Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

146 Qin Nuo’S Confidence. What's One Billion? My Goal Is To Break Avatar's Record! !

All the well-known women of the right age in the industry are here.

Even Tang Yan and Liu Shishi took the time to come.

Qin Nuo looked drunk.

What are you two doing here to join in the fun?

Is it enough time?

I haven't finished filming Xiu Chun Dao yet.

Go quickly, go quickly.

Not just the two of them.

Fan Pang, Reba, Nazar, Zhang Baizhi from Xiangjiang and other queens came to join in the fun.

Qin Nuo looked at it and shook his head.

It doesn't matter if I choose a female artist from Hong Kong to win the award.

But really not.

After that incident, the female artists from Xiangjiang and Wanwan were separated from each other...

Not many people can hold it up.

Even Brother Xiao Ming called Qin Nuo.

Let him take care of his new girlfriend, Big Baby.

Qin Nuo actually gave him face.

But the acting skills of Big Baby are awesome.

His face is worth 79.9 million...the rest of his acting skills are worthless.

Several people looked embarrassed.

"Okay, let's give this role to Liu Yifei, she is the most suitable one.

Qin Nuo closed the file.

"This woman's acting skills are just okay. She's a standard vase. I'll let her lower her salary by half!"

The third master and Wang Lin didn't say anything.

In fact, Fan Pang is also good, as are several other artists.

But they also know that the relationship between Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei is not simple.

Coupled with the fact that they were sincere, the salary was reduced by half.

They had nothing to say!

"Okay, listen to Director Qin."

“I have no objection!”27

Qin Nuo nodded, this is the power of Yi Zhen's decision-making power.

As long as it's something he decides.

No matter how dissatisfied the Third Master and Wang Lin were, they could only hold it in.

"Qin Nuo, when do you plan to start the phone? It's already March, there are only ten months left!"

San Ye, no matter what else, actors are a trivial matter, the quality of the movie is what really matters.

"Can we talk to the space center? I want to hold the press conference there!"

"Of course you don't have to go in, just the door!"


Wang Lin and Sun Wen had only two words in their minds, awesome!

Looking at Qin Nuo, his eyes were full of admiration.

Director Qin, you are really awesome!!

The press conference was actually held at the Space Center!!

Although it's just the doorway, this is no joke.

There is no movie in China that can do this.

If this spreads out, the bunch of idiot viewers on the Internet will be excited to death.

But this doesn't scare the third master.

Looking at Qin Nuo, his eyes became mesmerized. After a while he said.

"Go, no problem!"

"I really agreed!" The two of them were extremely surprised.

What does Third Master want to do?

This is not something you can agree to casually.

The space center is a national secret, and the level of confidentiality is very high.

Qin Nuo is really awesome, but people don't like you.

completely fine.


Qin Nuo naturally knew that it would not be that simple, and there must be requirements.

"Third Master, tell me, what are your requirements?"

"Qin Nuo, I can tell you that there is no problem in going there."

"I don't have enough face, I have to add my old boss~"

"The two of us will go there, it will give us face, but you have to think carefully."

"I actually don't care. If the movie fails, I'll lose a little face at most, but I won't be aggrieved."

"But my old boss is a face-conscious person. If you lose his face and get punished later, don't blame me!"

Third Master looked at Qin Nuo with squinted eyes.

I thought this kid would hesitate.

But he didn't expect Qin Nuo to agree directly without saying anything.

"No problem, I will definitely save this face for the leader.

"Humph, you are so confident. With a box office of one billion, even if it is one point less, I will tie you up and go to the boss to apologize!"

"Haha~" Qin Nuo laughed happily when he heard this.

Third Master is a bit confused. Is your kid on drugs?

Didn't hear me clearly.

One billion, not even one cent less.

"Qin Nuo, are you okay? Listen clearly, it's one billion, not one hundred million!"

"I heard you clearly, Third Master!" Qin Nuo looked at him with a touch of disdain on his face.

"You scared me. I thought the leader's goal was to break the box office record in China!"

"I didn't expect it to be this simple!"

Qin Nuo really thought that the leader wanted to break the Avatar's record.


He also has confidence in this.

After all, in the past two years, the number of large screens in China has increased by at least 50%.

There will be more this year.

It is difficult to break this record, but he dares to try it once.

But I didn’t expect it to be only one billion.

This requirement is really not too high.

With an investment of 300 million and a box office of 1 billion, even if there is some sponsorship, it can only be said to be a small profit!

Wang Lin and Sun Wen were numb when they heard their conversation.

The two of them were shocked when the third master said one billion.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo was even crazier, aiming directly at the box office record.

To break the 1.388 billion number of truck drivers.

Damn it!

Qin Nuo, are you playing with heartbeat?

That's a truck driver, he can really do it!!!

But stop talking. If Qin Nuo keeps talking, I'm afraid that both of us will be implicated.

"Good boy!"

The third master laughed angrily at Qin Nuo's words.

This young man is so confident now.

And it’s not hidden at all, breaking the box office record?

Only Qin Nuo dared to say this.

Let people like Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou, and Cheng Kaige try it.

Make sure they don't dare to say it.

This record is really too high.

Some experts even say that no one will be able to break this record within five years.

But it's only been two years.

Qin Nuo just wants to break.

For a moment, the third master couldn't tell whether Qin Nuo was arrogant or confident.

"Qin Nuo, are you kidding? There are no outsiders here."

"No kidding" Qin Nuo was very serious.

"Third Master, actually I originally planned to break records with this movie."

"Although I know Mr. San that you don't intend to make money by investing in this movie, I don't think it's okay.

“It’s a crappy movie that doesn’t make money.”

"One billion?" Qin Nuo looked a little disgusted.

"It's only 100 million, and if you divide it, it's only 30 million!"

"I've been so busy this year that I only made three million in China. Third Master, please go out and ask around.

"When did I, Qin Nuo, ever do such a loss-making business!"

Third Master thought about it and realized it was true.

Although I don’t know exactly.

But he also knew that Qin Nuo's first movie earned nearly 50 million in China.

There will be more in the second Tang Detective.

If Qin Nuo hadn't left too little investment, it would have been easy to earn 100 million.

This three million is indeed a bit small.

"Okay, Qin Nuo, you are confident enough. As long as you break the record, I will make the decision and I will give you 10% of the box office share in China!"

The third master's temper also got worse.

Don't think that you young people dare to gamble.

When you, Third Master, and I were making the movie, you were not even born yet.

"Okay, Third Master, I'm not ambiguous either!"

Qin Nuo stood up.

"Master San, if the domestic box office does not reach 1 billion, I won't take a penny, I will give it all to you!"

"A gentleman's word"

"It's hard to chase the horse!"

The two held their hands tightly together.

Sun Wen and Wang Lin next to him were dumbfounded.

Today’s audition is worth watching!!!

It turns out that the main event is later.

The same goes for the surrounding staff.

I saw the third master and Qin Nuo fighting.

Dare not say a word.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to breathe.

Sun Wen and Wang Lin looked at each other.

Both of them knew that although this matter was not included in the contract, Hui Qin Nuo and Zhou Zhou were who they were.

Forget it if you joke around normally.

If you're serious, it's just spitting and nailing.

It's done.

"Then I'll leave first, Third Master!"

"In three days, the space center will leave it to you!"

Qin Nuo turned around and left. Sun Wen and his assistant quickly followed after seeing him.

Looking at Qin Nuo’s back

Wang Lin asked

"Third Master, is Qin Nuo serious? He really intends to break the record!"

"It should be" Third Master squinted his eyes.

"But where did he get such confidence?"

"This kid dared to send his first movie to Cannes. How do you think he got his confidence?"


Wang Lin had nothing to say.

What the hell.

This is really the case, when this guy Qin Nuo first filmed Explosive Drummer.

I dare to spend more than 100,000 US dollars to find someone to send it to Cannes.

This guy is really out of the ordinary.

"Okay, don't worry, let's not talk about Qin Nuo's skills compared to other directors!"

"But this confidence is really strong!"

The third master muttered in his heart again.

"Is it possible that this guy is so popular with women? Not many women can resist his confident charm!"

"I'm going to go and have tea with my old boss. I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Okay, Third Master"

After the third master left, Tian Lin was also thinking about things.

Since Qin Nuo was so confident, he had to remind Wang Jinhua later.

It's best not to miss this drama.

Use whatever means you have.

Don't really break the record by then, your intestines will be filled with regret.

After getting in the car, Qin Nuo was thinking about filming movies and roles.

But Chen Duling next to him kept looking at him, his gaze was too direct.

It's a bit unbearable.

He turned her face away with his hands and came again after a while.

"Hey, Xiaonizi, you are sick. What are you looking at?"

"The boss is so handsome, so handsome!" Chen Duling roared.

Just now in the room, Qin Nuo and San Ye clenched their fists.

Chen Duling has deeply remembered it in his heart.

That confidence and disdain on his face.

She was completely fascinated and wanted to throw herself into Qin Nuo's arms.

"Yes, Director Qin, you are so powerful, you dare to challenge the third master!"

Sun Wen in the front row also turned his head and looked at Qin Nuo with admiration.

Most directors would be submissive to the third master when they see him, let alone yell at him like Qin Nuo.

I don’t even dare to speak louder.

But what about Qin Nuo?

Not only do you roar, but you also don't fall behind.

Just one word


ps: I reluctantly forced the dog to dig it out. If the monthly ticket is enough, I will update it at night, sneak away, and sleep.

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