But they just took a few and put them in the box.Suddenly crying without tears.There is so much left, how can they both finish it?

Peng Peng couldn't help shouting, "You guys stop, there's so much here. How can you finish memorizing it without memorizing it?"

Fan Chenchen turned back, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth:_ "I said

Little brother, why is 18 so serious, _ It's just last time. Tired yourself to death. Is it necessary?"

Huang Dongdong also smiled and said, "Yes, what's the use of carrying so many radishes back, can you finish eating, and it's not delicious, you will fart if you eat too much, brother!"

Others thought they were humorous and laughed out loud!

Fan Chenchen and the others are going too far.Let some of their fans say they can't wash it.I didn't see it⊥

"I = I always thought that the brothers were as bright and cheerful as they were on the stage, but I didn't think they would act like this. Embarrassing the two lovely younger brothers Hemei""

"Yeah, I can't take it anymore. I've been following you since your debut but you've let me down today 1".

"I don't think there's anything wrong with the sissy, it's just that everyone's aesthetics are different. But your approach is too unmanly, even your sister can't compare!"

= In addition to some fans turning black, there are still some fans who still insist on washing the ground in the siege of everyone.

And those fans who yearn for life even claim to boycott them and let them get out of the entertainment circle⊥

And at this time, Wang Wanshi's Lin Mo was worried because Peng De and Zifeng could not rest assured, because the two of them

After all, he is still too young.I don't know how to deal with them, so I came to check⊥

I didn't expect to bump into this in front of me-

= Duan anger couldn't help burning in his heart!

Fan Chenchen and the others were still laughing in front of them, and Lin Mo couldn't help shouting s

"Fart? You scumbags are farting in their mouths now, and I can smell it from afar."

Everyone heard someone calling them trash behind them, and the laughter suddenly stopped!

When they looked back, Lin Mo was walking towards them with a gloomy face!

¥Because of Lin Mo's watch before

Shi was too strong, so they had a faint fear of Lin Mo. L(t. Lumao whispered 1 "What about Brother Fan?" He's here again!"

?Yun Chenchen looked at Lumao with a hatred of iron not becoming steel: What are you afraid of, can he still eat us? 1"

Huang Mao also nodded and said 1 "There are five of us. Are you still afraid of him = I can't do it alone?"

The whispers of several people were all heard by Lin Mo, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.Let Fan Chenchen and the others look at their hearts and make a move!

Lin Mo walked up to Fan Chenchen and the others, "I don't blame you for your looks, but you

Even younger sister Zifeng is inferior, are you still worthy of being called men? 3 nondescript things 1"

Being humiliated by Lin Mo face to face, and there are still cameras following a few people's faces, they must not be able to hang on their faces.Couldn't help showing a bit of ruthlessness!

Fan Chenchen pursed his lips. Since he came to the life he longed for, he had been shriveled under Lin Mo's hands several times in a row.

I saw him sneer and say: "You said we are not men, then do you dare to fight with a few of us?"

Lin Mo suddenly laughed and said, "Just a few of you? You?

Let's go up together, I'll pick you up with one hand!"

With Lin Mo's words, Fan Chenchen smiled darkly, "This is what you said L."

After that, they looked at each other.Then = embrace, Di Xianglin Mo l

But how could they be Lin Mo's opponents? I saw that Lin Mo was carrying a hand. He didn't move at all.When a few of them rushed to the front, they slapped Fan Chenchen off guard and let him go out!

And the others have the same fate. Before they touched Lin Mo's shirt, they were slapped and slapped by Lin Mo.

The few people lying on the ground couldn't care less about their hot faces

The pain in the ground.=Lin Mo who slapped all five of them in the face with a shocked face.

Lin Mo looked down at the five people condescendingly.Shen said, "How is it, are you convinced?"

Fan Chenchen bit his lips tightly, not daring to utter a single word.The other people's faces were also full of deep fear.

Lin Mo clapped his hands and said. "Since all of you have taken it. Then pull out the rest of the radishes for me. Then move them all to me." Go home.Otherwise, Ling Tian, ​​you will have nothing to eat!"

Five A of them looked at the remaining large radish field.Couldn't help feeling apprehensive.When does this have to be pulled?

_ !

But it was taken from Lin Mo's terrifying strength.At this time, they dared to be angry and dare not speak.

But Fan Chenchen was still unconvinced to find the staff of Jijie Group. He said that he wanted to communicate with the director!

The staff had no choice but to give the walkie-talkie to Fan Chenchen⊥

Fan Chenchen complained to the director in the walkie-talkie, 2 "Director, Lin Mo threatened us with violence, saying that if we didn't pull out the radishes in the field, we wouldn't be allowed to eat. He's so rampant and domineering, you have to take care of him. ","

Unexpectedly, the director laughed, "Fan Gongzi_ I have seen everything just now. I think

Lin Mo is right, the purpose of our show is not to work. Then you won't eat it""

The director's words made Fan Chenchen dumbfounded on the spot. Ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past in his heart.

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