Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

156 Fifty Million Black Hole Special Effects, A Brief Chat About Entertainment Industry Gossip

"I understand, I will tell Mr. Yu when I get back soon!"

Lao Zhou nodded.

Although Qin Nuo's requirements are very high, the money is quite refreshing.

Although the company's employees are a little tired, everyone's enthusiasm is good.

"Okay, you go back and get it done for me as soon as possible!"

"Definitely, my lord!"

After Lao Zhou left, Qin Nuo looked at Sun Wen and others. Strangely.

"Why are you standing there? Pack your things and leave. We have to go to the space center tomorrow afternoon!"

"Director Qin, what you just said is that a black hole costs 50 million, is that true?"

Chen Kun asked.

"Director Qin, are you kidding? Fifty million!

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo in disbelief.

"Yes, that's right, the price is very cheap!"

Qin Nuo smiled.

He really thought it was cheap, Nolan did it for this black hole in his previous life.

It cost nearly 20 million US dollars.

And he only spent 50 million.

Less than half.

I have to say that our special effects in China are really cheap and easy to use.

No wonder many Hollywood movies in later generations also went to China for special effects.

"This is still cheap???"

Everyone really couldn't imagine that Qin Nuo could say such a thing,

Fifty million!!

Oh My God.

Even though many of them are worth hundreds of millions.

But you ask them to give 50 million to try?

not a single one.

Not even Chen Kun!

How can he have so much liquidity?

Ten million is enough to support the sky.

And Qin Nuo casually threw out 50 million.



"Stop standing there, let's go, what do you think?"

"If we didn't do these special effects, this movie could have been made with 50 million yuan. The special effects are what you watch in science fiction movies!"

27 "How can you make the audience pay if you are not willing to invest money?"

Everyone also knows this truth.

But they knew that only Qin Nuo dared to do this.

In fact, many people in the industry know that movies with good special effects and exciting plots are very popular.

But many investors and directors are afraid to do it.

The reason is simple, where is the craftsman.

If the movie doesn't go well, the loss will be 10 to 20 million.

That's a loss of hundreds of millions...

If an ordinary entertainment company comes to this, it will happen.

The company is absolutely gone.

The same goes for directors, if you lose hundreds of millions of investments.

Just wait, no one will ask you to make a movie for a few years.

This stain will last for a long time on you.

Whether it can be cleaned depends on whether there are noble people to help.

Even for a director of Qin Nuo's level, this time Interstellar would fail.

I'm afraid it will also suffer a lot of criticism.

So many times, directors in the industry like to use big-name stars for filming.

In this case, even if the movie is not well shot.

There are also fans who pay for it.

You won’t lose much if you lose.

But other big-name celebrities are not willing.

It's okay if you do it once or twice this time. If it's more, the fans are not fools.

Definitely not watching it.

The most typical one is Liu Yifei.

This girl is like this, if Qin Nuo didn't help her.

This girl, I'm afraid she will never be able to make a movie in her lifetime.

Because the audience and fans have almost reached a consensus.

As long as it's a movie made by Liu Yifei, it's a bad movie.

Look at the hammer.

So even though Liu Yifei is usually very arrogant, she is actually very grateful to Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, Niubi!"

"You are the first person who can make such a decision, Director Qin! You are so courageous."

"Yes, Director Qin is the most courageous director I have ever seen. He dares to film like this."

As they walked, Chen Kun and others kept flattering Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo smiled.

How brave, what a joke.

Would he dare to do this if he didn't know the consequences?

Everyone, even everyone in the industry, thinks Qin Nuo is a bold person.

Dare to use an investment of 300 million to shout record-breaking words.

Extremely crazy.

In fact, only Qin Nuo himself knew.

He is an extremely cautious person.


Today is a small break, and the afternoon is over.

Qin Nuo asked the crew to relax.

There will be a charter flight to the space center at noon tomorrow.

After filming continuously for more than a month, Qin Nuo also gave everyone a holiday.

On the other hand, the shooting of Xiuchundao has also been completed and is in post-production.

Qin Nuo calculated the time and almost reached the level of his film shooting.

Xiuchundao also entered the promotion.

It's also timely.

"Hiss!" Suddenly feeling a strong stimulation, Qin Nuo lowered his head and looked at Zhang Ziyi and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you like it?" There was a strange expression on his face.

Zhang Ziyi asked.


"Oh, man!"

Zhang Ziyi rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo and continued busy with her own affairs.

Half an hour later, I ran to the toilet and came out after a while.

Sitting on Qin Nuo's lap.

"No, wait a minute"

Qin Nuo said quickly.

I still feel a little disgusted.

"You don't even think you dislike yourself."

Zhang Ziyi's face was dark, and her face stopped in mid-air.

"No, let's chat. It doesn't take long, so don't worry!"

Qin Nuo picked her up and put her aside.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Zhang Ziyi didn't care, and then Qin Nuo put her head on his chest.

"How about we talk about the entertainment industry."

Looking at Qin Nuo, Zhang Ziyi showed a cunning smile like a little fox.

"I've been in the industry for a long time. I know everything you're curious about."

"Why should I listen to that gossip?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, the entertainment industry is so messy.

What's there to say.

He has also been in the industry for a long time.

what do you not know.

"Really?" Seeing Qin Nuo, he didn't dare to be interested.

Zhang Ziyi whispered in his ear.

"What? Really fake!"

Qin Nuo looked at her in disbelief.

Teacher Bai was actually with Teacher Hu Jun...

"Are you kidding? I remember that at that time, Liu Tao was already married!"

Qin Nuo calculated the time.

Married indeed.

In fact, Liu Tao got married relatively early, which is unknown to outsiders.

It was several years later that it was revealed.

Zhang Ziyi rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo.

"Why are you lying to me? I went to visit the class and saw it with my own eyes."

"You still remember the bridge where A'Zhu fell, the scene in the TV series where he was hit with one palm!"

Qin Nuo nodded.

Of course he remembered the scene where Qiao Feng accidentally killed A'Zhu, which was quite a classic.

When I was little, I cried when I saw Qin Nuo for the first time...

"In the bushes under the bridge, the two of them seemed to see each other instantly.

"I went to visit the class that day and saw it while smoking on the bridge."

"Does anyone else know?" Qin Nuo seemed to have heard such rumors.

It has been passed down in previous lives.

Could it be that this woman spread the news?

"There must be more. They made a lot of noise at the time, but they probably didn't tell anyone."

"After all, Liu Tao was married at the time!"

"But, most of Liu Tao's husband is also a cuckold. I also heard that that guy wanted to give Liu Tao to others to play with."

"You also know that guy owes a lot of money!"

Zhang Ziyi's face was full of contempt, and she seemed to look down on this kind of person.

Qin Nuo nodded, as if that was indeed the case.

In his previous life, Liu Tao went out to film, and there was a passionate scene with Li Cheng in a car.

Her husband even gifted her a pair of hats with bunny ears.

That’s how it feels.

Tsk tsk.

I can't understand that this man still has such a hobby.

"Hey, there's something wrong with you." Zhang Ziyi glanced at her.

"Boy, do you also have this kind of hobby?"

"What are you thinking about? I'm not stupid, why would you do such a thing?"

"Then what do you want?"

Zhang Ziyi leaned into Qin Nuo's ear again and whispered a few words.

After hearing this, Qin Nuo looked at the woman differently.

Dahua is worthy of being a big flower, and she spends more time playing than others.

"Why are you looking at me? Forget it!"

"Go, I'm not at a loss, you go to the top of the building and wait for me, I'll go up in a while!"


On the other side, Liu Yifei also felt strange.

I looked at the time and it was almost eleven o'clock. Qin Nuo didn't come.

Are you tired?

"Forget it if you don't come, I'll go to sleep by myself!"

After a while, Xiao Nizi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she hesitated.

Suit up.

The little face looked a little unhappy.

He quietly opened the door and walked towards Qin Nuo's room.

"Big pig's hoof, it's so disgusting, I have to deliver it to my door myself!"

Come to the door of Qin Nuo's room.


Found no sound.

"Is this guy too tired and fell asleep again?"

Liu Yifei muttered.

After thinking about it, it's really possible.

I'm so busy these days, it's hard to go to bed early one day.

At this time Qin Nuo and Zhang Ziyi had just come down from the roof.

Zhang Ziyi still had a blush on her face and held Qin Nuo's hand.

"Qin Nuo, you are so bad!"

"It's you who's a bad hammer. Why are you so loud?"

Qin Nuo was frightened.

"I said you are not afraid that I will get pregnant!"

"You are willing to get pregnant!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart.

He still has some understanding of women in the entertainment industry.

I am very interested in fame and fortune.

All I wanted to do was climb up.

He even sacrificed his body and dignity for this.

Qin Nuo himself understands this deeply.

His previous prestige was useless.

There is no way, there are too many people added.

They are all female artists in some circles.

Give him some benefits every night.

Some more famous artists are more reserved.

Just sending some photos to Qin Nuo.

Invite him to dinner.

But it's different for some 18th-tier artists and models who want to join the industry.

One is better than the other.

Qin Nuo was worried that his prestige would be stolen.

What a big deal it must be.

Don't turn around and be caught by your uncle stepping on the sewing machine.

Simply canceled it.

Although Zhang Ziyi has reached the level of Dahua, she is still under great pressure.

Otherwise, this woman would not be able to be caught by him.

Of course not everyone is like this.

Xianyuliu Shishi is completely different from them.

This woman was thinking about quitting the industry and preparing to have a baby with Qin Nuo.

Be a full-time mother in the future......

"I definitely wouldn't want it if it were anyone else." Zhang Ziyi held Qin Nuo's head in her hands. He looked into Qin Nuo's eyes and said.

"It's okay if it's you."

ps: Three pieces have arrived. There seems to be no data today. It seems that I can take more rest in the afternoon...

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