Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

105 Coins For Publicity! Labor And Management Don’T Want To Wait Any Longer And Will Break The Recor

Finally, Liu Yifei was sent away. During these days of road shows, the two were inseparable. After Liu Yifei got a taste of it, she pulled Qin Nuo to cultivate immortality every day.

It is also known as weight loss.

Qin Nuo doesn't know whether to lose weight or not, but his waist has indeed shrunk a lot these days, and Liu Yifei doesn't look very strong.

But I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I know a little bit about the south boxing and the north leg, and I can easily master the lower waist and horse stance.

Physical strength is very good.

She is even more powerful than Da Meiyuan.

Last night, Qin Nuo had to hold his breath to win against this girl!

"Let's go" Liu Yifei hugged Qin Nuo and whispered in his ear with a smile on her face.

"I'll have to check Qin Nuo next time I come here. If you're missing something, don't blame me for being rude! Hmph."



After finishing speaking, Liu Yifei gave Qin Nuo a look and turned to Jun.

Looking at Liu Yifei's back, Qin Nuo fell into thinking, how about finding a time to break up with this woman.

One person's fighting power is equivalent to three Liu Shishi, it's simply outrageous!

And I don’t know how to control myself. How can I do this if I continue like this?

"Hey, what is my director Qin thinking about? Are you tired recently?"

Da Meiyuan came over with a bad smile on her face. She knew everything about Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei.

Sometimes Gao Yuanyuan even gave Qin Nuo a massage to relax her. Liu Yifei, this woman is really beyond appearances.

"Tired? How is that possible? It looks like I'm tired, right?"

No matter when, a man can't complain about being tired, what a joke.

"Then I will come to see you tonight?"

Da Meiyuan winked at Qin Nuo and lightly licked her lips with her tongue.

"Ahem, forget it, I have something else to do tonight, let's make an appointment later!"

"Hey, take good care of yourself, my great director, don't let it go before you reach thirty..."

"Here, this is for you!"

Gao Yuanyuan handed Qin Nuo a key.

"What the hell is this?" Qin Nuo took a look and asked.

"I bought a house in Shanghai, not far from your community. If you want, you can come find me!"

Qin Nuo790 put away the key, smiled, hugged Da Meiyuan into his arms, and asked.

"Have you ever given this key to anyone else?"

...I gave it before, but now only you can open it!"

Gao Yuanyuan flipped up her hair and pretended not to care.

"If you don't want to open the door one day, remember to give me the key back!"

Qin Nuo said nothing, but hugged Da Meiyuan tighter.

The box office of "Tang Tan" online is also attracting everyone's attention.

On the 26th day of release, the box office was 8.8 million, and the cumulative box office exceeded 100 million.

On the 27th day of release, the box office was 8 million, and the cumulative box office was 717 million.

On this day, Qin Nuo was given a scarf.

[Everyone will post their ticket stubs, and one thousand netizens will be drawn tomorrow night. As long as they have the ticket stubs, each person will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan!]

[That’s right, it’s 10,000 yuan per person!]

【Don’t miss it~!】

As soon as they saw the news, netizens became excited instantly. One thousand people each received 10,000 yuan. If you calculate this, it would be 10 million yuan.

This is no small feat.

"Damn it, Qin Gou, you are so disgusting, I would have thrown away my ticket stub!"

"Woo, me too, Qin Nuo, why didn't you tell me earlier and tell me to keep it? I've read it several times!"

"It's really disgusting. If you just walk around and swipe three times, I will definitely make a profit from Qin Nuo's ten thousand yuan!"

"That's right. Let's look again. Yesterday, I asked a fortune teller to tell me that I am destined to make a fortune today!"

"Upstairs, you have to be careful, don't look back. This windfall is because someone hit you, and they will pay for your life!"

"You're going, you bastard!"

As soon as the scarf was released, it quickly became a hot search topic among netizens.

【Qin Nuo throw coins!】

Many people in the circle came to join in the fun after seeing it.

Huang Xiaoming: "There are thirty tickets in total. Director Qin, I took away the ten thousand yuan from you!"

Li Binbin: "We have booked two sessions, with a total of two hundred tickets. If Director Qin fails to choose me, then I will blame you for operating behind the scenes."

Tang Yan: "Director Qin is so awesome. I brushed him three times and slapped him!"

All the artists in the industry who are related to Qin Nuo have posted their movie tickets, which cost only a few hundred yuan anyway.

If you really get involved, you might even be able to get in touch with Qin Nuo, and you’ll get the benefit at no cost!

at this time.

In a bar in Shanghai, several beauties were sitting on the sofa looking at scarves.

"Xiao Li, do you still have your ticket? Show it to me?"

"It's in my bag, help me get it quickly!"

"I have some here too. No need to go. Send them over quickly. Maybe you guys are lucky and can get Director Qin's ten thousand yuan!"

"If you get the draw, maybe you can get in touch with Director Qin, Qin Hao

"Xiaolang Hoozi, are you angry? If Director Qin doesn't give you money, are you willing to let him play?"

"Humph, what's the point? Don't say no money, just give me some money. Director Qin is so handsome and talented, so it's not a loss to give him free money!"

"You're so naughty"

"You're not the same!"

Wang Sicong next to him sounded a little strange and asked after taking a sip of wine.

"What are you talking about? This guy Qin Nuo is so good at deductions, how can he still give out money?"

"Principal, don't you know? It's all on the hot search. Qin Nuo asked everyone to show off their ticket stubs. He will draw a thousand people from them. Anyone who wins will be rewarded 10,000 yuan!"

"Yes, principal, you didn't look at the scarf!"

When Wang Sicong heard this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened his scarf and found out that this was really happening. And it's already making headlines.

I saw many familiar people posting their ticket stubs below.

"Principal, do you want to play too? I have a ticket?"

Everyone knows that Wang Sicong likes to join in the fun, so he quickly handed over the movie tickets in his hands.

"Keep that ticket for yourself, I have plenty!"

Wang Sicong called Liu Feng directly.

"Lao Liu, where are the movie tickets I reserved? Send them all to my villa!"

"Are you crazy? That's more than 100,000 copies!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

"I see"

Netizens were just joining in the fun, but unexpectedly, a god posted a bunch of tickets.

Wang Sicong [This is not much, a total of 123,600 tickets, don’t talk nonsense, I have decided on these 10,000 yuan!]

Netizens looked at the piles of tickets piled up on the table and were all dumbfounded.

Principal, you are confused. What have you done with so many votes?

"Let me do the math. If (chch) one ticket is 50 yuan, 120,000 tickets is 6 million. Let me go. I am worthy of being the principal!"

"Six million was thrown away. Principal, did you invite all your Wanda employees to watch the movie?"

"As expected of the son of the richest man, we buy tickets one by one, while others buy them in piles, which is outrageous!"

“The life of a rich person is really plain and boring!”

Soon the principal's scarf became a hot search topic, and netizens were curious about why the principal bought so many tickets.

In the end, Qin Nuo came out to explain and was the chef for the third time.

"The principal must have been tricked, how could he laugh so many times!"

"That's for sure. Qin Nuo is a very good guy. The principal is confused!"

"Last time I accidentally walked into Qin Nuo's company, and when I came out, there was only one inner treasury left. Even if the tiger in this company dies, it has to leave a piece of its skin before it can leave!"

Netizens saw this strange thing and started to take action, and the popularity was once again stirred up.

After seeing it, discerning people in the industry had to sigh that Qin Nuo's ability to hype is three points better than his ability to make movies.

I spent 10 million to get several hot searches, and there are still many viewers who plan to watch Tang Detective again tomorrow. It is simply outrageous.

Even if you don't do anything, it's safe to wait for a few days to break the box office record. If it doesn't work, isn't there a secret key to postpone it? As for this?

"Humph, how shameless, and such an operation!"

Feng Xiaogang looked very unhappy when he saw many viewers online watching Qin Nuo's movies.

"This is obviously using money to buy box office. I suggest that Optoelectronics should ban this kind of hype. This guy Qin Nuo is not offline at all!"

"Xiao Gang, forget it." Wang Zhonglei on the other side rolled his eyes in his heart.

It would be weird if you reported it to Optoelectronics and wanted to take action against you. Qin Nuo didn't buy a box office and didn't build a ghost theater.

I just want to give back to the audience. If this can be banned, Qin Nuo will probably go to the capital to file a complaint.

Also, if you don’t think of this method of publicity yourself, don’t let others use it. If you can’t eat the grapes, you will say the grapes are sour.

Too much.

"Let him go this time, how much will our box office earn?"

"500 million is still a little short of that, and it will be about the same when it is released~"

Feng Xiaogang pursed his lips. He really regretted it. If he had known better, he would not have fought with Qin Nuo. His movie might have exceeded 600 million in another schedule.

Now there are only 500 million, which is not satisfactory!

"I'm afraid this guy's movie will break the record tomorrow!"

Wang Zhonglei touched his chin and said.

"The difference is more than 10 million. With this publicity, it won't be a big problem. Qin Nuo is truly crowned king!"

At the same time, many media are also paying attention. They originally thought that Qin Nuo would break the record the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

But I didn’t expect that at the end, Qin Nuo played a cool operation and directly threw coins. The publicity method was very good.

Tomorrow's box office is likely to skyrocket.

"Hurry up and go to the Magic City overnight. Tang Tan's box office will probably break the record tomorrow!"

"Hurry up and get the first-hand information!"

"Don't rest, Lao Liu, hurry up and go to Magic City, Qin Nuo is going to break the record!"

The media is very smart. When Qin Nuo throws away money, people may think he wants to give back to the audience, but they know that this guy just wants to break the box office record tomorrow.

This guy doesn't want to wait any longer.

Another day passed, at two o'clock in the morning, the media, people in the industry, Huayi, Qin Nuo's studio, and many people were waiting.

The website will refresh soon.

Detective Chinatown, today’s box office is 25 million, and the cumulative box office is 42 million!

Tangshan earthquake, box office today is 6 million, cumulative box office is 497 million

"Wow, it's a record-breaking record, 740 million, incredible!"

"Today there was a box office of 2,500 yuan. Qin Nuo's 10 million yuan was well spent!"

"Qin Nuo Niubi!!!!"

At two o'clock in the morning, many office buildings emitted deafening cheers.

At the same time, the official version of the scarf was also updated.

[Congratulations to Director Qin for breaking the box office record of China today. A new record is born, 742 million. Every day from now on, China’s box office record will be refreshed]

【Congratulations to Director Qin!】

As soon as the scarf was released, it was instantly on the headlines, followed by a small buzzword!

ps: The fifth update has arrived today, with 20,000 words. If you like the book, please support it, thank you!!!

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