Are you okay, do you want to call a doctor?Or have the director team take you to the hospital 3

Zhao Xiaodao shook his head stubbornly, "It's okay, just apply a little medicine⊥"

The other two women were also full of Zhao Xiaodao's injuries.worry l

At this time, Lin Mo jumped off the cow_ and said, "Zhao Xiaodao, come and ride!"

The four girls were stunned, it seems that Lin Mo is not as bad as before, and he is still quite sympathetic to flowers and jades⊥

Zhao Xiaodao stood up with difficulty, but at this time she simply couldn't get on the back of the cow.

Lin Mo had no choice but to hug Zhao Xiaodao

I didn't expect Zhao Xiaodao to be quite thin.You can't feel the weight when you hold it in your hand. The skin touched by your hand is rather gentle and tender.

But Lin Mo didn't think much about it!

On the contrary, Zhao Xiaodao was a little surprised when he was picked up, and then his pretty face couldn't help but show lust = blush!

Lin Mo put Zhao Xiaodao on the cow's back_ and then took Zhao Xiaodao's luggage!

Reba smiled, "Lin Mo, why have you changed your mind now. Let the knife ride the bull!"

Nuozha, also smiled happily, "I see Lin Mo. That's a knife-mouthed tofu heart.


Unexpectedly, Lin Mo came here for ten days, "I was afraid that Zhao Xiaodao would walk back. It would make her injury worse, and it would cost her more money from the mushroom house to treat her. Do you understand?"

Lin Mo's words: = out.The four daughters suddenly quit their jobs

Dare you let the knife ride the bull, just want to save that little money?⊥

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't laugh anymore. Lin Mozhi was a genius who made the four goddesses stunned.

However, Lin Mo was teasing, let Zhao Xiaodao take off his shoes⊥

Zhao Xiaodao was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you taking off your shoes?"


Mo said helplessly, "Take off your shoes_I can help you heal your foot injury. Otherwise, you are wearing shoes. Even a genius doctor like me can't help you!"

Zhiba couldn't help but question, "You are a genius doctor 3~⊥"

The other two women are also asking questions K⊥

Lin Mo waved his hand, "If you don't believe it, forget it."

Doubts returned to doubts, Zhao Xiaodao still took off his shoes and showed them to Lin Mo. After all, even if Lin Mo can't cure it, it's nothing. If it can be cured, it will save a lot of trouble⊥

Lin Mo holds up Zhao Xiaodao's white feet, which are very well maintained. The skin is smooth and delicate, and the toes are slender⊥

But Lin Mo didn't pay attention to this, he checked it intently - the injury on her foot was fine, it was just a sprain!

With a delicate technique, he pressed L on Zhao Xiaodao's foot and then gently straightened the dislocated bone!

During this period, Zhao Xiaodao's feet were touched up and down by a strange man. This was her second time, so she couldn't help but blushed with shame." The audience in the 0G2 real broadcast room cheered one after another. Some expressed that Lin Mo Inadvertently, she hooked up with the girl again. Some said that these three scenes were like Zhang Wuji smearing Zhao Min's feet _.Some also said that when Liu Feifei came back - = must tell her.

Soon, Zhao

Xiaodao's feet had almost recovered under Lin Mo's exquisite technique, and the redness and swelling gradually subsided!

Zhao Xiaodao couldn't even feel the pain anymore_She couldn't help but twist her little feet_ exclaimed in surprise, "Wow. It's really good, Tu Linmo, you are really amazing""

Lin Mo Lili _ laughs, "I'm better in other aspects""

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaodao suddenly blushed and glared at him!

Lin Mo said speechlessly, "What do you think?⊥"

Zhao Xiaodao instantly petrified

Lin Mo's miraculous medical skills surprised the four girls.

how many of them

He is also a person who often shoots sprains, so he is very familiar with the concept of sprains: understand⊥

Lin Mo was the first person they had seen who could heal a sprain so quickly, without any external objects.With just = with only one hand to do it!

This is not a magician who is a magician

It's just that they never imagined that the medical skills of an entertainment star could be so superb.

Zhiba exclaimed, "I didn't expect you, Lin Mo, you are such a genius doctor. I'm sorry for what I just said."

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Okay, I accept your apology."

Nothing at this time

Talking Chen Douling said L

"Lin Mo, I was filming a while ago. I was hit on my chest. I'm in pain. I've been to a lot of doctors and they haven't been cured. I wonder if you can help me see it.="

Lin Mo said with a pure face, "Now?

Chen Douling was taken aback. The good girl couldn't help but said angrily, "Of course, I'll go back to the mushroom house after I've settled down."

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