Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

141 Liu Yifei’S Shock! Two Hundred Million Special Effects! Qin Nuo: Just Use This To Test Cadres?

Before Qin Nuo got in the car, the phone rang.

"Qin Nuo, I've finished my audition. Let's have lunch together! My mother wants to meet you!"

"Liu Yifei, are you kidding? Bring your mother to dinner. What do you want to do?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

Thinking that he is a fool, Liu Xiaoli can't look down on him.

"Hey, just kidding, I'll treat you to food. Where are you?"

"Forget it, I have something to do and I have to go to Hangzhou."

"Then wait for me and I'll go with you."

Qin Nuo.…………

Twenty minutes later, a beautiful figure jumped up to Qin Nuo.

Then sat in.

Qin Nuo had no choice but to accept the fairy sister's act of coquettishness.

"I asked you, did you go through the back door? Why did you do it so quickly?"

"No way, you just went through the back door." Liu Yifei said dissatisfied.

"Director Sun said that my acting skills are much better than before. I have tried again and again!"

Qin Nuo glanced back and thought to himself.

I haven't tried it before, but I might give it a try when I get the chance...

But it would be weird if you, girl, didn’t cheat.

As far as your acting skills are concerned, Sun Wen is giving me face.

Not to mention, Qin Nuo really plans to consider Liu Yifei.

There is no way, this girl is too popular,

There is a good vase character in the play, a female astronaut who goes to explore extraterrestrial space with the protagonist.

The previous life was played by Anne Hathaway.

Nolan knows how to attract the audience with a beautiful vase.

Qin Nuo also wants to try it.

And if it comes down to it, Qin Nuo thinks Liu Yifei is more beautiful than Hathaway.

Hathaway's mouth is a bit big.

Although it's really cool at certain times, it looks like 27.

It's really a little worse.

on the road

Liu Yifei held Qin Nuo's arm with a smile on her face.

The driver in front looked intently, as if he didn't see it at all.

In fact, I have already given Qin Nuo a thumbs up in my heart.

Our boss is awesome, even the fairy sister has won.

On the other hand, Chen Duling was sulking.

So what about the fairy sister? Binuo is even older.

It will be dark in a few years...

"Qin Nuo, why are you going to Hangzhou?"

"Go find a special effects company. Interstellar Crossing requires a lot of special effects shots!"

"Oh, no wonder, how much will it cost? Is ten million enough?"

Qin Nuo glanced at Liu Yifei, her eyes filled with wonder.

Ten million?

Are you kidding me?

Is 10 million worth this trip?

"Is it less? Twenty million!"

"Stupid girl, your eyelids are so shallow"

"Tell you what, two-thirds of our investment in this movie will be used for special effects!"

"Twenty million?" Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

“It’s enough to send away beggars!”

When Liu Yifei heard this, her mouth opened wide.

Didn't care that Qin Nuo said she had short eyelids.

She was shocked.

Two-thirds of the investment is not 200 million!


Just kidding.

"And Interstellar is a 3D movie, it doesn't cost much [how will the audience pay for it!"

Qin Nuo has already made plans to spend at least 200 million on special effects and conversion.

With less money, he simply couldn't achieve the effect he wanted.

Even if it's tight.

Two hundred and fifty million is not impossible.

Anyway, what Qin Nuo wants is the top special effects and the best 3D effects in the country.

"Qin Nuo, choose me, I want to act in this movie!"

When the driver in front heard this, his heart trembled and he almost threw the steering wheel.

Hold on quickly.

I feel envious in my heart.

The fairy sister is acting like a spoiled child. Boss, you are so happy.

Not only that, Liu Yifei kept tugging on Qin Nuo.

Eyes filled with mist

"Don't move!" He pinched the woman's buttocks.

"There's no point in acting coquettishly. If this movie hits the streets, I'm afraid the third master will chase me with a gun!"

"How can you do this with such a small favor?"

Qin Nuo is no joke, this movie has no room for failure.

An investment of three hundred million is too important.

Do you use this to test cadres?

"What about this?" Liu Yifei whispered in Qin Nuo's ear.

"Hey, think about it." Qin Nuo glanced at this girl, this sacrifice was a bit big.

"Then it's like this~"

"It will only work if the third master nods, and your salary will be halved."

Life is about constant compromise.

Since the fairy sister has made such a big sacrifice.

Qin Nuo is also a decent person and plans to give him a chance.

If the acting is okay.

You can't choose her either.

"No money to make~" Liu Yifei felt very depressed. She didn't make a penny from the Qin Nuo movie this time.

And put myself in it.

Losing money to death.

This time I had to cut my salary in half, which was not enough to buy two clothes.

"You're stupid! When do female stars live off their paychecks?"

"Commercial performances are the bulk of your endorsements. The price of your commercial performances has increased a lot recently.

"That's right, what a loss." Liu Yifei is not stupid either.

It's free for Qin Nuo to play, but he still has to work for him.

Why do I feel like I'm being PUAd?

"What's the loss? Believe it or not, I can just find any artist and they won't take any salary.

whispered in Liu Yifei's ear.

"I gave it to you because of your good performance and your pursuit of acting skills."


"Of course, go back and study hard. You are very suitable for the big screen!"

"Hehe" Liu Yifei smiled happily.

"Well, I agree, Qin Nuo, you are so kind."

"That's not the case!"

Chen Duling in the front didn't understand very much. This sister didn't seem to be very smart.

Why can you mix so well?

It’s obvious that the boss is prostituting you for nothing...

This is another lie about giving me money to thank you, and I'm taking the blame for you.

Fairy sister, with your IQ, you are lucky that your boss still has some conscience.

Otherwise, I would have defrauded you and sold it to the black uncles in Africa.

Chen Duling shook his head.

She thinks she is the smartest.

These women around Qin Nuo are all fools.

One by one, they come to send warmth.

The stupidest one is Liu Yifei, then Liu Shishi, the third one is Tang Yan, and the fourth one is Reba.

Not counting Gao Yuanyuan, Chen Duling thought Gao Yuanyuan was quite smart.

Although he was played out by Qin Nuo.

But now he is the only artist in the studio.

The resources in her cousin's hands were basically given to this woman.

It's simply not a happy life.

TV series and endorsements are all carefully selected.

Last time Qin Nuo gave her another chance to be in a Chen Long movie.

Not only did I feel I didn’t lose money, I actually made a lot of money.

But Xiao Nizi is still too stupid. These women are stupid, if they are really that stupid.

Qin Nuo will not have such a headache.

He now locks the door when he goes to bed at night.

I'm just afraid that one of the young ladies will be angry.

Sneaked in at night and stabbed him.

"Director Zhou, please hurry up and get the company cleaned up. A big shot is coming today.

"Xiao Liu, hurry up and find a decoration company to repair some of the broken areas in our studio!"

"Also, you guys, could you please stop eating instant noodles in the company? What would you do if someone smells it?"

"You thought we were some kind of black workshop!!!"

"Throw it away, Xiao Liu, go buy some air freshener!"

Yu Dahai is really worried to death. Qin Nuo's business is not small.

Three hundred million is just a science fiction movie.

At least more than 100 million will be spent on special effects.

With so much money, if people come to see this company, it will look like a pyramid scheme.

How can you rest assured?

"And can you guys stop wearing these plaid shirts and change them? They all stink!"

"I know, Tu Ban."

Yu Dahai usually doesn't care, since the special effects company is not a media company anyway.

As long as the technology is good.

But it's different now. With such a big order, it's normal for Qin Nuo to come to the company.

First impressions are important.

"Lao Zhou, hurry up and find two girls to be the front desk of the company."

"Boss, where should I find it?"

"I don't care where you look, but it doesn't work. Don't you have two daughters?"

"Let them work for a day, and I'll give each of them 500 yuan!"

“That’s fine”

Lao Zhou thought about 870, five hundred a day is quite a lot, and my daughter is quite beautiful.

In the sea...

"Then go quickly!"

"Mr. Hai, Director Qin has already boarded the plane and will arrive in two hours.

"Then why don't you hurry up and find someone to pick him up!"

“Boss, our company’s ostentatious car broke down yesterday and is still being repaired...

"You can't drive a van to pick up Director Qin~"

In the sea......"

He simply couldn't imagine asking Qin Nuo to come here in a van from the airport.

How dark people's faces will be.

What the heck, those who didn’t know better thought you were going to have a group fight.

"Drive mine, forget it, go and spend the money to rent a Rolls-Royce, and I'll ask the finance manager to give you the money!"

"Okay, boss, I'll go right away!"

After everything was arranged, Yu Dahai breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at his clothes again.

"Lao Zhou, you watch the company, I'll go home and change my clothes.

"Okay, Mr. Hai!"

After giving the instructions, Yu Dahai hurried home.

It was the first time for many technicians around him to see Yu Dahai so nervous and solemn.

Also very surprised.

"Supervisor, what's wrong with the boss? It's like a blind date. I even get scolded for eating instant noodles.

"He ate with me last time."

"Yeah, Lao Zhou, what's going on? Isn't the boss usually like this?"

"Don't ask, there is a big shot coming to our company today. Does Qin Nuo know? He will come in the afternoon."

"Qin Nuo, which palm tree is it?"

"No. 1 at the box office!"

People around were talking a lot.

"That's right, his new movie appointed our company to do special effects. Didn't you see the news online?"

"I saw it, I saw it, three hundred million! I'm going, we're going to distribute it!!"

ps: Additional update, the monthly tickets for Chapter 15 should be counted correctly, five will be added tomorrow, there are only five customizations... No reward, one more will be added today, completed, slipped away.

By the way, are there many book friends who like Bai Lu? If so, deduct 1 and give her more drama later. This bitch seems to be quite popular recently...

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