The first part of Xiuchundao really doesn’t cost much.

Fatty Zhou has long since forgotten it.

30 million can barely make it, 40 million is just right.

Including publicity, it will not exceed 50 million at most.

Even wealthy.

Wu Kebo could get 50 million with a wave of his hand.

This is equivalent to starting to make money before the movie Qin Nuo is even filmed.

When the box office comes out, you can still make a fortune.

"Mr. Wu, are you serious? Fifty million is not a small amount!"

"Don't worry, Director Qin, money is not an issue. Chengtian didn't even think about making money this time!"

Qin Nuo hesitated for a while, but the deal could be done.

Not only can he make money, but he can also make Wu Kebo owe him a favor.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay!" Qin Nuo looked at Wu Kebo.

"Mr. Wu, we have been friends for many years, and I helped with this matter."

"If this movie doesn't make 200 million at the box office, I'll refund the money to the landlord!"

When Wu Kebo heard this, he smiled even more happily.

"Brother Qin's level, I believe there is no problem.

He was relieved in his heart. With 200 million yuan, with this box office, he wouldn't lose much if he invested 50 million yuan.

The two hugged, and finally Wu Kebo said

"Director Qin, I have another unkind request."

"Mr. Wu, tell me~"

"Tang Yan, you've seen it too. He's a nice person and has a good personality, but his popularity is far behind other flowers recently~"

"If the role is suitable for this movie, can you arrange a role for Tang Yan?"

Seeing Qin Nuo frowning, Wu Kebo quickly explained.

"This is my personal request. If it doesn't work, forget it.

"As long as her acting skills are good, I will give her a good role!"

"Okay, thank you very much, Director Qin. Next time I come to the capital, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Watching the two people leave.

Qin Nuo thinks Wu Kebo is quite generous, even letting his little one serve him

Mr. Wu pays attention to people!

Picked up the phone and called Fatty Zhou.

"Hey, Fatty Zhou, how's the crew doing?"

"It's almost done, there are only two days left."

"Hurry up, don't be afraid of spending money. Someone has sent you 50 million. You can spend it on whatever you want. We can spend money to buy time!"

"Holy shit, Qin Nuo, who is that person?"

"Who else can it be? Wu Kebo from Chengtian. Hurry up and show it sooner so we can make money sooner."

Fatty Zhou...

time flies.

With the money from the scapegoat, the fat man didn't feel bad, so he set up the crew in one day, and also paid extra money for the prop company to come up with Ming Dynasty costumes.

Finally found a good venue.

In less than ten days, all the behind-the-scenes work was completed.

Now the only issue left was the actor. Fatty Zhou couldn't control himself and pulled Qin Nuo from home.

Interview actors with him!

Qin Nuo, who was sitting on the chair, yawned continuously and looked at Fatty Zhou unhappily.

This guy pulled him out of bed before eight o'clock today.

Boring, just choose an actor.

As for that?

"Hurry up and call people in, it's just a few characters, just a little bit"

Qin Nuo waved his hand.

"no problem"

Fatty Zhou was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect so much this morning and rushed into Qin Nuo's house.

I didn't expect Da Meiyuan to be here, so this is a bit embarrassing.

But I still envy Qin Nuo.

Although Gao Yuanyuan is thirty years old.

But she is the goddess of tiger attack!

"Director Qin, Director Zhou, hello Mr. Wu, I'm Du Chun, here to audition Shen Lian "||!"

"Let's get started" Qin Nuo waved his hand.

This audition is not considered public. The people who come are either related or Fatty Zhou thinks they are not suitable.

Qin Nuo saw Du Chun's performance and understood.

Another related household.

"Thank you, Du Chun, we will notify you of the audition results within three days~!"

"Thank you, Director Zhou!"

When the others left, Qin Nuo glanced at Fatty Zhou and asked.

"Whose family is this related to?"

"I got it from Huayi. If you're a gangster, just treat it as a favor!"


Two minutes later, another familiar voice came in.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you are here too~"

Qin Nuo said hello.

"Didn't I hear that Director Qin has another blockbuster film? Let's try it."

"Okay, then you can start." Qin Nuo didn't mind either.

Someone online said before that Huang Xiaoming's acting skills were not good, but Qin Nuo just laughed.

It’s not that Huang Xiaoming is bad at acting, he also likes to play domineering CEOs.

This guy actually has pretty good acting skills.

Look at how well the Chinese partners in the previous life performed.

And the subsequent Fire Heroes also had excellent acting skills.

Moreover, his acting skills have a confusing feeling, as if he can be evenly matched with anyone.

When meeting an old actor, Huang Xiaoming can still catch the other person's play.

But if you meet some actors with poor acting skills, Huang Xiaoming can blend in perfectly.

Passive skills, forcing a 50-50 split.

Cow ratio!

"The person I'm auditioning for is Jin Yichuan, the third youngest in the play!"

After a while Huang Xiaoming started performing.

I have to say that this guy does have some strength when he is serious.

Very well performed.

After it was over, all three of Qin Nuo applauded.

"Thank you, Director Qin, thank you, Director Zhou, and Mr. Wu.

"Well, you performed well. Brother Xiao Ming, please go back and rest. I will notify you of the results within three days."

After Huang Xiaoming left, Fatty Zhou said.

"Qin Nuo, Jin Yichuan should be given to Huang Xiaoming, he acted very well!"

"Okay, give him a small salary, this guy won't refuse."

Qin Nuo nodded, Huang Xiaoming was competing for the number one niche player in the Mainland.

Originally, Huang Xiaoming had a slight advantage.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo took action, and the popularity of Tang Dynasty Detective Deng Dynasty soared.

Langdeng Huang, who plays the role in the play, is full of joy and successfully suppresses Huang Xiaoming.

Now Brother Xiao Ming is looking for an opportunity to fight back, and Xiuchundao is a very good opportunity.

If the pay is lower, I won’t refuse!

"Fat Zhou, you are lucky. Huang Xiaoming is very popular.

"Hey, that's right!"

The audition went very quickly. By the afternoon, most of the supporting roles had been chosen, leaving only a few main roles.


"Hey, Brother Fan, why are you here?" Qin Nuo looked at Liao Fan who walked in and said in surprise.

"Didn't I come to Director Qin to beg for food again?"

Liao Fan smiled very happily after playing the Explosive Drummer last year.

His popularity rose quickly.

Many scripts came to me.

Although the salary was very high, the script was average.

Liao Fan is not stupid either. The reputation he has finally accumulated cannot be ruined like this.

So there seemed to be many scripts, but in fact he only picked one or two good ones.

I will never ruin my reputation for money.

Later I saw Qin Nuo had a new show and came to join in the fun.

"Brother Fan, which character have you set your sights on?"

"Lu Jianxing, if I were younger and felt like Shen Lian, I could give it a try!"

"Haha, okay, Brother Fan, don't waste your time. I'll give you the role. Don't leave this afternoon and let's have a meal together!"

"Ah?" Liao Fan was stunned when he heard this.

Is this okay?

Liao Fan prepared for a long time before coming here and acted thousands of times in front of the mirror.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo gave it to him without saying a word.

Is it a bit too hasty, or Qin Nuo, you are thinking about it.

"Qin Nuo, this is not good, okay"

Liao Fan looked at the people around him. Although he had a good relationship with Qin Nuo, he couldn't use the back door like this.

At least do it superficially.

"How can I have so much time to play with you? I still don't know your acting skills. Let's go. Don't delay the people behind you."

"Yeah, Brother Fan, we don't know you yet."

Fatty Zhou also nodded. He also knew Liao Fan's acting skills.

It's more than enough to play Lu Jianxing.

And everyone has such a good relationship.

What's wrong with going through the back door?

You see, Mr. Wu didn’t say anything.

""Okay then, I'll treat you to a drink tonight!"

Just as Liao Fan left, another acquaintance came in.

"Director Qin, Director Zhou, Mr. Wu, hello"

"Hu Ge, you are here too. Which role do you want to play?" Qin Nuo also has a good relationship with Hu Ge.

Previously in Tang Ren, Hu Ge, as the eldest brother, took good care of him.

"Shen Lian."

"Okay, you try."

Five minutes later, Nuo dragged his chin and looked at Ge, who was still a little nervous after the performance.

In fact, the acting is quite satisfactory, not bad.

But what Qin Nuo is thinking is, is this a bit too cheap?

The two leading actors in the play are both from Tang Dynasty.

One is Zhou Ruotong and the other is Shen Lian.

Damn it, Yinong's calculation was pretty good.

No wonder I invited him to dinner two days ago.

Qin Nuo is a bit strange.

The co-author is waiting for him here.

"It's a good performance, Brother Hu. But when you go back and tell Mr. Cai, you are not allowed to plot against me like this in the future. Otherwise, if she invites you to dinner again, I will never go there again!"

A smile appeared on Hu Ge's face. He understood Qin Nuo's words.

If there are no surprises, this role is probably his.

"Okay, I'll treat Director Qin to dinner later!"

"Let's go, don't waste time, let's have a meal together tonight."

"no problem!"

Soon Hugo left.

Cai Yinong outside was waiting anxiously.

Hu Ge came out and rushed forward.

"What do you mean, have you chosen it?"

"No, Director Qin was very angry and said you were plotting against him." Hu Ge joked.

Cai Yinong was very angry when he heard this.

"This kid Qin Nuo turned his back on me, bastard, who plotted against him? If I had known better, I wouldn't have treated him to such expensive food!"

"It cost me tens of thousands!"

"No, I have to find him." Cai Yinong wanted to rush inside.

She was really anxious, and Hu Ge had a good relationship with her.

But Cai Yinong also knew that it was the Tang people who delayed Hu Ge.

If Hu Ge had wanted to leave, he might have gotten into the film industry long ago.

But he didn't, and Tang Ren didn't have much resources in the film industry.

I can't give Hu Ge any help.

But this time the opportunity is very good, the role of Xiuchundao Shen Lian is very suitable for Hu Ge.

Qin Nuo's script is also guaranteed to box office.

If Hu Ge seizes this opportunity, he can enter the big screen in the future.

No more wasting time on the small screen.

"Hey, don't" Hu Ge quickly stopped Cai Yinong.

Good guy, sister, you are a real tiger.

There are still auditions in there!

What would others think if they saw it when they went in like this?

"Don't stop me, I'm going to ask Qin Nuo why he is so heartless."

"The role is not given to anyone. We didn't treat him badly back then in Tang Dynasty!"

"He was given a second male lead less than half a year after he came here, and now this guy has turned his back on me and refuses to recognize him."

"See if I don't scold him! Anyway, I'm not afraid of embarrassment."

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