Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

135 Beiying’S Speech, Officially Admitted That The Scarf Was Directly Broken (Please Subscribe)

When all the roommates heard this, they immediately became energetic.

Quickly find your cell phone.

Open the scarf and read the news on the Internet.

[According to the news, Director Qin’s new movie has been confirmed. It is a science fiction film with an investment of 300 million yuan. It is invested by Huaying. Last night, Director Qin rushed all night to return to the Magic City]

"Let me go, this is not fake, right? A science fiction film worth 300 million yuan, a movie worth 300 million yuan, such a big deal!"

"Who knows, this is just a hair with a big V in a scarf. I don't know if it's true or not."

"It must be true." Lin Tian often brushes his scarf and is very familiar with the situation on the Internet.

"I just saw that this scarf was posted for two hours, but neither Qin Nuo nor his studio spoke to deny it."

"It took two hours and it made headlines. If this was fake, the studio would have started clarifying it long ago!"

Hearing this, the three of them nodded.

Then his face was full of surprises, a science fiction movie worth 300 million yuan, how good it must be.

"But can Qin Nuo really work? Sci-fi movies, our country of China doesn't seem to be that good~"

"Don't say it makes sense, the science fiction movie Huayi ranked last time made me pee~"

"I think there's no problem!" Lin Tian believed in Qin Nuo.

"If you think about who Qin Nuo is, he is a great director of Palm Tree. Detective Tang in the back is also very exciting. He must be confident if he dares to shoot."

"makes sense"

"Okay, trust Qin Nuo once!"

The scene that happened in the dormitory also happened in many schools.

Qin Nuo's reputation among young people is not low.

Everyone loves and admires him.

The reason is also very simple.

Qin Nuo is not too old, at most four or five years older than current college students.

They are the same age as them.

But the achievements achieved are far higher than them, even out of reach.

When someone else's achievements are slightly higher than yours.

You won't admire it, you won't even think it's a big deal.

If I had tried harder, you would have been surpassed by me long ago.

But if someone else’s achievements are much higher than yours.

Even when you can’t do it even if you try hard all your life.

The jealousy had disappeared, replaced by adoration.

Deep adoration.

In addition, Qin Nuo is the same age, so everyone treats him as one of their own.

Naturally I like it.

Vertical sun.

Qin Nuo came to the studio, smiled when she saw Sister Hong, and gave a thumbs up.

"Sister Hong, you can do this. When do you plan to announce it?"

The big scarf V online is actually just an account raised by Sister Hong.

She also did this.

Arouse the attention of netizens, but don't rush to clarify, just wait for the news to ferment.

Let netizens discuss it spontaneously.

Is this true?

Why hasn't anyone clarified or announced yet?

Sister Hong is really trying to figure out what netizens are thinking.

"Don't worry, boss, just wait. We will make an announcement in the afternoon."

Sister Hong looked confident.

"Let the bullets fly for a while~"

"It's pretty cool!"

Qin Nuo smiled and ignored it, leaving this matter to Sister Hong, she is a professional.

Arriving at the office, Qin Nuo just sat down.

The assistant came over.


"Why are you so close to me? Go away!"

Qin Nuo pushed this girl's face.

I didn't notice for a while, but Chen Duling seemed to have grown a little taller.

After entering the entertainment industry, I also learned to dress up.

A little less green and a little more charming.

Yesterday Qin Nuo almost couldn't hold it back.

"Boss, you hate me!"

"Go aside, don't act like a spoiled child~"

Chen Duling didn't understand. He obviously liked her, so why didn't he want her to get close to her?

The boss is so difficult to understand.

"Stop making trouble, I'll take a call."

Qin Nuo pushed the girl's head, picked up the phone and said with a smile.

"Teacher Huang, do you have a problem with me so early?"

"Don't move!" Qin Nuo glared at the girl.

"Why don't you move?"

"I didn't say that, teacher, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Of course there is something wrong. You forgot about coming to Beijing Film Academy to give a speech."

"Qin Nuo, are your wings stiff and you want to deceive me?"

Huang Lei said angrily.


Hearing this, Qin Nuo was stunned, let alone he had really forgotten.

Not that it was intentional.

It’s just that there are too many things going on recently.

After Tang Detective was released, he was quite free.

But he didn't expect to be tricked by that woman Liu Shishi.

I went to embroider spring knives and acted like a layman with extra money.

Just forget about it.

"No, how is that possible? I remember it!" Qin Nuo said quickly.

"Okay then, this Sunday, it will be in the auditorium of Beijing Film Academy. Come early~"

"No, teacher, I'm very busy!"

"I know you are very busy, but you will be even busier in the future, so you might as well go earlier."

Huang Lei looked at the headline on his scarf.

Big V also broke the news.


Who are you fooling?

He is a veteran in the industry.

I can guarantee that this matter was not done by Qin Nuo Studio itself.

Or cooperate with a big V.

Just to gain popularity.

"This and that~"

"Qin Nuo, let me tell you, I made a promise to the dean yesterday that if you don't come, I will be dead.

"If I'm dead, then I'll use you as my backer. You can think about it yourself."

Qin Nuo…………

"Hey, okay"

"Teacher, I agreed, what about it?"

"Haha, don't say anything anymore, just let me know when you come and I will pick you up!"

Huang Lei hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

"Dean, don't this kid accuse me of not knowing how to count and want to drag me down. It's a pretty idea.

"Well done, Huang Lei, the boy should have been here a long time ago."

Dean Liu also smiled happily.

Many students in the college saw the news on the scarves and were very happy.

But they suddenly remembered that there were rumors that Qin Nuo would come to Beijing Film Academy to give a speech?

Why have we been talking for so long and there is no news at all?

The campus forums have been bombarded with questions from students.

Someone even asked him about it.

Seeing the students so excited, Dean Liu approached Huang Lei.

While Qin Nuo still has time, he quickly came to Beijing Film Academy to get the matter settled.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take for him to actually make a movie.

"Why did you say that this kid has also been eating at Beiying for four years? It's time to come back."

"That's what the dean said"

The two chatted for a while.

Finally, Dean Liu reminded.

"Don't lose your etiquette. Qin Nuo is an internationally renowned director after all. Let's go back and find a few people to hold a welcome ceremony."

"I'll leave it to you, Huang Lei."

"No problem, I'll cover it!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo hung up the phone, feeling a little depressed.

Because of this, I won’t be able to rest for the next few days.

"Boss, are you going to give a speech at Beijing Film Academy? Take me with you."

.........Please give me flowers 0

“I haven’t been to Beijing Film Academy yet!”

"Just stay there, the bigger you get, the more annoying you will be."


The news about Qin Nuo's new movie is becoming more and more popular on the Internet because no one has clarified it.

Whatever you say.

"It's been seven or eight hours, but no one has come out to say something. Is it true or false?"

"Plus, I feel like it's not real at all. It's a science fiction movie. Are there any science fiction movies in China?"

"With an investment of 300 million, it would take at least 900 million to recover the cost. The current domestic box office record is less than 800 million!"

"It feels like it's fake. What the person above said is right. The investment can't be so big and the cost can't be recovered at all."

"That's right, even Qin Nuo can't do it, and science fiction movies, Hua Guo really can't do it."

"Not even Qin Nuo?"

"Qin Nuo can't do it either. We don't have the soil for science fiction in our country."

Most netizens still don't quite believe it, after all, this thing is too fantasy.

It’s a science fiction film and it’s an investment of 300 million.

Very meow.

If it weren't for Qin Nuo, netizens would just take it as a joke.

If you still want to make money with an investment of 300 million, just dream.

Looking at the domestic box office record, it is less than 800 million.

Lose money and sell shouting.

But Qin Nuo gave them a little hope.

But after waiting for so long and seeing Qin Nuo not saying anything, everyone thought it was unlikely.

It's probably fake news created by some unscrupulous editor.

Even many people in the industry think this is a joke and this news is really a bit false.

300 million investment.

too big.

It's so big!

But just when netizens were about to lose hope.

The official scarf from Qin Nuo’s studio has been updated

[Recently, the new movie Interstellar, led by Qin Nuo, has been approved, with an estimated investment of 300 million, so stay tuned!]

As soon as the scarf was released, the entire network was shaken instantly.

The number of views on the scarf reached nearly 100,000 in one minute.

Even scarf officials had to take action.

If this continues, the scarf will collapse, and you need to have someone repair it quickly.

"Holy crap, it's true. I'm so stuck that I can't open the studio scarf."

"I am the same, what the hell, can't we do a better job on the server with all these bad words in the scarf?"

"Every time something big happens, it collapses!"

"Plus one. Tell me if it's true. It can't be opened!"

Excited netizens kept refreshing their scarves.

But I didn't expect that something even more speechless would happen the next second.

The bib server received a large number of users in a short period of time.

Unable to hold on, it collapsed.

Not to mention that I can't open the scarf, I can't even enter the APP website.

"Haha, well done, Sister Hong!"

Sun Wen was not only not angry when his scarf collapsed, but also very happy.

The collapse of the scarf shows how influential this matter is.

Netizens are very concerned.

They won't be happy until it collapses.

"That's right, you don't even know who I am!"

"Just wait. The scarf should be repaired in half an hour. It won't be a problem if the heat continues for a few days."

Sister Hong looked proud.

The second time I came to Qin Nuo's studio, my scarf collapsed.

This record is second to none in the entire entertainment industry!

There are few who can compare with her.

The fifth update of ps has arrived. If you like the book, don’t forget to support it. It’s been a while.

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