But after seeing the therapeutic effect of Lin Mo on Reba and Nazha, she didn't want to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

She said hesitantly, "Do I really want to take off my shirt?"

Lin Meijie really nodded, he didn't want to take advantage of Zhao Xiaodao, just to keep his clothes apart.And xiong takes _ he can't guarantee that Zhao Xiaodao will be able to treat Zikong

Since you are a doctor, then you will abandon your own

The concept of men and women, at this moment in his eyes only doctors and patients, there is no goddess l

at this time.I heard Zhao Xiaodao say that Tuo will take off his shirt. The live broadcast room is completely insane.

= Zhao Xiaodao, who has been showing his pure image, actually wants to tuo off in the live broadcast room__ blouse⊥

This makes them how not to expect, how not to go crazy L

The male fans are all naked, and they are unwilling to leave the screen of the live broadcast, and some have already prepared toilet paper:

And some media sneaked into the live broadcast room, waiting for this explosive moment

Director backstage.look at

The crazy audience in the live broadcast room, the crazy barrage, suddenly there is something wrong in my heart L

At this time, L watched Zhao Xiaodao prepare to drop off his shirt 5 Nini, and then he remembered that the director asked him to come to Lin Mo's room to secretly live broadcast l

She came to her senses and realized that she didn't even have her cell phone with her.But with what she knew about the director, he must have resorted to something else!

She couldn't help but look at the camera in Lin Mo's room, the director won't make any effort on it. Go ahead."

Nini felt bad, and hurriedly shouted s. "Knife, wait a minute"

Then he pointed to the camera in the room"

Everyone looked in the direction of Nini's finger

Chapter 140: I feel like I'm on the prairie of Inner Mongolia


But Reba and Nazha were still quite dissatisfied.The way they screamed in a soft voice just now was seen by so many people.

Although there is no loss, it is still quite unpleasant.”

Reba couldn't help but muttered, "It's okay if Lin Mo sees it, and let so many treasured men see it. Hmph. I must settle the director's account with you""

Others quickly consoled,

"It's just a few calls. It's nothing. Who doesn't make a few calls when they're in a crisp!

Reba blushed with shame,

"But:: but they'll get it.

Everyone was speechless.Chen Douling whispered, "Will Lin Mo care about Pan?"

The five women looked at Lin Mo in unison!

Lin Mo helplessly spread his hands, "In my eyes, you are just a pile of pink and pink skeletons⊥"

The five girls all gave him a blank look. But they felt more towards Lin Mo - Si favored

And at this moment, the live broadcast room is black at the critical moment.”

The audience was arguing, and they frantically opened the barrage L to express their dissatisfaction,

"Director, you asked me to take off my pants, and then

Turn off the live broadcast?”

"If you don't bring such a fool, I broke the screen of my mobile phone. Director, won't you pay me a - - one?"

"Solo Lele is not as good as all Lele, Lin Mo, you eat alone 1.⊥1"

"I brush a thousand rockets. Director, turn on the lights for me!. L⊥"


While the audience in the live broadcast room was so pity, those media were also disappointed, they thought they would come = - a big news.Didn't expect it to be gone!

Make them feel like they're about to reach their high chao. They're being fed shit

hard to attract

Lin Mo's room.The live broadcast accident was lifted ⊥

The relationship between everyone seems to be delicate. Is Zhao Xiaodao taking off or not? 1

Zhao Xiaodao was apprehensive in his heart, rubbing his hand holding the clothes back and forth, but he couldn't let go!

At this time, Lin Mo smiled slightly, found a silk scarf, and covered his eyes:

"You can rest assured now⊥

Zhao Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief!

The other four women also secretly praised in their hearts _Although Lin Mo looks a bit rascal, he is a real gentleman."

Zhao Xiaodao finally

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