Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

132 What I Mean By This Gesture Is That There Is No Cap On Investment! All The Girls Gathered In Hen

Qin Nuo is very serious.

"Qin Nuo, this is no joke. Even I can't stand some of the special effects in China. Don't make any promises!"

"Brother Lin, I'm not kidding. In fact, you have all misunderstood."

"Our domestic special effects technology is not bad. Although it cannot keep up with that of the United States, the technicians are definitely good at it."

"The reason why what you saw happened is because there are a group of people who didn't spend any money on special effects."

"For example, out of an investment of 10 million, 7 million will be used to hire big-name stars, 2 million will be used as shooting expenses, and the remaining 1 million will be used for post-production!"

"Do you think something made with this amount of money will be good?"

"Is that so?" Wang Lin was a little confused.

He always thought that the special effects in China were very poor, and he really didn't study them in depth.

"That's it. The special effects in China are really not bad. As long as you pay enough, those technicians can rub the keyboard to make it smoke for you. Believe it or not!~"

"Haha!" Wang Lin nodded. It seemed that the solution to his previous worries was almost the same.

We can discuss the shooting,

"It's March now, how long do you think it will take to make the movie."

Qin Nuo thought about it and decided that the shooting would take about four months.

But the important thing about science fiction films is the later stage.

The later period will take at least eight months.

"It takes almost a year. Post-production for science fiction films takes a long time."

"It adds up to one year." Wang Lin frowned, this time was a bit long.

And there is no good schedule right now.

You can't find a clear schedule for an investment of 300 million yuan.

"If we can shorten the post-production time, for example, if we are doing post-production while filming, can we ensure that it will be finished during the Spring Festival?"

"Haha~" Qin Nuo's lips twitched slightly.

"Brother Lin, didn't you listen to me just now? As long as you give me enough money, I can rub the keyboard to make it smoke!"

Qin Nuo has done some research on the people who do special effects in China.

how to say.

It was quite miserable... 27

Often one is hungry and one is full.

Those directors didn't pay much attention to me, and the money they gave me was almost the same as being sent away to beg for food.

I received such a big order all at once.

You can't be so excited that you have to work two shifts.

It's not impossible for them to stay up all night if you're in a hurry.

"Well, Qian Huaying has come out, so don't go here to pick up girls. Hurry up and choose the actors and shoot as soon as possible!"

"Hey, bro, I'm at work. Whenever I want to pick up girls, don't slander people!"

Wang Lin rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Just pretend I didn't see it.

As soon as you arrived, you saw two beauties standing next to you.

I just sat on your lap and said I didn't pick up any girls.

The boy looks like a dog.

The female stars in the industry will be miserable in the future.

"Stop talking nonsense, finish it as soon as possible, go find the actors quickly, and leave the preparation work to Huaying!"

"no problem!"

After the two discussed it, Wang Lin took two mouthfuls of food and left.

He had to go back to report for work, and he was also busy with a lot of work on the film's props and locations.

Not as free as Qin Nuo.

at the same time.

The news about Qin Nuo's new movie is also spreading in a small area.

Many people saw Wang Lin coming to see Qin Nuo.

Everyone in Qin Nuo's crew is paying attention.

There might be spies planted by some entertainment company.

"Hello, Sister Shishi?"

"Du Ling, what's going on?" Liu Shishi was busy making announcements in the capital when she suddenly received a call from Chen Duling.

"Sister Shishi, come back soon, big news, the boss's new movie seems to be filming soon!"

"I heard something quietly. The investment is very large, starting at least 100 million! A real blockbuster!"

"What? Wait for me, I'll be right back!"

Liu Shishi ran outside without saying a word.

"Hey, boss, the announcement isn't over yet," Xiao Zhao quickly reminded.

"If you don't want to do it anymore, I will refund the money to them, double the amount. Come back to Hengdian with me!"

Liu Shishi is not stupid either.

How much does a notice cost? It's only a few hundred thousand.

If only I could grab the heroine of a blockbuster movie with an investment of more than 100 million yuan.

This little money is not enough to put her teeth between her teeth.

"Okay, I'll drive right away!"

Xiao Zhao also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Qin Nuo's new movie has long been rumored to be invested by China Film Group.

Don't target too many people.

If Liu Shishi can get close to the water and get the moon first, she will make a lot of money.

She even regretted why she went to make an announcement at this time.

Damn it, I almost missed 100 million!

"Hello, Sissy?"

Liu Yifei looked at the name on her phone a little strangely. Why is Brother Xiao Ming looking for me?

"Brother Xiao Ming, is there something wrong?"

"Qian Qian, let me tell you some news. Director Qin's new movie seems to be in the works. Today, the leader of China Film Group came to see Director Qin."

"Looking at the investment like this, I'm afraid it will cost 200 million. If you have time, you can come and visit the team!"

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei have a pretty good relationship. They played the role of The Condor Heroes together.

So I want to give Liu Yifei a hand.

Upon hearing this, Liu Shi stood up instantly.

"Brother Xiao Ming, when did this happen?"

"Just in the morning, come quickly!"

"No problem, I'll come right away!"

Liu Yifei changed her clothes and prepared to run without saying a word.

Although she is the heroine in the second part of Tang Detective.

It's still early for this movie, and we have to wait for at least more than a year.

Luckily she was fine.

And a 200 million blockbuster movie!

Even she has never seen such a big gesture.

"Hey, Sissi, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to Hengdian, I'm going to find Qin Nuo.

"You're not allowed to go looking for anything!"

Liu Xiaoli was very unhappy.

It's not like my precious daughter was really abducted by that guy Qin Nuo.

She heard a lot of rumors outside.

"Mom, you misunderstood that I have something serious to do."

"Qin Nuo's new movie is promising. I heard that the investment is 200 million. I have to fight for it!"

"What, two hundred million?" Liu Xiaoli's eyes widened.

"This investment is more than our entire net worth. Why does a movie require so much investment?"

"Who knows, I'm going to grab it anyway!"

When Liu Xiaoli heard this, her attitude changed 180 degrees.

"You are right, go quickly, I will accompany you!"

"No, Mom, my assistant and I will go. You don't have to go."

Liu Yifei is not stupid. If you go, how can I use my methods?

I want to talk on the bed, you can't push my butt.

How embarrassing...

"Okay, then I'll book a flight for you."

On the other side, Gao Yuanyuan also received a call from Sister Hong.

After asking for a leave from the crew, I hurried to Hengdian.

Sister Hong didn't think so much.

After all, the wealth does not go to outsiders, and Gao Yuanyuan is the only artist in their company.

It wouldn't hurt if I could grab a good role.

Qin Nuo was not in a hurry, and Tian Lin decided to take over.

He ate slowly for more than an hour and drank a bottle of wine before returning to his room.

I felt happy on the road.

As a director, who doesn’t want to make a stunning and super big movie with huge investment?

And it’s a science fiction film.

Everyone has a deep yearning for the sky and the universe when they were young.

Qin Nuo now has the opportunity to realize her childhood dream, and I can't believe how wonderful it is.

I went back to my room whistling, there was nothing to do in the afternoon.

Qin Nuo planned to take a nice nap.

At night, I was thinking about how to make this epic science fiction film.

Not in a hurry.

"Damn it! Why are you all in my room!"

Qin Nuo opened the door and the room was full of people.

Fatty Zhou, Sun Wen, Huang Xiaoming, Tang Yan and other leading actors were all in the living room.

Seeing Qin Nuo come in, more than ten pairs of eyes all looked at him.

And everyone has a smile on their face.

"Director Qin is back, come and sit down!" Brother Xiao Ming quickly helped Qin Nuo to the sofa.

"Tangtang, why don't you have good eyesight? Why don't you go and serve Director Qin tea?"

"Okay, I'll go right away, Brother Xiao Ming!"

"Director Qin, please have some tea."

Qin Nuo took the tea cup and looked at everyone with a wary expression while drinking.

If they didn't know each other, he would have thought that these people were trying to get in his way.

"Hey, don't be like this, you guys, my movie is actually not that mysterious, and you really don't have much chance.

Qin Nuo also knows what these guys are thinking.

But there aren’t many Interstellar characters.

The astronaut pilot also has his daughter Murphy. The daughter is considered two people. After all, they have grown from youth to adult.

There is also a heroine.

There are a few other supporting roles, but there are really not many cakes.

This movie mainly depends on the special effects and world view, as well as the plot design.

The focus is not on the characters.

"Director Qin, we are just curious, what type is your new movie?"

Everyone doesn't care. If there are dates or not, let's hit two poles first.

"Yes, Director Qin, there is no need to hide this."

"sci-fi movie!"

"Science fiction!" Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions were filled with excitement.

Is there a market for science fiction films?


And it's huge.

But it’s very difficult, and there’s a high possibility of diarrhea if you don’t take good pictures.

Very few directors in China dare to try this type of film.

"Qin Dao Niubi! How much is the investment?"

Hu Ge asked, everyone is also very interested in this question. Science fiction films cannot do without small investment, just for special effects.

At least a million, or even millions, will be burned in one minute.

Tens of millions is not impossible.

The leaders are here, so the investment must not be small.

It would take at least one to two hundred million to be worthy of his status.

Qin Nuo stretched out a finger and pointed at the ceiling.

"One hundred million?"

Everyone was a little disappointed when they saw this. They thought it was at least 150 million.

Even two hundred million.

Unexpectedly, it was only 100 million.

An investment of 100 million is indeed considered a top-level investment in the film industry.

Don't look at the good hype outside, investing 150 million in some movie.

Actually, everyone understands it.

That's all just propaganda.

Called more than 100 million, the real investment may be less than half.

Isn’t that the case with Tang Tan in Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, the 100 million doesn't seem to suit your status?"

"Yeah, Qin Nuo, that's a bit small, I thought it was at least 200 million."

“Everyone’s leaders came in person”

"Don't you like it?" Huang Xiaoming was very surprised.

"Director Qin and the others don't like it, but I like it. They will consider me for new movies!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present had black lines on their foreheads.

Who can't stand it.

I didn’t expect that Xiao Ming, your thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also learn to be clever.

Beautiful thought.

Tang Yan said quickly.

"Qin Nuo, although I am a girl, actually, I have had a science fiction dream since I was a child.

"Qin Nuo, I also want to make a contribution to China's science fiction industry!"

"Don't consider Brother Xiao Ming, he is not cost-effective, choose me."

Huang Xiaoming

Qin Nuo was annoyed by everyone and waved his hand helplessly.

"You guys should go back first. This time the new movie is an open audition, everyone has a chance!"

"And it doesn't matter what I said. The third master will also come to the scene when the time comes. You are looking for the wrong person when you ask me to go through the back door."

"It's better to go find the Third Master!"

Everyone said nothing and complained in their hearts.

If we can find Mr. San, can we still find you?

Who in the entertainment industry doesn’t know Mr. San.

But the key is that Third Master doesn’t know us...

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