Originally, at the very beginning, they might have thought that if something like this happened, they were really going to be with someone else.If there is any dispute, then Zhejiang is a very understandable nose.. But no matter what, the people in the festival group have no way to deal with it.

Because after all, it's the artist's own business. So at this moment, they can only listen to their ideas.

Lin Mo is really the leader in this group.

The style of his cooking really surprised and surprised everyone. They didn't know

When will Dorian Mercier still have such an amazing cooking skill?

When the family got together, Lin Mowei was really surprised, and at the beginning, Lin Mo himself didn't think that he would be favored by everyone.

Because when they first started cooking together, Lin Mo just thought that his own cooking would be slightly better than others, but he didn't expect that the people who looked straight were embroidered pillows.

I look like I can do everything, but when I actually do it, it's nothing.So at this time, Lin Mo suddenly felt that these people were in front of him.

It felt like a joke before.

He felt that they were like children, and Cong Lai didn't want to care about them as deeply.So after the incident happened at this time, Lin Mo didn't have any other thoughts.

However, at this time, when Lin Mo appeared in front of the TV screen, it really surprised them, and at this moment in Lin Mo's heart, the weight was 0.9. is biased.

Especially at this time.When Jiao Feifei looked at Lin Mo on the TV.Suddenly, I feel that Lin Mo's approach is still a bit inappropriate.


Because he knew that in fact, Lin Mo usually cooks in his life.Although it's not very tasty.But in fact

Chapter 446: Envy, Envy, Hate

._This is just Liu Feifei's own opinion, and now in this society, it may be that there are very few things that men can cook.

Several other artists can't cook at all, so at this moment Lin Mo's cooking skills.In his eyes, it was already very good.The station said this time.Lin Mo himself didn't know what to do with the things he received.

However, at this time, when Liu Sinfei said these words.Lin Nana was right next to her.Then he said to Liu Feifei.

"Okay Liu Feifei, I advise you to return

Do not be dissatisfied.Before this, I knew that Lin Mo, he 05 = -Xiang is a good man. Not only can he film, but now you see him in cooking, such things are easy to do

"I feel that you are just too dissatisfied. Look at me until now. There is no one around me who can accompany me, so I have faced such a thing, and I already feel the distress of Bei Xue."

"By your side. Save enough to have that kind of person who looks very good to accompany you and can cook and act. You are so considerate in life, what else do you want?"

Lin Nana said so.People said that when Liu Feifei heard Lin Nana speak like this... she still felt very shy.Because she knew that what Lin Nana said was actually correct.

He knew that these two people had been together for a long time.Although Lin Nana always said that she was very envious of herself in front of Zi 2.

But only Liu Feifei knows the bitterness and joy in Jishi. It was said that at the beginning, Liu Feifei also understood how the two people from 2 and Lin Mo were able to reach today's "Jun" step by step.

When watching Lin Mo on the TV today so happy.he also

It is because he feels that he really did not choose the wrong person. He knows that the relationship between 2 and Lin Mo has always been very good with you.

When Lin Mo gets together with everyone.When preparing to cook together.Lin Mo also felt that his cooking skills were not as exquisite as others imagined. But he still felt that he could be better than others.

Because after all, Lin Zhiying and Chen Xiaochun really don't know anything. If that's the case, will they welcome their children to the end of the day? Lin Mo is worried about their children.

However, when this orange dream appeared, other

People really feel very happy, but at this time.The man next to him told him.

"Lin Mo, I really didn't expect that your 660 would be so good at cooking so many good dishes. Before this, I always felt that such a thing happened. Maybe there is no need to think too much."

"But today I can see you cooking in person, it really makes me feel impressed. I really feel very happy when such a thing happened."


However, at this time, Lin Mo just smiled shyly, because Lin Mo knew that the things he had done since 2 were very inexperienced.

It's worth mentioning, but at this time, after Lin Mo had prepared the meal, the Tai family was already sitting together and preparing to eat.

The thing about being able to sit and eat together

Chapter 447: Chopstick Culture

It really made Chen Xiaochun's son and Lin Zhiying's son feel very happy.Because after all, now they can finally have a delicious dinner.

Before him. Chen Xiaochun's son and Lin Zhiying's son looked at their father when he was eating.. that stupid look.I am really worried that I may not be able to eat by tonight.

And now facing the meal that Uncle Lin Mo prepared for them, it really made him feel extremely happy.Because Biyi everyone can sit and eat together. For such a thing, it really makes them

I feel very happy.

It's time for everyone to eat together.However, Lin Mo unexpectedly discovered that the chopsticks in Lin Zhiying's son's hands were really not very flexible.

When such a thing happened, Lin Mo really felt that he couldn't show his hands and watch. Because before this, Lin Mo was two people with a relatively high culture of the Celestial Dynasty.

He knew that using chopsticks was something that every Chinese person had to do. So at this moment, Lin Mo really couldn't just stand idly by when faced with such a thing as Wang Lu.

He hopes to be able to guide Lin Zhiying's son well, although

However, facing such a matter, he knew that even if Lin Zhiying's son didn't want to say precise words to others, then this is also a very bad question 2,

Because after all, they are recording an episode now... and it is broadcast live so that everyone can see it. At this moment, Lin Mo feels that it is better to correct Lin Zhiying's son.

He thought that Lin Ying's son should not do this.And at the beginning, he understood that if such a thing happened now, if he went directly to Lin Zhiying's several sons to make it clear.Then maybe Lin Zhiying's son will be angry.

but not

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