Chapter 0148 Go to see the premiere of “Crazy Alien” directed by Ning Hao!!

This scene is finished.

The scene immediately became lively.

“Red Thunder, your performance just now was good, very big brother’s style!”

Brother Ren Dahua looked at Sun Honglei with a smile and said.

“Big brother, don’t say that, I’m still far from catching you!”

Sun Honglei hurriedly replied.

Don’t look at Sun Honglei, he usually plays some vicious bandits on the screen.

But well.

Privately, he is still not good at how to behave and do things.

Big brothers like Ren Dahua.

He naturally speaks with respect.

This way.

After filming this scene.

Wu Jiao is officially finished!

“Congratulations, Brother Jing!”

Ji Lin smiled and hugged Wu Xuan and said.

Brother Hua on the side also said: “Shocked boy, congratulations on the completion!” ”

“Thank you Brother Hua!”

“Old Ji, thank you!”

Wu said with a cheeky smile.

“Follow Xiao Ji well, maybe next year you will be popular!”

Immediately afterwards, he saw Brother Hua patting him on the shoulder and preaching.

Of course, he knew that Wu Xuan had followed Ji Lin.

That’s why Brother Hua said so.

For Ji Lin.

Brother Hua is impressed.


In the process of chatting between them, Brother Hua also said more than once that the future of Chinese films depends on Ji Lin to carry the banner.

These words were deeply recognized by Ren Dahua, Sun Honglei, Liu Weiqiang and others.


They’re all happy.

To know.

Ji Lin is only 26 years old now, not yet 30 years old.

With his acting skills, as well as talent.

A few more years.

Maybe he can really go to Asia, or even to the world.

Of course, this is still too far away.

But well.

They really saw this hope in Ji Lin.

Wu Fang flew back to the mainland the next day.

Because, his scenes are finished.

He first went home to visit his parents, and then went to the master to explain his intentions.

A week later.

Wu Wei officially enlisted in the army.

He’s a little special.

Looked for connections, just to experience life in the troops.

Wu Xuan can leave whenever he wants.

Moreover, Wu was shocked by the reason for joining the army, and he was very satisfied with it.

He said he would make a film about military personnel next year.

If you listen to the above, can you not be satisfied.

Right now.

There are few domestic films on patriotic themes.

How to say, such as anti-Japanese dramas, there are a lot of these.

But movies.


Therefore, in this regard, the country hears that there are stars who are willing to make movies with patriotic themes, and they are a hundred willing.

This side of the Xiangjiang.

Yang Mi only stayed for three or four days, and then she went back.

Because, there is still something going on on the part of the company.

As for Reba.

She will stay for a few days to finish filming Li Xin’er’s scene.

Reba herself still has a drama filming, but she and the director took half a month’s leave, and there is plenty of time.


The movie “Crazy Alien” directed by Ning Hao is about to be released.

In the group.

Everyone chatted all the time.

“@徐争, Zhengzi, I watched the movie trailer, why didn’t I see you?”

Yellow Thunder.

“Yes, I didn’t see Director Xu Zheng either!”

Chen He.

“Haha, that alien is played by Xu Jing!”

Huang Bo.

“Huh? Really fake? ”

Deng Dynasty.

“Yes, it’s me, I just used facial capture when shooting”

Xu Zheng.

“I just said how to watch the trailer, I didn’t see director Xu Zheng…”

Teacher He.

“Brother Jie and I have already bought tickets, and we must support Brother Bo and Director Xu for your new movie later!”

Sister Na.

“Thank you Nana!”


Ji Lin doesn’t have time to watch WeChat, he’s filming.



With that, the voice of director Liu Weiqiang sounded.

The filming of this scene between Ji Lin and Reba was completed.

It’s already 10:30 p.m.

This scene is the last of the day.

After the filming, Brother Hua, Ji Lin and director Liu Weiqiang, Sun Honglei and others all went to the cinema to see the premiere of “Crazy Alien”.

After all.

I have promised people before, so I can’t break my word.


They are all looking forward to this movie.

Director Ning Hao’s level is not low.

At that time, a “Crazy Stone” made him famous, and several subsequent movies were very good, especially “No Man’s Land”, and the movie score was as high as 8.5.


Ji Lin was different from them.

He had seen the film “Crazy Alien” in his previous life.

I can only say that it is okay.

Not yet to that amazing level.

“Old Ji, I’m still looking forward to Director Ning, Brother Bo, and their movie!”

In the car, Reba held Ji Lin’s arm and said.

“You should like it!”

Ji Lin smiled and rubbed her head.

This niko usually loves to watch comedies.

Moreover, her laughter is low.

This film is very suitable for her to watch.

“You see, the comments of these netizens are so funny, they said that as long as Shen Teng and Huang Bo and Xu Zheng stand together, they can’t help but want to laugh”

Immediately afterwards, he saw Reba holding his mobile phone and coming to him to preach.

She’s scrolling through Weibo.

Because “Crazy Alien” is released today.

So the whole network is very hot.

Many netizens have already bought tickets and are preparing to watch the premiere in the French cinema.

“Crazy Alien” broke 200 million in pre-sales in the past few days alone.

Just think about it, how hot this is.


Ji Lin also logged on Weibo and helped forward “Crazy Alien”


Now, Ji Lin is not a small star.

Among the second-tier stars, he can be regarded as the top.

Weibo has more than 28 million followers.

It’s all the real 1:1 kind.

Didn’t spend money to buy fans.

It would have been.

At the beginning, Yang Mi also proposed to buy fans for Ji Lin to fill the scene.

These stars in the entertainment industry, including herself, have spent money to buy fans, so it is a very common thing.

But well.

Ji Lin refused.

For him, these are all false, and there is no need to do so.

This does not.

Not long after Ji Lin forwarded the trailer of “Crazy Alien”.

At the bottom, there are many fan comments and comments.

Without exception.

It’s all about asking when his new movie will be finished.

“Wow, surprise my Brother Ji!”

“Lao Ji, when will you and Brother Hua’s new movie be finished?”

“I can’t wait to see it!”

“That’s it, hurry up and shoot, I can’t wait!”

“Yes, Lao Ji give an accurate news, can you see the Spring Festival file?”

“Lao Ji is also going to see the premiere of “Crazy Aliens”!”

When I arrived at the cinema, it was already 11:30.

With half an hour to go, the premiere of “Crazy Alien” begins.

Audiences came one after another in the auditorium, and they were soon full.

It has to be said.

There are also many Xiangjiang fans who came to see this movie.


Shen Teng, Huang Bo, and Xu Zheng are very good in Xiangjiang.

“Brother Hua, are they in Xiangjiang Huangbo, Shen Teng and they are very hot?”

Ji Lin looked at Brother Hua sitting next to him and asked.

Hear this.

Brother Hua nodded and said: “Yes, after all, Huang Bo has won the Academy Award actor, and Shen Teng, who is the hottest comedy star in the past two years, that is him!” ”


And he guessed right.

Time passes minute by minute.


It was midnight in the morning.

The premiere of “Crazy Aliens” begins!

Brother Hua and director Liu Weiqiang, Sun Honglei, they all watched it very seriously.

Including Reba too.

From time to time, Reba’s laughter can be heard.

The film is only two hours long.

After reading it.

From the comments of these fans around, you can also hear that everyone is quite satisfied with this film.

At least during the movie, they laughed many times.

Director Liu Weiqiang, as well as Brother Hua, Sun Honglei, and several people’s evaluations are relatively pertinent.

As a comedy.

“Crazy Alien” is qualified.

But they felt that the movie was missing some soul.


Reba, this nizi, was very happy to watch the whole process.

When it comes out.

She also said that the movie is good for dogs.


She completely substituted herself into the audience’s perspective, without considering the plot logic of the film and some other details.

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