He held his red wine glass and touched Liu Feifei's glass, he said to her.If you don't rely on yourself, you won't be able to survive this period of time.On the way, Liu Feifei's eyes were moved

She was also very happy to see Lin Mo succeed.The current industry food design, the market that can open up a small kitchen, and the related effects have not yet achieved a sensational effect in the world.one night

Lin Mo don't stay there

He brushes his phone.Playing on the phone in bed.The body has changed, and it is comfortable.And you can also like


He looked at Eagle Country.There is no report on Harry Potter, for this reason.The high sales of novels often make it difficult to make news.Because it's great not to be in the same circle.Ben Ying is a famous media person and even bought it himself - #目.Very satisfied after watching.Listen, I am happy to use the resources in my hand

Lin Mo and the publishing house are here.They did not deliberately contact the media to hype.

It's all the media reporting.Social software contacted the editor, with him six times

"Harry Potter is on the news."

Editing and filming over there 510 back.

It's very good to go to earth and think of the country. It can definitely be adapted into TV series 2.

Second listen.Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

How could he forget.Lipot is to be promoted globally.but.Later Lin Mo.He just shows the E book and relaxes, but forgets how important it is

Lin Mo replied to the editor and said.The online version is ready for the second time, so that people around the world can speak.Then the second will be welcome.Well, I have Harry Potter on my hands.China over there.can also

Weave Reply.

"Okay.. I also have this hunch, I'll contact someone to deal with it. In fact, I hope to wait for the TV series to come out first. But there are people in the TV series who contact us to discuss it.

Lin Mo asked him. "If it's a TV remake - am I rich?"

Chapter 197: Birth of a masterpiece

Meanwhile, he was writing his second book.He also began to conceive new works, because his ambitions became more and more sufficient.

However, new works will continue to be released in this publishing house.Lin Mo doesn't know

He is already conceiving new works.But they didn't tell the publishers.

Because when the contract was signed.In fact, there are some provisions restricting Lin Mo, although he did not sign out his pseudonym.

However, if he also uses the pseudonym Fl to publish new works in other publishing houses.Well, this Harry Potter

The publishing house will definitely have restrictions on Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo was writing the second Harry Potter book, the editor of the publishing house called.

See here.Lin Mo looked at the phone beside his hand

On the phone, the editor of the publishing house said to Lin Mo happily.

"Mr. Lin Mo, that's great. Let me tell you one-good news. Someone from the entertainment industry has come to contact us. Harry Potter's TV and movie rights may be sold. Don't worry, we will definitely help you. Well done."

Hear so.Lin Mo was very happy.

he said immediately.

"it is good

Yes, I'm already writing the second book. If they still don't understand anything, they can contact me. I will tell them the overall direction, and I hope they will shoot my works.It's like a boat for my children.I also hope that it can be promising. "

The editor laughed and replied immediately.

"Okay, don't worry∠We will definitely handle it for you."

After hanging up, Lin Mo looked at the phone after the call. He was relieved.I was already in contact with the copyright issue, but I didn't expect it.Just sold it for a month.This is absolutely unique in fiction circles.

Lin Mo can even see his own fame in the future.

He giggled--laughs, and then resumes writing.

This time, Lin Mo won't be stupid again.All he uses is English.After all, it is published here, so you must first think about its side issues first.

but.Lin Mo has decided s

Copyright in other countries..He can leave it alone. Those people can translate it into whatever they like.

But the Chinese version.He had to write it himself.

those beautiful words.Others can't write his effect, so since it belongs to the copyright of his own country. Lin Mo - - must be

Write it yourself.

He quietly works

Liu Feifeiying expanded, and Lin Mo didn't know what she was busy with.Inverted.The two have been living here for several months.She always has a lot of value to protect:


Lin Mo's creation was soon created in almost a month -- this book.

The second book, he finally finished.

Lin Mo-- After writing, he couldn't hold on

He hurriedly turned off the computer, then ran to the bed and went to sleep.Too tired, too tired of her mother.

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