Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

138 Returning To Beijing Film Academy, Excited Students, Qin Nuo Has Become A Giant Panda!

When we came to the auditorium, many students were numb.

Damn it, why are there so many people? Qin Nuo won't come until three o'clock.

You guys didn't eat lunch and came here to take a seat.

Seeing that he couldn't squeeze in.

Some students started making trouble.

Suddenly the scene became noisy, and a large auditorium was also surrounded by water.

"Teacher Huang, it's bad, the students in the auditorium are making trouble!"


Huang Lei is preparing to welcome Qin Nuo, although he feels a little unhappy.

Back then, this guy could be beaten and scolded whenever he wanted.

Unexpectedly, one day things would turn around.

The labor and management staff specially picked him up.

I feel a little stingy.

But then I thought about it and endured it, waiting to deal with him when no one was around.

"There are so many students here that the auditorium can't be crowded."

"Are these students sick? Isn't it the same as watching the live broadcast in the dormitory?"

Huang Lei didn't understand very much. Qin Nuo's speech this time was broadcast live. You can watch it by logging on to the campus network.

There is no need to be there at all.

"Teacher, how can this be the same? Qin Nuo is the pride of our school."

"You're so proud." Huang Lei rolled his eyes.

"This kid was ignorant and unskilled when he was in school. He picked up girls every day. Others didn't know it, but I didn't know it."

The staff below listened and smiled, thinking secretly.

That would be you, Teacher Huang, or someone else.

Even the dean would not say this.

"Director Qin is so romantic, a talented and beautiful woman!"

"You're really good at talking. I know, let the students go."

"If we remove all the things at the back of the auditorium, we should be able to accommodate more people."

"Okay, Teacher Huang, I'll make arrangements right away!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo and Chen Duling were driving slowly towards the film school.

This car was lent to him by Huaying.

"Xiao Nizi, go back and get my driver's license quickly, you know?"

"I am an internationally renowned director and I have to drive for you. If you don't know, I would think you are the eldest daughter of some family!"

650 Qin Nuo was so depressed that he originally planned to take a rest on the road.

Just ask.

This girl didn't even have a driver's license, and Nuo was so angry that he almost rushed her back to the hospital.

"Boss, I can actually teach it, I just didn't take the exam."

"I believe you are a hammer, hurry up and learn"

Qin Nuo doesn’t believe it, female driver or something,

It's best to learn how to drive at a driving school.

Otherwise, who knows whether you are driving a car or a hearse.

Half past two in the afternoon.

The two finally arrived at the school gate.

As soon as he got off the bus, Qin Nuo was a little confused.

At a glance, there are rows of long legs, still dressed so coolly.

As expected of Beijing Film Academy.

The quality of these students is very high.

Each one of them would at least be a top student in other schools.

"Okay, stop looking." Huang Lei walked over and whispered.

"What the hell, after a few years he became a great director in the industry, but he still looks like he has never seen the world."

"Hey, Teacher Huang, haven't I forgotten my original intention?"

"Only you can talk"

After chatting in a low voice, Huang Lei became serious and polite.

"Welcome Director Qin to return to Beiying today. Tens of thousands of students from Beiying are looking forward to Director Qin's arrival."

"The teacher gave me the award. My achievements are insignificant. I am very grateful to the school for training me back then!"

The two were polite for a while and walked side by side towards the school.

As we passed by, more than a dozen ladies from the etiquette team nearby shouted welcome.

All smiles on his face.

Qin Nuo didn't look away, smiled and waved to them.

Don't look too serious.

Qin Nuo and Huang Lei first walked around the campus, chatting and laughing.

Many students from Beijing Film Academy were very excited after seeing it.

They were less than twenty meters away from the director of the palm tree.

It's much clearer than on TV.

"Xiao Mei, is that Director Qin? I'm so excited, I think I went up to ask for an autograph."

A few little girls hid aside and whispered.

"You can't do this. The school has already mentioned it. It's okay to just take a second look and you rush up to ask for an autograph!"

"What if Director Qin gives it and all the people around him rush to him?"

"Okay, did you bring your camera? Is it okay if I take two photos?"

"This should be fine, I'll look for it"

Many students, like them, also wanted to go up and have a look, but the security guards around them were not vegetarians.

Seeing someone approaching, quickly warn with your eyes.

I had no choice but to watch from a distance, secretly take a few photos of Qin Nuo, and then send them to her scarf.

[Excited, I was lucky enough to meet Director Qin at school today. He is even better in person than in the movie.

Many netizens hurried over after seeing it.

"I went, thinking it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be true. Which school is this guy Qin Nuo in? I'm going to block him!"

"It's really not P! This guy went to school to pick up girls? Are you not filming any more movies?"

"Qin Nuo has now extended its claws to the school, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful!"

"No matter where this is, I want to see it."

"The one upstairs, don't think about it. If I'm not mistaken, this should be Beijing Film Academy."

"That's right, Beijing Film Academy has been closed this morning. Except for people from our school, no one else can come in."

"Hey, that's right. Director Qin went back to his alma mater today to share some creative experiences with us. I'm envious."

"I'm so lucky that I go to the same school as Director Qin."


Many students from Beijing Film Academy also left messages below, making netizens very envious.

Especially the two schools next to it.

They also knew that Qin Nuo was coming today and wanted to sneak away to Beijing Film Academy.

But who would have thought that those guys would be so shameless and even check their student ID cards...

Anyone without one will not be allowed to enter the school.

All I could do was run away in despair and accuse Beijing Film Group and the others online.

Why don't you let us in? Qin Nuo doesn't belong to your family.

"This school hasn't changed much, it's almost the same as before!"

"You've only been gone for three years, how can you make such a big difference?"

"Yeah, Teacher Huang, should I donate some money when I come back? I think everyone else is doing this.

Qin Nuo doesn’t know much about these either.

And Beijing Film Academy doesn't seem to be short of money. After all, it is the leading art school in the country.

Those who study art are from rich families.

The students are rich, how can the school be inferior?

"It doesn't matter. The school invites you to give a speech this time. It's not a school anniversary. If you really want to do something.

"Just take care of the graduating students later."

"Oh well."

Qin Nuo doesn't want to act like a nouveau riche, so he has no problem taking care of his juniors.

Originally, his studio was about to expand its staff.

When the time comes, just ask Sister Hong to come to the school to recruit people.

"That's almost it, Teacher Huang, let's go to the auditorium. If this continues, I will really turn into a giant panda."

Qin Nuo glanced around.

Good guy, there are people all around.

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, it doesn’t matter if you take two pictures with your phone.

But taking out your professional camera is a bit much.

Labor and management have to endure even if they want to touch their noses.

"Okay, let's go."

A group of people arrived at the auditorium.

"Welcome Director Qin to come back to the school to share his experience. On behalf of the entire Beijing Film Academy, I welcome Director Qin's arrival."

"What did Dean Liu say?" Qin Nuo held his hand.

"Outside, I am Director Qin, but when I enter the school, I will always be your student. Just call me by name.

"Haha!" Dean Liu was delighted when he heard this.

No wonder Qin Nuo can do so well in the entertainment industry. This is really nice to say.

"Okay, I'm not polite, Qin Nuo, let's go now."

"Teacher Liu, you go ahead~"

Huang Lei on the side rolled his eyes when he saw Qin Nuo's appearance.

You, Niubi, deceived the dean to such an extent that he couldn't even find his answer in two minutes.

If you don't succeed, God will not tolerate it.

Entering the auditorium, Qin Nuo took one look and felt a little numb.

Good guy, at first glance, it’s full of heads.

By rough calculation, there must be at least two thousand people.

It takes up a lot of space in the back.

"The students are very enthusiastic. Don't be offended, Director Qin!"

Qin Nuo twitched the corner of his mouth

"No, no, it's too late for me to be happy."

The students saw Qin Nuo himself discussing with the people next to him, chattering.

"Wow, it's really Qin Nuo. You guys are so lucky. Egret, do you think we should go get an autograph later?"

"How is this possible? You didn't even look at how many people are around you. Besides, we are from Beiwu. What should we do if someone finds out?"

"It's okay, they can still beat us up

"Let's see."

The egret turned to look at Qin Nuo in front of him, his eyes full of little stars.

Qin Nuo looks even more handsome and talented than in the movie. I really want to join his studio.

But the egret also knows that it is difficult.

I heard from some senior students in the industry that Qin Nuo’s studio doesn’t seem to be recruiting artists at all.

All the people hired are behind-the-scenes staff.

I don’t plan to be an artist manager.

Rested for a while.

"Okay, please be quiet at home."

Huang Lei stood on the stage with a microphone.

“Today we are honored to invite well-known alumnus Qin Nuo to share with you his experience in the industry and some of his opinions on movies.

"I hope his experience can give some inspiration and thinking to the students who are about to graduate."

"Everyone welcomes Director Qin with warm applause!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire auditorium burst into thunderous applause.

Everyone's eyes turned to Qin Nuo in front.

I saw him slowly getting up and walking slowly onto the stage with a smile on his face.

After pressing down with his hand, everyone stopped applauding.

Then everyone looked at Qin Nuo with wide eyes like kindergarten students.

"Everyone, please don't look at me like this. I admit that I'm handsome, but if you look at me like this, I, Qin Nuo, am so thick-skinned that I can't stand it."

"Haha~" The students below heard this and laughed kindly.

Toned down a bit. After the tile.

Qin Nuo picked up the microphone and started a formal speech.

"Actually, Teacher Huang invited me to come to school half a year ago, but I refused at that time."

"The reason is very simple. I am a young man who is less than 25 years old and I have not even reached the age of 30. It is difficult for me to have any life experience."

"And I'm from your age too."

Qin Nuo looked at the room full of people and said with a smile.

"Young people don't like other people's judgment the most. I know what I do and don't need your advice."

"Just watch it while I'm at it. Whether it's success or failure, I can bear it myself."

ps: The third update has arrived, it seems a bit weak, so why the custom order has not increased by two...

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