Clearly understand the current trends of the entire industry.But there is simply no way to write something that will make readers really happy.

Happy novel.

For the time being, I thought your two novels would not cause any sensation at all.Fu is now fantasy and fantasy and the city is now

After I was invited here, I was surprised by the reason of the tone, or the head of the book.

"Bi Yu now Lin Mo can say that he has opened a door on his own. After all, there are no traditional martial arts novels. After that, the online literary world will set off, one after another."

After talking about this matter, the editor couldn't help but take a bit of caution in his tone.


In this mouth industry.Even editing can't help it. The success that e Lin Mo has obtained is a little bit amazed.

"If they want to imitate, let them try it. I want to see if they can imitate the marrow of my novel."

Lin Mo smiled slightly and said quite calmly.

in two novels.Story and genre are secondary.Only the bone marrow in the story is the most important.

Otherwise, Lin Mo wouldn't have this letter at all, so he could suddenly come up with the Nine Dragons when the martial arts novels were so lonely.The novel gives first

I borrow Sheng from the concept of reference.I give you advice. ""C

The editor said quite shamelessly over there, he clearly knew that his level was not as good as that of Lin Mo, and even lower than many of the novels updated by Lin Mo.Even if it is a little shameless at this time.How can that be?

"Won't you really hold the golden head who wants to read the updated novel?"

After Lin Mo picked the corner of his mouth slightly, there was a bit of nonchalance in his tone.

"Actually. I don't have to see what you want to say about the advance update. "I just really want to pick a row of Mao Chun noodles for you.


In this editor, it can be said to be quite shameless, although Lin Mo has already seen the real purpose in his heart.

.ask for flowers, 2__

But he still clings to his own face and is unwilling to tell the real truth

"Bank it... Then I'll give you a few cards behind me to win 2."

Lin Mo said helplessly for a while. He sent it to the editor. 'enter

"Tell me to see if there are any typos."

Lin Mo doesn't have any time to pick himself now. . some typos in the novel are not really an effect,

But being there is a thorn in Lin Mo's heart after all

"No way, you give me this = novel and that's what I know."

The editor took a bit of a mouthful of fish in that micro, I can't believe the news that came out of the club. . C--

"Of course, otherwise you think I really let you pick something wrong... You should also know that your level is not as good as mine."

When Lin Mo was talking about this.It can be said to be quite confident.

The editor twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, although he was dismissive of what Lin Mo just said.

But Li helplessly found that what Lin Mo said was a fact.his level.It is indeed not as good as Lin Mo at all.

"What I'm telling you is the truth. If Rong can tell it directly in front of me, can't you leave me some last dignity?

The editor asked calmly over there

After g feels that he has come into contact with Lin Mo now.The temper is really getting better.

"Of course not. Now I'm just showing your level. It's also to make you better."

Lin Mo smiled, completely using a rather shameless posture pad.



Although the editor complained there for ten days, after receiving Lin Mo's document, he was quite determined to open the document directly.

"Damn it. You've already written it all here. Why didn't you update it all for him? What you wrote is so beautiful.

The editor directly sent several paragraphs to Lin Mo.He completely showed the surprise in his heart.

"Isn't there a little bit of manuscript to be saved? You can't write as much as you want, too.

Chapter 274: Plagiarism

The editor has now completely fallen into the novels written by Lin Mo

Already lost all sanity

However, after seeing what Lin Mo said, he still regained some of his sanity.

"That's not bad! It's still very important to save the manuscript. After you become a VIP, you can't be as lazy as you are now."

Now the editor has completely discussed it for a small reader of Lin Mo.

If he is not allowed by the current conditions, he can't wait

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