Chapter 77 Sensational, media reporters blocked at the airport!!

“Singer? No, it’s the actor! Zhang Linan won the actor of the three major international film festivals “The fourth major international film festival actor winner in the entertainment industry, Zhang Lin’an!

“Childhood sweetheart? Two little guesses? Standing on the highest podium of the International Film Festival, Zhang Linan gently called Yang Mi! 》

“Eighteen-year-old explosive singer, eighteen-year-old actor, the entertainment industry is calling wolf! 》

“Enter Zhang Lin’an, an eighteen-year-old young man who was born to belong to the entertainment industry!”


With the news of Zhang Lin’an’s winning the actor at the Venice Film Festival back to China, not only Zhang Lin’an’s fans were boiling.

Many media outlets have also begun to report on it.

The Internet, newspapers, radio, radio, etc. all broadcast the publicity about Zhang Lin’an’s winning the Venice Film Festival.

Suddenly, Zhang Linan became popular throughout the country! నా

If the first fire was lit by Zhang Lin’an’s agent Wang Jinhua himself

So now, the speed of the spread of the ‘fire’ is even the initiator Wang Jinhua is a little dumbfounded.

Walking on the streets, you can almost hear news about Zhang Lin’an now

Especially in the pursuit of new things on the front line of young people, Zhang Linan is a topic that cannot be avoided.

Even if some people don’t like Zhang Lin’an’s songs so much, they haven’t seen the movie “Qinghong”.

But there are almost no young people who are unaware of the existence of the name Zhang Lin’an.

Anyone who mentions Zhang Linan will come with a sentence, “Does Zhang Linan know?” That’s my idol. I’ll tell you, how good Zhang Lin’an is.”

Even if you are an elderly person, listen to the son or little grandson in the family, how is this called Zhang Lin’an.

After going out, I will say a word to other peers surnamed Zhang This doll is very medium!

This degree of popularity was something that Wang Jinhua did not expect.

So the next day, I saw the re-sent offers from those merchants who wanted to invite Zhang Linan as a spokesperson.

As the first agent of domestic entertainment, how could Wang Jinhua not know that the young man he signed up with was already more popular than he imagined!

That’s right, a major international film festival actor added to the body, plus the sales of more than two million copies of the “Eighteen-Year-Old” album.

It is enough to make Zhang Linan envy a large number of stars in the circle.

Although half of the current high popularity is vain, as long as this half of the vain popularity can be turned into real popularity, then Zhang Linan can directly become a line master!

It is a representative in the music world, and the taste of the film and television circle.

In fact, Zhang Linan is once again popular, even more popular than the last time the album was released.

Both Wang Jinhua and Song Ke were very excited.

The only thing that is a little worried is the director of “Immortal Sword”.

Cold knowledge, there are five assistant directors of the TV series “Sword of Immortals”, and the director is six people!

Well, there are even more directors than assistant directors combined.

Although, several of them are just nominals.

The ones who are really responsible for directing the shooting are Wu Jinyuan and Mai Guanzhi.

So when these two directors saw Zhang Linan become popular again, his popularity was even more popular than when he released the album.

So he kept calling Wang Jinhua with some worry.

One moment I was worried that Zhang Linan would not be able to watch the TV series “Immortal Sword”, which was changed by a game, and the other was worried that Zhang Linan, who is now popular, would think that the salary was too low?

In short, after these two directors initially wanted to find popular actors to play the leading role, they were rejected by He Jionglin Zhiying, Nicholas Xie and others.

They can also be regarded as open, and others simply do not look at their TV series with low investment or game adaptation.

Finally came a relatively popular Zhang Lin’an, but as a result, the crew had not finished preparing, and the popularity of the three major international film festivals once exceeded the above ones.

How can this not make these two directors excited, but also a little panicked! In case of. Zhang Linan didn’t come to shoot but yesterday!

As for Liu Yifei, who played Zhao Linger?

Well, her popularity is indeed relatively good now, but now she is really incomparable with Zhang Lin’an, who is popular all over the country!

So when I heard Wang Jinhua’s promise that my artists would never regret it after signing the contract, Lin’an was not such an actor who backtracked.

The two directors were relieved.

As for the crew’s preparations, it has to be accelerated, how can this wave of popularity dividends be eaten to the mouth!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jinhua glanced up at the time, then got up and called a few bodyguards to go to the airport.

Cher sent herself the take-off time, so calculate the time, Lin’an and Honey’s plane should be about to land!

All the way to the airport, just as Wang Jinhua thought, many media reporters in the airport hall were also waiting at this moment.

I didn’t care too much this time, I didn’t follow the “Blue Red” crew to the Venice Film Festival, and I didn’t get first-hand information.

Many of the reporters’ bosses are about to criticize them to death.

Therefore, as reporters, they naturally can’t let go of the news that Zhang Lin’an’s plane landed and interviewed as soon as possible!

Wang Jinhua had expected this scene for a long time, so he would come with bodyguards to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

When those reporters saw Wang Jinhua, they held up their cameras, and the cameras rushed over.

“Sister Hua, you are Zhang Lin’an’s agent, are you here to pick him up?”

“Do you have any next itinerary and plans? He won the fourth major international film festival in China, do you have any arrangements for him? ”

“Sister Hua, the last thing Lin An said on the podium, is he confessing to Yang Mi again? Are the two of them together? ”

“Sister Hua.”

After watching these reporters rush towards you, you start a bunch of questions.

Wang Jinhua smiled without half surprise: “Fellow journalists, take your time, don’t affect the normal order of the airport.” ”

“As for the question of whether I came to pick up Lin’an, of course, he is my artist after all, so he has won such a high honor, how can I, who is an agent, not come to greet him?”

“As for the formation and intention, many merchants have sent endorsement invitations to Lin’an, and our team is screening these endorsement invitations. As for other resource TV series, one has already been signed and will soon enter the group. ”

“Another TV series is still in contact!”

Speaking of this, Wang Jinhua, who looked at the reporter in front of him who was waiting for his answer, smiled: “As for whether Lin An and Mimi are together, the two of them are together. ”

“Haven’t the two of them been together all the time? As far as I know, these two young people have been together since they were three years old. I haven’t been separated since I was a child! ”

Well, it’s not to say whether the dead two people are together or not, and whether they are in love or not.

If you have the ability, guess it.

What a good heat, whether it is directly admitted or directly denied, it cannot achieve the maximum heat.

So in this case, of course, do tai chi!

At least it can give Zhang Lin’an’s fans and fans, and fans who hope that the two can be together, have more room for imagination!

What’s more, Honey is also her favorite artist, and this kind of thing that can bring heat and publicity to Honey Honey must not be let go so easily.

Gush. I have to say that the last words that this young man said on the stage of the award ceremony.

That’s a great thing to say!

How many people have unlimited imagination space!

I don’t worry about pushing the girl who I am very optimistic about! Listening to Wang Jinhua’s answer, in fact, many reporters are not very satisfied.

What kind of answer is this!

Many endorsement businesses are screening contact, and not announcing it is equivalent to saying nothing

There is also a TV series that has been signed, which is very good news.

But what they are most concerned about, why can’t the relationship between Zhang Linan and Yang Mi be answered directly and neatly?

We, the journalists, and even Zhang Lin’an’s fans and fans, know that the two grew up together.

This is not 103 nonsense!

But even if they think so in their hearts, these reporters dare not show it.

They are also counting on this No. 1 agent of domestic entertainment to give them the opportunity to make an appointment to interview Zhang Linan alone!

On the plane!

“Brother Zhang, Sister Honey, the plane is about to land!”

Looking at the two people who were squinting at each other, assistant Liu Xueer wanted to take a photo directly.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, and the two are really matched.

But as an assistant, of course she can’t do such a thing.

After gently waking up the two people and watching the two people wake up, Liu Xueer hurriedly smiled and said, “Brother Zhang, Sister Honey, before I got on the plane, Sister Hua called me.” ”

“At that time, she said that after getting off the plane, it is estimated that there will be many media reporters where to prepare for the interview, so that you can prepare mentally.”

“In addition, she will personally come to pick up the plane, and if a reporter asks some difficult questions, you two will treat it as if you did not hear.”

“Everything will be handled by Sister Hua!”

Listening to the assistant Liu Xueer’s words, Zhang Linan nodded with a smile.

After stretching and stretching, he squinted his eyes and hugged himself again and wanted to continue sleeping for a while.

Zhang Linan smiled gently: “Don’t wash your face yet, after getting off the plane in a while, there will be a lot of media!” ”

“Huh? Media? ”

Sleepy-eyed, Yang Mi still wants to continue sleeping for a while.

After hearing the big pig’s trotter say that there will be media in a while, Yang Mi, who was originally a little confused, directly sobered up!


After her head cleared, Yang Mi quickly took out the mirror from the bag and looked at it

The little man in the mirror is very beautiful, but looking at the mirror, this Yang Xiaoyi is still a little dissatisfied!

“Big pig’s trotters, I’ll go to the bathroom to make up my makeup, after the plane is about to land in a while, there will be no way to touch up my makeup.”

After speaking, Yang Mi pulled the blanket away, and then took the bag and stomped towards the bathroom!

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