above things.

It's better to think about how to get more food at this time

"These are all your ingredients for the rest of the day = all day l"

At this time, the staff of the program team finally pushed a small cart directly.

Steaming food is placed on the first floor of the trolley, which is constantly exuding heat and aroma.After watching it, I can't help but feel a little appetite.

Xie Na swallowed -0 saliva, and even couldn't help but put a little bit in her eyes.


"It's so fragrant 1 I can't help but have a little appetite now!"

Yuan Yongyi said after licking her lower lip.

"These are all on Lin Mo's food"

Just when the gluttons in everyone's stomachs have been seduced.

Director Wang Tao finally said slowly

Everyone looked at Lin Mo with a bit of jealousy in their eyes.

The food in front of them all made them crave a little bit.

It's just that their names are directly behind Lin Mo.

I can only watch these foods go into other people's stomachs, and they have nothing to do with them.

"These are things we can't even eat by ourselves!"

Liu Feifei scratched her head and planned to share all these foods.

"These foods can only be served to yourselves" and cannot be shared. "

Just when Liu Feifei had just finished speaking, director L Wang Tao couldn't wait to say something next to him.

It directly cut off all hope in their hearts.

Xie Na twitched slightly.

Down, the corners of his mouth were slightly speechless and he said, "There's no need to be so cruel to us, :: ?

"These rules are all hard conditions. After all, the person who can get the first place will always have a ranking relative to the latter. It is a better treatment."

Director Wang Tao put on a smile on his face and stated calmly.

Xie Na sighed helplessly. Of course she knew such hard rules, but he didn't expect Director Wang Tao to be so heartless.

"Then let's take a look at our own food."

Zhang Jie reluctantly looked at the above

The stubborn food immediately set his eyes on the food below

.This little cart is divided into four floors and has everything from 1st to 4th.

The 2nd layer is not cooked, but it is rich enough.

Xie Na breathed a sigh of relief.

The most tragic should be Wu Jing and Xie Nan.There are also Zhang Zhilin and Yuan Yongyi.

The ingredients the two of them got were almost quite limited.Wu Jing and Xie Nan only got one more cabbage than Zhang Zhilin and Yuan Yongyi

"We won the third place, _ is there only one extra cabbage? No

Is there anything else?"

Wu Jing picked up the Chinese cabbage, twitched the corner of her mouth slightly and said speechlessly.

"Of course, after all, there is no difference between 3rd and 4th place." It's good to give you an extra cabbage.

Director Wang Tao nodded solemnly and said e

Wu Jing's face was full of disgust.

"I don't think we can get enough of this stuff."

Yuan Yongyi said silently by the side. They only got three cabbage trees and a small bowl of rice.There is also a small acetylene chicken.

Compared with Lin Mo's Manchurian banquet, they are not too shabby here.

"We also gave you a piece of meat."

Director Wang Tao pointed to the small piece of chicken and said.

That piece of chicken was a little too small.

"So this is our food for the day?"

Zhang Zhilin couldn't help but pause for a day beside him.

. "That's right."

The director nodded directly, confirming Zhang Zhilin's guess.

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