Zifeng was a little embarrassed, "It's okay, Mama He, I'm losing weight recently, it's better to eat standing up"

The scene in front of him made He Zheshi, who has always been a good man and smiling all day, couldn't stand it any longer. He pulled his face down and looked at Fan Chenchen and the others who were so unhappy.

Unexpectedly, the few of them couldn't feel Teacher He's unhappy Qieguang. Instead, they were eating food.While eating-returning it, he said, "Hehe. It's delicious!

Mr. Huang couldn't stand it anymore, he stood up and said to them, "You guys are eating deliciously, haven't you seen Zifeng have no place to sit?"

Fan Chenchen snorted and said, "Didn't she just say that she wants to lose weight, so she has to stand to eat, what's our business?"

Lu Mao also went on to say, "It's just that I'm not active in eating, and there is a problem with my head!"

Teacher Huang was so angry that his face was ashen. He just wanted to reprimand them again, but he was stopped by Lin Mo⊥

Lin Mo took Teacher Huang to sit down, stood up and walked towards Fan Chenchen and the others!

Fan Chenchen and they saw

Lin Mo came over and stopped eating immediately. He couldn't help but feel frightened, and there was panic in his eyes.

"What do you want?"

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth showed a sneer, which made them panic even more, and they had seen Lin Mo's methods many times.Subconsciously, I was already afraid of Lin Mo, the unreasonable guy⊥

Teacher Huang and Teacher He also snickered secretly. It seems that to deal with them, Lin Mo still has to go out!

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked at Lin Mo in anticipation, wanting to see how he dealt with them!

I saw Lin Mo walk behind them

In their panic-stricken expressions, they kicked their stools over with a cold kick, causing them to sit on the ground suddenly!

"Ouch 1"

Fan Chenchen and the others let out a scream and looked at Lin Mo angrily!

Lin Mo said coldly: "How many of you have problems with your heads, don't take other people's kindness for granted. Pull up the stool for me. Sit down for me. And don't eat, squatting. Really It's ugly ⊥_"

Fan Chenchen and the others gave Lin Mo a cold look.They were going to explode inside.The longing life is less than a short time = days. In the hands of Lin Mo

They have lost more faces than they have lost in their entire lives, and this is still in the middle of the season, so they have the heart to kill Lin Mo _⊥

But Lin Mo's strength made them (Nuo Dehao) a few of them can only carry their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs, daring to be angry and not speaking, after snorting coldly, they pulled up the stool obediently.. take a seat L

Mr. He and Mr. Huang secretly admired Lin Mo in their hearts, and at the same time thought it was funny. Lin Mo seems to be a strict father.

Liu Feifei = : With a proud face, she wants to fight with her brother Mo, but they are still a little tender

Peng Peng and Zifeng looked at Lin Mo with admiration, secretly thinking in their hearts

.Mo is so handsome.In the future, they have to be like Lin Mo and not let the bad guys bully them.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very happy. They called fans like Fan Chenchen and the others pampered.

Chapter 117: Fighting for the Ball

Several resident guests of Mushroom House came to the first round, and Mr. Huang threw the ball out.The crowd ran wild as if they were cheering.They all scrambled for it. Unexpectedly, in the end, the four dogs of pots and pans also participated, and everyone was busy.Not happy!

To everyone's surprise, in the end it was the dogs who picked up the ball!

Seeing Lin Mo and the others having a good time, Fan Chenchen and the others, who were hanging on the sidelines, panicked - they felt very uncomfortable.Fan Chenchen muttered with a disdainful look on his face, "I can't even grab a dog..."

Hearing Peng Peng dissatisfied. "you

They are so powerful, then you also come and grab the dog - let's take a look."

"Come on""

Fan Chenchen and the others stood up and expressed their intention to join the game. Teacher Huang and Teacher He did not refuse, but Teacher He suggested that they would join the game.Then divide into two groups.Flying Guests - Group Resident Guests - Group L

Fan Chenchen and the others readily agreed.And called Lin Mo to participate.Because Lin Mo has made them shriveled many times in the festival, they must find a place again!

Lin Mo said with a smile, "But 037, _You five, let's go together, I'll just go with the scoop-team"

The last two groups are Fan Chenchen Five vs. Lin Moscoo L

Before the game started, Fan Chenchen shouted, "Lin Mo, we will definitely win you this time."

Teacher Huang gave an order, "Attention all units, I'm going to start throwing the ball."

After all, the arm made a waving motion

Fan Chenchen and the others rushed over in the direction that Mr. Huang threw them.

On the other hand, Lin Mo still stood there with a calm expression on his face.Because his keen eyes have already seen that Mr. Huang is doing a ghost.He didn't throw the ball at all, he just threw air but it was night.Except for the forest

In silence, no one can see clearly!

Of course, there is also the dog. It also keenly noticed that Mr. Huang didn't throw anything out, so it stayed at Lin Mo's feet and didn't move.

Fan Chenchen's five people rushed over and then rummaged there. Fan Chenchen couldn't stop encouraging his team members, "Hurry up and look for it. We can definitely win this time."

Others were puzzled when they saw Lin Mo still standing there. Teacher He couldn't help but ask, "Lin Mo. Why don't you pick up the ball and you'll lose if you don't go?"

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face, the ball was still in Teacher Huang's hand.Where can I pick it up

Everyone was stunned and looked at Mr. Huang with a mean smile on his face. They didn't expect Mr. Huang to be so old and guessing.However, Lin Mo still saw through lo. Fan Chenchen and the others were so tired that they were out of breath.When I heard Lin Mo's words, I was dumbfounded and lis2 was tricked again.What kind of monsters and monsters are in this festival and group?

Fan Chenchen and the others walked back with dejected faces. Lai looked angrily at Teacher Huang and Lin Mo who were grinning, but they had no choice but to blame themselves for not seeing clearly!

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