first song?

Ugh, I guess Im getting old. I dont know, I just teared up.

But I think I know how he feels. I almost cried in the last song too.

Kim Hyun nodded his head slowly.

The members, who had gained strength from the fans support in the last song, forgot their fatigue and opened their eyes brightly.

By the way, when are you doing Rural Life, Juyeong?

Saturday, I guess?

Can we watch it live?

Hey, were busy with our schedule, just dont watch it. I didnt do anything special.

Kim Juyeongs voice, which tried to dissuade them, sounded a bit shaky. Ian was determined to watch it anyway, because he had heard something at the Arts Awards.

Why dont we watch it together later after our schedule?

Dont watch it!

Kim Juyeong shouted in surprise at Ians casual suggestion.

Why is he like that? It makes me want to watch it more.

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