If this is an interview session and.Then the foreign friend should say it in English.

not so soft-hearted Chinese

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lin Mo's next packet of words did not continue to say any English words... but asked directly,

_The foreigner seems to have not heard what Chu Linmo said, and is still using his feet over there.

celestial saying

"I'm from the United States. I'm a top student at Tsinghua University. My major is architectural design e."

After listening to Ruo Mike's series of words, Lin Mo lightly adjusted his eyebrows.There is a slight difference in the eyes

Now this so-called Mike doesn't look like a boss preparing for an interview.more like a fresh employee

And he is the so-called boss.After thinking here.

Lin Mo directly calmed down, but instead, he was more like a boss interviewing employees.

And that Mike saw this of Lin Mo

After the state, he was also slightly relieved - he sighed, and the Chinese words of the whole foot became more fluent.

"My favorite industry is interior design, so He is also considering this aspect."

After receiving this industry? The smile on Mike's face is almost richer.. Talking freely.

From time to time a few popular

Liu Feifei was completely and completely beside him, and seemed to be a little stunned. It seemed that he didn't understand why the meaning of the words changed so quickly.

Aren't they interviewing?Why does it look like this in front of them?

The so-called boss is more nervous -- point.


"You speak Chinese quite well!"

After this Mike had already explained all his situation, Lin Mo said with a slight smile on his face.

"Thank you for the compliment. I have lived here for more than a year, but Chinese is a little too difficult~ Xishang"

Mike sighed helplessly.It seems that Ping is also a little helpless about such a thing.

"So what salary are you more willing to accept now?"

Quantity of things

Now that it's all entered, it's on the right track

Instead, Director Wang Tao looked at Lin Mo-yan with a slightly surprised eye sleeve.

Compared with Lin Mo's smoothness.On the other hand, Jiayi is in a state of perfection.

Their thoughts were exactly the same as what Lin Mo thought at first.I also think that these people come from outside to test them.

But what they didn't expect at all was that these foreigners just came to interview, and they were the so-called boss

Zhang looked at the foreigner Genxiu in front of him with a bewildered expression and did not understand, after he explained his current situation

after.And this foreigner has a wrong expression on Sanyou's face, as if he said it wrong.

"Is there anything I haven't explained yet?_"

Zhang Jie asked a question over there with a somewhat puzzled tone, and even his eyes had a little more fanaticism.

After the foreigner twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, he talked about his emotions for a long time.

"Everything about your company. I've thoroughly understood it now. So what's the use of what you're telling me? 2


The foreigner faced by Zhang Jie, then

It's a little different from Lin Mo's stubborn foreigner. His Chinese is almost quite good.

"Brother Lin has completely resolved this matter. Let's look at the state where these guests have not entered at all"_

"Hahaha.. The confused expression on Zhang Jie's face is really too cute. He may not understand why this foreigner wants to tell him such a bunch of useless things!"

"It's too bad to do it. It's like this. I'm afraid the information on both sides is not good, and I don't even understand what the other side is talking about."

This is the kind of trick that the festival group is playing, and the information in the west is not equal at all, so it will come up with nothing.

"I'd like to see how these Jiayi can be solved now."

Among the several guests present, except for Lin Mo, who had quickly discovered what was wrong, the others had not noticed anything wrong at all.

They even think that the companies in the words of these foreigners are only the companies they interviewed for.

They even have some doubts now.Why are the companies I interviewed for so strange?

wait until they

After that, I found that they couldn't understand the meaning expressed by the other side.

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