Lin Mo, who has just gone once, really doesn't want to go again."

He looked around - a glance.The director team who discovered the chicken thief had already hidden the bicycles in the yard.

And the corner of the director's mouth showed a slight smile. He knew what Lin Mo was looking for, and he couldn't have left the bicycle for Lin Mo.All he wants is to see Lin Mo - one person carrying the luggage of four people, walking back bitterly

Seeing Lin Mo's brows slightly wrinkled now, he felt

Is proud!

But when Lin Mo saw Tai Niu, the corners of his mouth curved in an arc.

I saw him jumping up.Jump on the cow's back!

The director team was dumbfounded, and Mr. Huang and Mr. He were dumbfounded too!

And this action!

Ride a student to pick up Miss ⊥

Lin Mo is really a genius.. the show team picked up a ghost⊥

The audience in the live broadcast room was also amused by Lin Mo.

"Talent, haha, I'm dying of laughter

I don't know what the four little sisters would think when they saw L"

"Every time the director team wants to trick Lin Mo, it seems to be successful. But every time Lin Mo can crack it in an unexpected way. It's really hard, director, go."

"Look at the director's reaction, I'm so happy, it's like eating a dead fly⊥"

In the middle of everyone's surprise, Lin Mo rode the bull leisurely.Hurry up and walk to the village entrance!

This feeling of riding a bull made him feel like he was walking around the world with a sword!

Lin Mo couldn't help but sing

I have the Meteor Meniscus

Shouting loud slogans

Who is ahead to sign up?

Don't run if you have the ability

My life is flying on the sword

I have seen a hero bend his waist

The brisk and witty singing of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" made everyone stunned for a moment.Is this another song written by Lin Mo?

This situation, this situation. It seems that Lin Mo is riding a big student.Go leisurely and leisurely to find your own rivers and lakes, so unrestrained, very suitable for the occasion!

The clear noise and funny lyrics made everyone have endless aftertastes. .secretly applaud

The audience in the live broadcast room also suddenly boiled

"Finally waiting for the new song that Lin Mo yearns for in life.

, or - it sounds amazing, I like it so much⊥"

5.1 "Lin Mo is a genius, this _ song really fits the occasion. He rides so handsomely all his life, it is estimated that there is only King Lin Mo."

"This song is funny to listen to, but it is actually full of a pursuit of life..."The second in the world is also very strong, and the wind and rain are just right" If the things on our shoulders are properly dropped, maybe we "The waves of the river and lake are surging.Look how free I am.". It's wonderful⊥"

The director looked at Lin Mo, who was singing and riding a cow in style. He was overjoyed.

Chapter 135: The Four Goddesses Arrive

I didn't expect the director to have such a big hand this time, he actually invited four popular female stars L

Reba, Nazha.. Chen Turing, and Zhao Liying L

All of them are beautiful!

Reba has a double ponytail.Wearing a light blue jacket, with a white sweater underneath, and a pair of black sweatpants underneath, she looks great.The skin is fair and supple, and the appearance is very durable.

Nazha, wearing a yellow suspender tutu.A short black hair.Full of noble temperament.Put on a bright red lipstick, which makes Nuozha's lips very charming


Chen Douling changed the image of a fresh little girl in the past, wearing a red velvet dress, which made Chen Douling's legs more slender and more mature and elegant.more beautiful!

Zhao Liying was wearing relatively simple makeup, a white T-shirt.Coupled with = hot pants, a good figure is exposed without 18 leftovers showing long legs_. There is a hint of cuteness in the beauty!

When Lin Mo saw it, he couldn't help muttering, "Last life show, why did you dress up so beautifully!"

And when the footage of the live broadcast room was given to four beauties, the live broadcast room completely exploded.

"Oh my God

, the phone screen has been licked to pieces by me.”

"It's so beautiful. I can lick her and break her leg!"

"All of a sudden, four beauties like angels came and stared at me."

Guan Jie in the live broadcast room knelt down and licked the four goddesses.The popularity of the live broadcast room has also skyrocketed, and it has reached the third place on the live broadcast platform, and many audiences are pouring in.The staff of the live broadcast platform were stunned!

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