y. They used their talents to add beauty to the world.

A dialogue appeared on the barrage:

“This is the most beautiful performance I have ever seen!”

“Thank you for letting me feel the power of art!”

“Xiao Yueyue and all the artists, you are the best!”

Chapter 85 The show ends

After the performance, the audience was still thinking about the wonderful performance just now. On the stage, Xu Jiuguang, as the captain, immediately showed his leadership qualities. He called everyone to gather together and said: “Everyone, the performance was successful, but now we have a more important task, we are going to dig iron ore.”

Xiao Yueyue said with a smile: “Iron ore? We are going to develop new Do you have any talent?”

Teacher He responded with a smile: “Maybe we will find artistic inspiration from it.”

So, the group set off for the iron mine. They walked through winding mountain paths and strolled through lush forests. Along the way, Jia Lin lightly strummed the strings and played a peaceful melody for everyone. Cai Xukun dances beside the path from time to time, echoing Jia Lin’s piano sound with his graceful dance.

After arriving at the iron mine, everyone saw a huge mining site surrounded by towering cliffs and rugged rocks. Shen Teng’s eyes lit up and he said: “The iron ore here is of very good quality and is an excellent material for making handicrafts.”

Chef Huang smiled and said: “Maybe I can use these iron ores to make a unique set of Kitchen utensils.”

Teacher He looked at the texture on the cliff and said, “The textures and lines of these rocks are masterpieces of nature. I want to record them on canvas.”

Xu Jiuguang took out a map and began to guide Everyone split up. He said to Cai Xukun: “Cai Xukun, you and Xiao Yueyue go to the hillside over there to see if you can find better mineral veins.”

Xiao Yueyue said mischievously as he walked: “Oh, Cai Xukun Brother, look at the stone over there, does it look like a big bun?”

Cai Xukun responded with a smile: “Haha, yes, if you are hungry, don’t take a bite.”

On the other side, Shen Teng was Concentrate on picking the ore. Chef Huang walked over and said, “Master Shen, can these iron ores be used to make kitchen knives?”

Shen Teng nodded: “Of course, but you have to choose ones with moderate hardness.”

Next to the iron ore vein, Jia Lin Put down the piano, walked to a smooth stone, and carefully observed its texture. She whispered to herself: “The texture of this stone and the beautiful curves like musical notes are really intoxicating. Maybe I can use it as inspiration to compose a piece of music.” Xu Jiuguang heard

Jia Lin’s words, walked over and said: “Jia Lin, your idea is very good. Our performance has brought everyone a visual feast, now let us use music to touch the hearts of the audience again! Please play for us a piece of music that belongs to this land.”

Jia Lin nodded with a smile, sat back in front of the piano, and gently strummed the strings. The beautiful melody flows like spring water, seeming to tell the sounds of nature and the story of iron ore. Along with the sound of Jia Lin’s piano, everyone split up, waved their tools, and started digging for iron ore.

Cai Xukun and Xiao Yueyue came to a cliff on the hillside together, and they looked up at the scene in front of them. Cai Xukun joked: “Xiao Yueyue, look at the mineral vein over there, it’s like a huge painting, colorful and refreshing.”

Xiao Yueyue responded mischievously: “Yeah, if I put Use them as a canvas, maybe you can create a unique landscape painting!”

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The two laughed, Cai Xukun pointed to a rock under the cliff and said, “Xiao Yueyue, look, that rock has a very strange shape. , like a dancing butterfly.”

Xiao Yueyue’s eyes lit up and he said excitedly: “That’s right! Brother Cai, you have such a rich imagination! We can carve a beautiful butterfly sculpture out of stone and combine art with it. Be one with nature.”

Elsewhere, Shen Teng and Chef Huang carefully selected iron ore suitable for making kitchen utensils. Chef Huang picked up a piece of ore, looked at it carefully, and asked: “Master Shen, the texture of this piece of ore seems to be very uniform. Is it suitable for making an excellent knife?”

Shen Teng looked at it carefully and nodded. : “Chef Huang, you are right. The texture of this ore is indeed suitable for making knives. We can process it into a sharp and durable kitchen knife to add luster to your cooking skills.” Chef Huang nodded with a smile

, Looking forward to it: “Then please take care of yourself, Master Shen. I believe that your craftsmanship will be able to create an unparalleled artistic kitchen knife.” Teacher He, who was observing from the side, watched

Shen Teng’s selection process intently. Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, picked up the brush, and quickly sketched the shape of the ore Shen Teng selected on the canvas. He uses light brushstrokes to vividly display the texture and texture of the minerals, like a vivid still life painting.

Chapter 86 Unique Vision

Teacher He said: “Master Shen, your vision is not only unique in making kitchen knives, but you are also very sensitive to art. I want to use this ore as the theme to create a painting featuring metallic texture.” Shen

Teng Looking at Teacher He’s work, I sighed with emotion: “Teacher He, your painting skills are really amazing! Your brushwork can show the texture and texture of iron ore so delicately. This painting will definitely shock people.”

In the process of digging iron ore, everyone cooperated with each other and exchanged their own ideas and inspirations. They gave full play to their talents and creativity, giving this land more artistic beauty.

Accompanied by Jia Lin’s beautiful piano music, the process of mining iron ore becomes orderly and harmonious. Everyone divided the work and cooperated, wielding tools, and focused on mining precious ores.

Cai Xukun and Xiao Yueyue came to a hillside, and they searched intently for better mineral veins. Xiao Yueyue suddenly stopped, pointed to the shining ore in the distance and said, “Brother Cai, look over there! That piece of ore emits a dazzling light, as if it contains endless treasures.” Cai Xukun followed Xiao Yueyue

. Yue Yue looked around, and his eyes were filled with brilliance. He smiled and said: “That’s right, Xiao Yueyue, the mineral veins there do look very rich. Let’s go over and have a look, maybe we can find more treasures.” The two of them quickly walked

towards the bright mineral veins, their footsteps Revealing anticipation and excitement. After getting closer, they saw a piece of shining ore, as beautiful as a gem shrouded in starlight.

Xiao Yueyue couldn’t help but exclaimed excitedly: “Wow! Brother Cai, these ores are like nature’s works of art. Each piece exudes a different color and luster, it’s so beautiful!” Cai Xukun was also attracted by the sight

. Attracted by the sight, he said softly: “Yes, Xiao Yueyue, the colors of these ores are rich and varied, just like the interlacing color bands in paintings. If we can integrate these beautiful colors and light into our works, We will definitely be able to create stunning works of art.”

The two exchanged creative inspiration with each other, with various creative images constantly flashing in their minds. They came up with the idea of using these minerals to create landscape paintings, combining the art of nature with their own creations, presenting a unique artistic charm.

Elsewhere, Chef Shen Teng and Chef Huang continued to select iron ore suitable for making kitchen utensils. Chef Huang observed each piece of ore intently, touching it lightly with his fingers, trying to feel their texture and hardness.

Shen Teng picked up a larger piece of ore and carefully examined its texture and texture. He whispered to himself: “This ore has clear texture and solid texture. It should be very suitable for mak

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