Chapter 66 Because of Zhang Lin’an, those judges are crazy!!

Inside the Venice Film Festival Selection Committee.

“No, Clint, I definitely disagree with you!”

The blonde Natalie looked at Sean not far away, and then retorted very seriously: “I know that Shaun plays a very good male protagonist, but don’t you think that he always plays an expressionless tough guy is too new?” ”

“And the plot of that movie is really good, and there are many reversals, but the male protagonist did not bring me even the slightest surprise.”

“He’s been an actor for thirteen years, but the roles he’ve played in these thirteen years have always been like this. That’s not enough to make him the best actor at the Venice Film Festival! ”

Speaking of this, Natalie pointed to Zhang Lin’an, who was looking forward to playing Xiaogen on the screen.

“I didn’t know this young actor from the Dragon Country, but his performance surprised me a lot, especially the kind of eyes full of emotion.”

“When facing a factory friend, Xiaogen’s eyes are happy and full of innocence, full of hope for the future.”

When facing his girlfriend from the big city, his eyes were slightly timid. Giving my girlfriend red high heels, when I saw my girlfriend happy and liked it, the small happiness in my eyes still intoxicated me. ”

“The most important thing is that scene with his girlfriend’s father, obviously there are only a few lines, and even most of the little roots are in a state of silence.”

But that’s it, when I heard his girlfriend’s father say that he would take his daughter back to the big city and wouldn’t stay in the small countryside like him. Xiao Gen’s heartfelt inferiority eyes, the sense of dodging but rushing to the face. ”

Speaking of this, Natalie looked at Clint and said seriously: “Even at the end of the movie, when my girlfriend proposed to break up and said that the relationship was not real, Xiaogen’s heart-wrenching desperate eyes made me feel even more heartbroken.” ”

“My God, the denial from my girlfriend, the inferiority of young people in the countryside in front of people in big cities, the look of despair after suppression is simply heartbreaking.”

“I swear to God that when I watch this movie, if Xiaogen is in front of me, then I will definitely hold him in my arms and comfort him fiercely!”

Listening to Natalie’s speech, several of the judges nodded approvingly.

Although they didn’t want to hug Gen in their arms and comfort him fiercely.

But I have to say that the emotions that this young actor from the Dragon Country expresses just through his eyes are simply amazing!

“Natalie, I agree with you, and I also agree with the acting skills of this young actor. But you are too emotional, and don’t you think that this young man from the Dragon Country is too young? ”

Clint, who had just been refuted by him, looked at the emotional Natalie, and then said with a smile: “According to the information handed over by the director Wang, he has not been exposed to acting before and is only eighteen years old. So…”

“So what?”

Looking at Clint, Natalie retorted without hesitation: “First of all, my dear Clint, who are we?” We are judges at the Venice Film Festival! ”

“Shouldn’t we be more emotional? We are all professional filmmakers, producers, directors, and none of us who know movies can be full of emotional colors. ”

“We can’t be moved by the acting skills of the protagonist in a movie, so what qualifications do we have to stand here and choose the best actor at this Venice Film Festival?”

“If those of us who know the film and the terminology of the screen can’t be moved by the movie, then why should we ask the audience to be moved by the plot of the movie and the acting skills of the actors?”

“As for this Xiaogen actor Zhang, my God, he is only eighteen years old and has such emotional and resonant acting skills. Does that just mean that he deserves the status of best actor at the Venice Film Festival? ”

Speaking of this, Natalie got up, looked at the other judges sitting next to her and said very seriously: “I know, this actor from the East is very young. But gentlemen, ladies. We are professional judges. ”

“We judge the film based on the quality of the film, the protagonist’s acting skills, not his age or resume or background.”

“If we give up his moving, depressing, heartbreaking acting skills just because of his age or resume, then what’s the difference between us and other small film festivals?”

“Why did we at the Venice Film Festival become one of the top three international film festivals? Isn’t it because we can conduct the selection from an objective and impartial standpoint, rather than being disturbed by the applicant’s country and background? ”

With a long sigh of relief, Natalie allowed herself to stabilize her emotions.

Then he glanced around the judges and said seriously: “No matter what, I will vote for this vote in my hand, this vote for the best actor at the Venice Film Festival, for this young actor from the East!” ”

“I’m sorry, I can’t give up choosing him because of his youth or resume, otherwise, what’s the difference between us and the damn academics of the Hollywood Oscars?”

Listening to Natalie’s last words, these judges were slightly silent.

Natalie is right, as a judge, especially as a judge of the three major international film festivals.

We must stand on a fair stand to judge the quality of the movie and the acting skills of the protagonist.

After all, to be able to become one of the three major international film festivals, along with the Cannes and Berlin Film Festivals.

It is not only the opening of the film festival, but also the major films that can sell for high prices after winning awards.

“Alright, judges, about the voting for best actor, we can start it!”

One of the old men saw Natalie sit down after speaking, and then motioned for the judges to start voting.

After the voting was completed, he continued: “Then what we want to choose is the best film award.” ”

At the same time, on the plane.

At this moment, Zhang Linan did not know that those judges were arguing because of themselves, let alone that there was a film judge from Europe who was impassioned for himself.

Looking into a deep sleep, but still not forgetting to look for his own arm.

Zhang Linan covered her with the blanket while passing her arm over.

Yang Mi always felt very uncomfortable in her sleep, and she was not as relaxed as when she slept in the secret cabin.

Until he was very skillful in holding the arm that he had long carved in his heart. Even in her sleep, the corners of Yang Mi’s mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

The feeling of peace of mind is really fascinating!

(Thanks to the ‘177’ boss for the thousand rewards, thank you for the support of the boss.) Sorry ha, I couldn’t find the name of the big guy in the backstage, so I’m sorry here.

In addition, it is on the shelf, you guys ask for a subscription, I really didn’t expect that the subscription would be so miserable, it’s pitiful)

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