Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

163 A Good Man Never Suffers An Immediate Loss, Tang Yan Discovers Liu Shishi’S Big Secret!

"We lied to her, Qin Nuo~"

"Would you like to hear Liu Yifei's name? It sounds nice."

"I've recorded it."

Tang Yan held the mobile phone and smiled happily.

Liu Yifei is really stupid. We are enemies, and you still expect your enemies to keep their promises.


Tang Yan and Liu Shishi looked at each other and felt happy.

I call you an arrogant woman, are you still arrogant?

You are still planning to fight one against two, what are you thinking about?

I thought you were the only one who had practiced martial arts, and we were not vegetarians either.

Tang Yan and Liu Shishi have also done fighting scenes before and have a good foundation.

Although one person is not Liu Yifei's opponent.

But when the two of them were put together, it was not a casual deal.

Qin Nuo glanced at Liu Yifei, who had her head lowered.

I feel like laughing a little bit.

I didn’t see it, son.

Able to bend and stretch, he is a hero among women.

"Liu Yifei, leave quickly. I don't care about what happened before. If you dare to pester Qin Nuo again"

"Be careful if I expose you!"

Liu Shishi held her cell phone, looked at Liu Yifei and said.

"You think so beautifully, Liu Shishi, you, you, you!

Liu Yifei is no longer willing to threaten me with this, but I am not afraid.

"Really? Okay, then I'll send it~"

Liu Shishi was not used to Liu Yifei, so she picked up her phone and prepared to hand out scarves.

Upon seeing this, Qin Nuo quickly patted Liu Yifei and gave her a look.

"If a good man doesn't suffer the loss in front of him, the worst he can do is come back next time and if he sends it out, he will lose money!"

He knew that if Liu Yifei refused to accept it, Liu Shishi would definitely not tolerate it.

Xiao Nizi was very confused and thought about it again.


This time I was caught in sheets.

Next time, just find a chance to bring your little sisters and snatch the photos back.

And if you don't keep your word, I can also break my promise.

As everyone knows.

Women in the entertainment industry are all bad at keeping their word.

"Okay, I promise you not to post it, otherwise, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan, I will fight with you!"

"Are you kidding me, Six Sins?"

"I, Liu Yifei, do what I say." Xiao Nizi's face was full of pride.

"Qin Nuo, you are my treasure. I, Liu Yifei, can't find any man. A summer insect cannot speak of ice!"

"You're still talking nonsense, get out of here!"

Liu Shishi smiled disdainfully.

Although the battle was defeated, Liu Lezui was still charming.

"Get out of here, but it will only take thirty years to the east of Hedong and thirty years to the west of Hexi. You two just wait for me!"

"up to you!"

Liu Yifei glared at the two women and turned to leave.

Go back and contact Li Qing and Song Yi quickly. This time I will suffer a big loss.

Tang Yan, Liu Shishi.

You two don't give me a chance!

"Okay, delete the photo." She saw Liu Yifei leaving.

"You are not afraid of Liu Yifei suing you!"

You can sue both of them for casually posting ugly photos of other people.

"Whatever, isn't it just a little lawyer's fee?" Liu Shishi curled her lips.

"I gave it. I can see Liu Yifei making a fool of myself. It's not too late to be happy."

"Yes, it's worth it~"

"Whatever you want~"

Qin Nuo poured himself a cup of tea, took the script and started reading.

He didn't want to get into trouble.

If Liu Yifei hadn't been so stupid, he might have been the one who got the blame.

Na Nizi still blocked the disaster for him.

Go back and have less contact this month and go back to losing weight.


"Tang Yan, is it time for you to leave? Qin Nuo and I are getting ready to rest."

As soon as Liu Yifei left.

The fragile alliance between the two men fell apart in an instant.

Half an hour ago they were good sisters who took care of Liu Yifei together.

But now they immediately became enemies again.

There was no external enemy, and the two soon started fighting.

"Why are you walking so early? Qin Nuo, are you tired? Do you want me to give you a massage?"

Tang Yan looked at Qin Nuo, his face full of shyness.

"Just like the last time I was in your room~"

"Tang Yan, you are shameless! What happened last time?"

"Is that when you left the set to shoot the announcement?"

Tang Yan looked innocent.

"Qin Nuo sprained his neck while filming a martial arts scene, and I helped him fix it."

Liu Shishi "........

She stared hard at the woman in front of her.

At that time, Liu Shishi saw that Tang Yan seemed to be well-behaved and had no contact with Qin Nuo.

So I left for two days to attend the press conference of the endorsed brand.

But I didn't expect that this woman Tang Yan had been pretending before.


"Tang Yan, you are really shameless"

"You are shameless, Liu Shishi. Try scolding me again. If you have a temper, will you make it public with Qin Nuo?"

"If it's made public, I won't bother Qin Nuo."

"You think I don't dare? Believe it or not, I will make it public tomorrow."

Liu Shishi was angry, and it was a waste to do it publicly.

Believe it or not, Qin Nuo and I dare to get married where we are.

"Then go ahead."

"It's none of your business whether I go or not."

"I just like to watch the excitement. Of course you have something to do with me."

"What the hell, Tang Yan, you are so coquettish."

"You are the slut!"

Qin Nuo couldn't stand it.

These little beauties have been grudges for a long time.

The relationship was not good in the first place, but now I am afraid it is even worse.

The only one who can make them put aside their hatred temporarily is probably Liu Yifei.

Tang Yan crossed her arms, not afraid of Liu Shishi at all.

She knew what Liu Shishi said was true.

But if you want to make it public, Qin Nuo is not willing yet.

With that said, the two of them were about to take action.

Qin Nuo didn't want to worry about it at first. Noisy noise is healthier and he won't lose fat anyway.

But it won't work if you take action.

He stood up and picked up a woman with one hand.

"You two, go back to your room. I have my own plans for the hype!"

Leave them outside the door.

He slapped the two women's butts hard respectively.

Next time I make a fuss, I'll beat you to pieces.

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo closed the door.

Liu Shishi covered her butt, with mist in her eyes.

After last time, every time Qin Nuo played with her, she would try it twice first.

Now Liu Shishi reacts when she is beaten.

On the other hand, Tang Yan next to him grimaced in pain.

Just as he was about to scold Qin Nuo, he suddenly saw Liu Shishi looking like this.


"Liu Shishi, you must be a pervert, you are still like this after being beaten!"

At this time, Tang Yan was thinking a lot, could this woman like this tune?

"You are the pervert~!"

Noticing that there was someone else, Liu Shishi quickly put away her expression.

He wiped his eyes and pretended that nothing happened.

But Tang Yan is not stupid,

When Liu Shishi wasn't paying attention, she slapped the woman on the butt.



It seemed like he had discovered a new world, and Tang Yan was very happy.

Qin Nuo is so amazing, he actually trained Tang Ren's first number to look like this.

"Haha, Liu Shishi said no."

"I'll kill you, Tang Yan!"

"Little Desire Liu Shishi, I want to tell others!"

"You are dreaming, Tang Yan. If you dare to tell me, I will kill you!"

"Hey, come on!"

Tang Yan was very happy. She could get a lot of benefits from this secret.

Maybe it's a breakthrough.

I didn't see it before,

Liu Shishi is usually very serious, and even feels a little cold, very Buddhist-like.

I didn’t expect that people would focus their energy elsewhere.

"Liu Shishi, Qin Nuo is not here, I will help you!"


Qin Nuo is a little strange, what's going on.

The two women themselves can quarrel.

I wanted to open the door to see what was going on, but after thinking about it I decided not to.

do not care.

Play however you want.

I looked at the time and thought it was about the same, so I took a shower and went to bed.

Xiuchundao is a bit tight.

He planned to work overtime and finish filming the remaining plot in two days.

Then go back to the company.

The rest is left to Sun Wen and Yu Dahai.

Just keep an eye on the special effects.

They didn't dare to play any tricks.

But when Qin Nuo took off his clothes, he felt something was wrong.

Turn around and look.

A pair of big eyes stared at him from the corner of the sofa.

Without blinking.

Nazha originally wanted to remind Qin Nuo that he was still there, but he saw Qin Nuo taking off his clothes.

Hold it back.

Then enjoy it.

This figure is so good.

But when he was discovered, he quickly lowered his head.

Not only his face but also his fair neck were red.

Qin Nuo almost forgot that there was another person in this room.

Nazar didn't leave.

Qin Nuo slowly walked towards Nazha.

Naza on the other side was also very nervous.

How to do how to do.

Brother Nuo came over, why didn't he notice that I was there too.

Is my sense of existence so low?

What does he want to do? Is he thinking about it?

Nazha remembered the last time he saw Qin Nuo and Liu Shishi playing in the company.

feel a little scared.

What should I do if Brother Nuo wants to do this later?

Can I ask him to hit it lighter?

"Hello?" Qin Nuo just said.

Nazar was startled and said quickly.

"Brother Nuo, don't hit me. If you want to hit me, can you please be gentle? I'm afraid of pain."

As he spoke, he also raised his butt slightly.

Qin Nuo was stunned when he heard this.

hit what?

He was reminding this girl that it was time to leave.

Suddenly he remembered what Xiao Zhao said to him before, that this girl was eavesdropping in the corner.

Qin Nuo almost forgot.

Haven't dealt with her yet.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pinched the girl's face.

Said with bad intentions.

"Take it easy? That won't work, it's boring."

"Brother Nuo, please don't, I'm afraid of pain. Why don't you give me a few more hits? Don't hit me too much!"

Nazha Chuchu looked at Qin Nuo pitifully.

"Then how long do you think we can fight?"

Naza was really thinking seriously and spoke after a while.

"Is five minutes okay? I haven't tried it!"

"Five minutes is not enough, at least half an hour!"


Naza's whole body trembled when he heard this.

In half an hour, I'm afraid my butt will burst, so I won't be able to get back to the company.

"No, Brother Nuo, it hurts a lot, just ask for it and I promise to cooperate!"

"What to cooperate with?"

Nazha was a little shy and glanced at Qin Nuo.

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