A grenade was thrown over, and the veteran soldier played by Wu Jing shouted: _"Get out of the way!_"

Before everyone had time to dodge, they were blown away one after another, and Wu Jing was also blown away!

But what I didn't expect was that when Wu Jing flew out, he knocked on a steel plate next to him.

It hurts Wu Jing

I couldn't help but let out a howl. "ah one one"

Wu Jing's painful cry immediately stopped the filming at the scene!

The crew members of the crew were so anxious that they quickly surrounded Wu Jing. Some people tried to help Wu Jing, but they were stopped by Sun Honglei. They were afraid of causing secondary damage.”

The crew's doctor arrived quickly. After carefully carrying Wu Jing onto the stretcher.Pull back the crew too base camp!

After some inspection.The doctor judged that Wu Jing's waist muscle was severely strained and the cartilage tissue was injured. There is no effective way to cure it quickly.You can only recuperate slowly.It will take at least six months to fully


Tan Jing became anxious, "Six months 3, you're kidding me. I can't wait for such a long time. Is there any way I can get out of bed now?"

The doctor had a bitter look on his face, _ "There is no way out. If you insist on getting out of bed, you can only close it. But this will cause great damage to the body, and the future will be endless⊥"

Wu Jing did not hesitate. "Then shut me down immediately."

Sun Honglei hurried over to ask the doctor.What the hell is going on with the closure!

The doctor explained that to carry the closure, as the name suggests, 160 is the use of medical means, through _

The injured area of ​​the athlete is isolated from the rest of the body by means of injections.Form a state similar to closure!

This can make the injured part play a role of local anesthesia, but such side effects are very large, in addition to the direct side effects such as hormones contained in the closed medicine, it will also bring a series of serious problems. Because the injured part is anesthetized.No pain is felt, so the protection of the injured part is even more lacking, and it is very easy to cause secondary injury I lead to more serious consequences L

Seriously, it may make Wu Jing lie in the hospital bed for the rest of her life⊥

The doctor's words made Sun Honglei and the others worried.

He stopped him tightly, "Wu Jing can't make fun of her body, it's not a joke."

Wu Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Honglei, I know my own body and I can do it."

After all, I insisted that the doctor give him a closed injection⊥,

The crowd couldn't beat Wu Jing, so they had to give him a closed needle L.

Wu Jing, who had finished the sealing needle, stood up again vigorously. He smiled and said, "Go to work."

Chapter 121: The Magician Reappears

I finally hoped for you, did you know that this period of time has exhausted me, and you can see that my handsome face is haggard."

Lin Mo knew that they were really working hard. He smiled, "I will cook by myself tonight.. treat everyone!"

"It's almost there""

Sun Honglei laughed, and the others cheered!

Then Lin Mo forced to ask Wu Jing, _How was the filming recently 2

Wu Jing said with a smile. "Everything is going well, don't worry if I'm with you"

Lin Mo nodded and looked at him gratefully.

Guys, _ "It's been a long time for you guys!

Sun Honglei, who was on the side, wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wu Jing.

Lin Mo looked at L's brows and frowned slightly. Could there be something he couldn't hide from himself: "Brother Jing, why are you stopping Brother Honglei? They are all my brothers, is there anything I can't say?"

Wu Jing scratched his head embarrassedly, and Sun Honglei glared at him and said the same way 1 "That's right _ I'm hurt, so no one can tell me.""

Lin Mo and Liu Feifei were stunned at the same time. "What? Brother Jing is injured?"

So, Sun Honglei told Wu Jing's injury and his forcible request to carry the seal

Close the needle, catch up on the filming of the Wolf Warrior = The z-brainer said it.

Lin Mo was shocked. He didn't expect Wu Jing to be so desperate. He looked at Wu Jing worriedly. "Brother Jing, how can you do this. Your health is important."

Liu Feifei also looked at Wu Jing worriedly

Unexpectedly, Wu Jing was still holding on, her lips curved into a smile, "It's okay, when you challenge yourself, you are righteous!

Wu Jing's words made everyone present admired.he is a man 1

Lin Mo was also moved by Wu Jing's professionalism. Such filmmakers do not know that they are better than those pretentious little freshmen.

Where is the meat strong⊥

Lin Mo looked at Wu Jing gratefully. "Brother Jing, come here. I know a little medical skills. Let me try and see if I can cure you_ [

Lin Mo's words left everyone stunned. I didn't expect Lin Mo to know medical skills. But even the doctor was helpless.What else can he do?

Everyone was not optimistic that he could heal Wu Jing.But he didn't say it face to face!

Meijing holds the mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor.According to Zhao Linmo's instructions, he lay down on the bed. He didn't forget to comfort Lin Mo,

"Lin Mo, the doctor said it will take six months to recover. It doesn't matter if it is cured.

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