Give them dividends

There are also Teacher Huang, Yan Wang, Sun Honglei, Tai Mi Mi, and they are also too excited, not only because Lin Mo took them to drink soup. In this movie, Lin Mo promised them a lot of dividends.

I am more than happy to be able to participate in such a milestone movie. This movie will definitely be included in the history of Chinese movies.And they followed suit!

On the other side of the worry are the officials of the death squad, and those companies that are not optimistic that the Wolf Warrior can break through [-] billion, especially the company boss who promised to stand upside down and eat shit, his brows are swollen.

Because almost the entire company has the ability to quit

.They don't want to actually eat shit upside down

Even those who stayed were trembling and said that they would eat shit while standing upside down.I don't know if it will actually be implemented by then!

The rapid momentum of the wolf warrior has made everyone see the possibility of the film breaking [-] billion!

Chapter 174: Another ecstasy, the despair of the Sakura Kingdom!

So Lin Mo is simply the god in their minds

In the short period of a few months that Lin Mogao opened the Cherry Blossom Country, several of them can be said to be doing their best, one by one, like carrying chicken blood, they continue to expand this map.

Three or five people from Dragon Soul Comic Company from the very beginning.It has grown into a company with hundreds of people today.”

And the three veterans of them also naturally become the boss-level characters of Dragon Soul Comics, L.

These are things they didn't even dare to think about at first.

And it's all because of Limena

Four animations, because these four animations are too explosive, "Naruto", "Conan" s "Reaper" _ "One Piece" are singled out - all of them are shocking masterpieces L

Coupled with the full management of several people, these four comics have become famous in Sakura Country.

And ME's name is a household name and has become the idol of many young people.

Therefore, Dragon Soul Comics has become a reality in just a few months.The second largest comic company in Sakura Country, second only to the leading old lady who has been in business for decades, Weekly Shonen l

If not because Dragon Soul Comics is a Huaxia company. . that should have surpassed Weekly Shonen


After Li Li and Fatty Long were excited, they reported to Lin Mo the operation of Dragon Soul Comics in the past few months.The results are very gratifying

"Naruto", "Conan", "Reaper", "One Piece" four comics have broken the sales record of Sakura Country's single book

Every month, young people in almost the entire Sakura Country look forward to it, waiting for the update of the climb.”

And the three of them have already begun to plan the foreign sales of these four comics. And they have already started to sell in some developed countries.The results are also very explosive!

Lin Mo was very satisfied after hearing this.. with the three

said,. "Very well, you guys have worked hard these days."

The three quickly shook their heads and said, "It's not hard. It's not hard. I can witness the rise of the Dragon Soul Company. Let us be both cows and horses!

The three of Fatty Long are really good employees, which makes Lin Mo very happy!

Moreover, Dragon Soul Comics has entered the right track according to his expectations.He was chasing the Weekly Boy, so he decided to add it to the fire. Give the Weekly Boy to Yu directly!

When Lin Mo told his plan, the three of them were so surprised that Fatty Long and the others opened their mouths wide, and then they let out a strange cry _ they cheered loudly!

They never imagined that Lin Mo would come out with these four amazing comics, and then he could come up with a new one!

And Lin Mo produced it.It must be an explosive.

This time, it will definitely blow up the Sakura Country comics world upside down!

They felt so excited just thinking about it that the blood in their bodies was boiling hot!

Sure enough, Lin Mo took out two manga manuscripts, one is "Tokyo Food Seeds" and the other two are "Attack on Titan"!

After the three of Fatty Long saw it, they were all shocked!

This can't describe Lin Mo as a genius.

They couldn't find any words to express their admiration for a while!

I had to look at Lin Mo with the eyes of a monster!

Lin Mo felt amused when he saw the three people's eyes, and pretended to be angry, "What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up to work!"

Only then did the three of them react and excitedly responded, "Okay."

Then, like chicken blood, he rushed out the door!

And the whole company heard that ME has a new work.It is also very exciting, a personal sentiment is high, and the sales of these two new works are arranged!

At this time, Weekly Youth, the president's hair is already gray

With a good name in vain, he was originally in his prime, but he felt like he was ten years older.Almost like an old man who is about to retire!

He had just finished the shareholders' meeting, and the shareholders became more angry than each other at the meeting, grabbing him and covering his face - scolding!

What do you mean by a Huaxia comic company that has grown to such a level in Sakura Country.This is simply the humiliation of Sakura Nation⊥

Some shareholders demand that ME must be found no matter what the price is. 1

This made President Kameda's head stunned, and he muttered in his heart that you guys only know how to talk here.completely

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