Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

124 Left And Right, Qin Nuo Fought Feng Xiaogang And Lu Chuan So Hard, And Chen Long Was In Vain

After entering the manor, Qin Nuo, Huang Xiaoming and others changed their clothes.

Come to the banquet hall.

The location of Qin Nuo is very good, right in the middle.

Best viewing position.

But I don't know if Su Mang did it on purpose.

He actually arranged Feng Xiaogang and Lu Chuan at the same table.

As soon as Qin Nuo sat down, two glances came over him.

There were many people at the table.

Brother Chen Long, Wang Zhonglei of Huayi, Yu Dong, Zhang Weiping and other big guys.

No one else spoke.

Looking at Qin Nuo who was sandwiched between Feng Xiaogang and Lu Chuan with a smile.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together.

It would look great if Lu Chuan and Feng Xiaogang teamed up to beat Qin Nuo.

That's even better.

"Director Feng, Director Lu, although I am handsome, you don't have to look at me like this?"

Qin Nuo waved his hand.

"Tch, Qin Nuo, you are so handsome, what kind of release are you going to make? It's so ugly."

Feng Xiaogang is not used to Qin Nuo. This guy blackmailed him for one million last time.

I haven’t settled the score with him yet!

"Director Feng is right, Qin Nuo has been in Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years. I have cheered up and am waiting to see if we can come again next time!"

After Lu Chuan fell into illusionism last time.

I was taught a lesson by my old man with a stick for several days.

Finally woke up.

I, Lu Chuan, will never admit defeat.

Qin Nuo glanced at Lu Chuan. Isn't this guy planning to film Jinling Jinling?

You are really seeking death.

"Feng Guo, what do you know? This is called fashion, and it's ugly. Wait~"

Qin Nuo turned around and patted Li Binbin at the next table.

"Sister Binbin, are you handsome? How about having a cup of coffee together if you have time in the evening?"

Li Binbin's eyes lit up and he said quickly.

"Director Qin looks really handsome, no problem, he's available at any time.

"Then let's agree"

Qin Nuo turned his head and looked at Feng Xiaogang.

"Director Feng, how are you? Are you convinced?"


Feng Xiaogang curled his lips, not wanting to talk to Qin Nuo.

These women now have no sense of aesthetics at all.

He acts like a little hooligan, so handsome!

He turned to look at Lu Chuan again.

"Director Lu is always welcome, how about we give it a try on the next movie?"

Qin Nuo is very welcome, but there is something wrong with Lu Chuan's brain.

It would have been nice to get a Jinling Jinling.

If nothing else, what this movie reflects can arouse the indignation of the Chinese people.

As long as the movie quality is passable.

Everyone will buy it, and the box office will definitely be satisfactory.

But who would have thought that this guy Lu Chuan might have lost his mind.

In a movie like this, the main character dies, and then the perspective is shifted to a little devil.

And let this little devil save people...

Doesn’t this challenge the audience’s bottom line?

His death was not unjust at all.

"Hmph, whatever you want!"

People at the table saw Qin Nuo's confidence.

He opened his bow from left to right, attacking Feng Xiaogang and Lu Chuan.

They all lamented that they are really old and now the world is dominated by young people.

"Director Qin, your performance just now was very good. This will at least save you several million in promotional expenses for your new movie.

Zhang Weiping asked with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang won the award, so I just had fun with it, but the new movie was not made by me, but by Director Zhou~々.

Qin Nuo is also very depressed.

Why do everyone now think this movie was made by him?

When he was on the set, he really didn't interfere.

Not at all.

"It's almost the same. When does Director Qin plan to release it?"

Hearing this, everyone at the table pricked up their ears.

Xiuchundao is coming fiercely, with the joining of Qin Nuo.

Behind them are Huang Xiaoming, Hu Ge, Liao Fan and other powerful stars.

It's no joke to get screen time.

They can also adjust the schedule, it is best not to bump into Qin Nuo.

Otherwise, the result is really hard to say.

"It should be National Day, I might not be able to come during the summer vacation!"

"National Day!" Zhang Weiping frowned when he heard this.

Lao Mouzi's The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling will also be released on National Day.

This schedule is perfect for the movie.

The story of the movie is based on the Jinling Massacre during the Anti-Japanese War.

It tells the story of an American who pretended to be a priest in 1937 to save people, and a group of female students hiding in a church.

It is a touching story about 14 prostitutes who fled the war, as well as the soldiers and wounded soldiers who resisted desperately, facing life and death and overcoming difficulties.

It's perfect for National Day.

But Zhang Weiping did not expect that Xiuchundao would also be released in this schedule.

"Director Qin, why don't you change the schedule? Lao Mouzi's The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling will be released on the National Day schedule. How about giving it some face?"

Now it’s interesting. Many people at the table are looking at Qin Nuo.

Lao Mouzi is no joke, the story of the Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling is also very good.

Has the potential to sell well.

They wanted to see if Qin Nuo would give Zhang Weiping and Lao Mouzi this face.

Wang Zhonglei on the side frowned.

Zhang Weiping looked a little unhappy. This guy obviously wanted to suppress Qin Nuo.

Xiuchundao also has their investment from Huayi.

The National Day schedule is so good, why should I give it to you?

"Why don't Director Qin give you this face?" Zhang Weiping saw Qin Nuo and said nothing.

asked again.

"Well, I don't care about that. The National Master is also a director I admire, but the schedule arrangement is not in my hands."

Qin Nuo spread his hands.

"You have to talk to Mr. Wang and Mr. Yu about this matter!"

"One of them is an investor and the other is a publisher. Mr. Zhang, how about you discuss it with them?"

"As long as they are willing, I don't care!"


Zhang Weiping didn't expect Qin Nuo to kick the ball away.

If it were Qin Nuo, Zhang Weiping could rely on his status as a senior to suppress him.

If Qin Nuo doesn’t give face.

Disrespecting the seniors in the circle is a big or small matter.

It definitely has an impact on Qin Nuo.

I didn't expect this kid to be so cunning.

Don't take the call at all.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll give it to the Imperial Master. I'll discuss it with my subordinates when I get back. Don't worry, Mr. Zhang!"

"Personally, I don't want to conflict with the national master's schedule."

Yu Dong said quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, the same goes for me. I will discuss it with my elder brother when I get back, and I will give you this face!"

Zhang Weiping glared at the two of them, not to mention that what he said now sounded so nice.

I will definitely not give up my schedule when I look back.

There are many reasons.

No matter what time schedule doesn't work, the company has other movies to release.

It doesn’t cost anything to talk anyway.

If you believe it, you are really stupid.

Qin Nuo glanced at the two of them from the side. Wang Zhonglei and Yu Dong nodded with smiles on their faces.

He breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself.

This is the power of connections, if Wang Zhong and Yu Dong don't help today.

He let me go this time.

No way, the entertainment industry also has some rules that shouldn't be followed.

Although Zhang Weiping is shameless.

But he occupies the moral high ground after all!

Qin Nuo can’t refuse!

But Qin Nuo remembered this grudge.

Zhang Weiping, you old boy, don’t give me a chance.

Otherwise, see how I deal with you.

at the same time.

Qin Nuo's actions just now also attracted the attention of many people.

Liu Shishi frowned.

"What are you doing, Qin Nuo? You are so happy chatting with Li Binbin, this woman is almost forty, how dare you talk to her?"

Liu Yifei looked very unhappy.

"Why is the old woman smiling? I don't know how many people have played with her, dirty thing!"

"Sister Mi, Director Qin went to flirt with another woman again. Look how happy Li Binbin is smiling."

Yang Mi glanced at it and didn't take it to heart.

"Don't worry, Qin Nuo doesn't like that woman. His appetite is not that good..."

Yang Mi knows Qin Nuo fairly well.

This guy has very high requirements for his body shape and likes to be bulging forward and backward.

And you have to be young, thirty is already the limit.

If Li Binbin were ten years younger, he would indeed have a chance, but not now.

His taste is not that strong.

Soon the charity auction started, Qin Nuo looked a little strange at the food in front of him

Why can’t these guys move their chopsticks?

When he arrived, he waited outside for more than three hours.

I've been hungry for a long time.

I thought to myself, since they won't eat, I won't be polite.

He picked up the knife and fork, got a piece of lobster meat and started eating by himself.

The people at the table saw Qin Nuo's behavior and looked at each other.

A smile appeared on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Continue to watch the auction on the stage.

"This item was donated by Brother Chen Long. It is a piece of clothing he wore in the movie."

"The starting price is 10,000 yuan!"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

"one million!

Soon many artists were bidding, "One T-shirt sold for 150 square meters in less than five minutes.

Chen Long on the table smiled happily.

Everyone is in his favor.

Qin Nuo also joined in the fun, shouting two million and was quickly surpassed by the artists behind him.

He doesn't mind either.

Did not continue shouting.

When you come to an auction, you still have to shout out the price.

Otherwise, if someone finds out, you will be scolded.

But if someone robs it, it's not his problem.

Just donate money after that.

Nor will he be criticized.

"Director Qin, I also like movie props. Why don't you come back and I'll give you some as a gift?"

"Okay, Brother Chen Long, I grew up watching your movies."

When Chen Long heard this, he smiled even more happily.

"Director Qin, that guy over there, my useless son, can you take care of me for the next movie?"

Qin Nuo looked in the direction.

Immediately, I thought: isn't that guy the one who was reported for his sexual harassment?

"Please take care of me. Do you want my movie to be banned?"

However, Qin Nuo (Qian De) then thought about it, maybe it could be done.

"No problem, but I'm afraid it won't work in the next movie. There are requirements from above. How about the next one!"

"Yes, of course!"

Chen Long quickly agreed, since Qin Nuo was filming very quickly anyway.

The lower part is just over a year.

"I heard that Brother Chen Long was recently photographed in the Chinese Zodiac. How about not considering Sister Yuanyuan!"

"Gao Yuanyuan, it's a small matter, I agree."

Chen Long smiled happily. She was just a female character, so she gave it to her.

Anyway, his movies usually focus on him, and the female characters are just embellishments.

It's not a loss if I can change my son's role.

The same goes for Qin Nuo, count the time.

In less than two years, that guy will be reported and put in jail.

At that time, Chen Long would not be ashamed to ask him for roles again.

Wouldn't this be a waste of Chen Long's prostitution?


Seeing that Qin Nuo was so sensible, Chen Long stopped teasing him and reminded him with a smile.

"Qin Nuo, haven't you come to Bazaar Charity Night before?"

"No, this is my first time here

Qin Nuo took a bite of abalone, frowned, and then swallowed it directly.

This stuff doesn't taste good.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"Director Qin, this year's charity night is different from previous years. This time the charity night will be broadcast live."

"What? Live broadcast! Drag!"

ps: There is another one around one o'clock, how about a few comments, the comment section is like a ghost, I feel so unsure.

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