Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

169 Killer Move, Qin Nuo Easily Dealt With It, Zhang Weiping Was Forced To The Cliff

For a while, the people on the opposite side were directly fooled, even though they hired a lot of sailors.

But Qin Nuo is not easy to mess with.

After being around for more than a year, I have accumulated a lot of connections in the industry.

And they are all popular.

Their fan base is huge.

Soon a group of sailors were washed away.

It was just something made out of nothing, and netizens are not fools.

He was scolded badly.

After seeing this, Wang Zhonglei from Huayi and Wu Kebo from Chengtian also left.

The rhythm was directly brought to Zhang Weiping.

Say anything to him.

A big troll in the entertainment industry, a cancerous person, bullying the small, shameless and shameless...

Deduct Zhang Yimou's money.

Zhang Weiping was also stunned for a moment.

After reacting.

I just smashed my cell phone in the office.

"Asshole, Qin Nuo, Wang Zhonglei, Wu Kebo, you are looking for death!"

Zhang Weiping had never suffered such a great grievance.

What the hell.

In the past ten years or so, he has only been slandering others. Who dares to slander him???

I remember when the two Wang brothers were scolded by him and they didn't dare to say a word.

You can only run with your tail between your legs.

There is also Wu Kebo, Xiao Zhao San!

It's shaking now.

The most disgusting thing is Qin Nuo, you are really crazy.

Palm trees are amazing, and labor and management are afraid of you if they have old tricks at their disposal.

Just wait for me and I will take care of you one by one.

“Bring me the computer.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang"

[Qin Nuo, do you know the rules? Even if you took the palm tree, you are still a junior. Talking to the seniors like this is simply unruly]

Within a short while, Qin Nuo replied on the scarf

[Mr. Zhang, are you kidding? The entertainment industry has never used age as a criterion. If you say that, then I can only ask my 95-year-old grandma to confront you.]

Onlookers said this wave was good.

Zhang Weiping made a move and Qin Nuo responded well.

Everyone knows that age is often used as a criterion in the entertainment industry.

At least it is a very important reference factor.

But no one will admit that this is not a very glorious thing.

Many times it's not just because you are older.

It's just because you live longer and have more opportunities.

But Qin Nuo doesn't need it. Although he is not old, he has many honors.

What others can do in a lifetime, Qin Nuo can do in two years.

You can only be envious and jealous.

[I’m too lazy to talk to you about this. To be honest, the movies you made are not very good. Detective Tang’s record-breaking performance is just a matter of hype. We filmmakers should focus more on the movie itself]

[People who have experienced it will tell you that if you take a wrong approach with your sword, you will encounter a ghost one day! 】

Nothing works.

Another plan.

Zhang Weiping knows how to speak with rules, but Qin Nuo will definitely not recognize him.

In this case, let the movie speak for itself.

Qin Nuo's movies are well known.

Every appearance is bound to be met with a lot of hype.

Exploding the drummer, hyping up the romance with the heroine, and then hooking up with Yang.

In the end, Tian shamelessly speculated on the scandal with Liu Shishi.

Even Zhang Weiping was suspicious.

The original composition was written by Qin Nuo.

The onlookers wearing scarves also became energetic.

Zhang Weiping made a good move.

From a movie perspective, Detective Tang does not have much connotation, but it is indeed good-looking.

But it is undeniable that there are big reasons for hyping this thing.

The incident between Qin Nuo and Gao Yuanyuan may have caused a lot of controversy.

Wet temptation.

A child pulls a cart.

But in the end, the Qin Nuo movie did well at the box office and had the potential to break records.

Everyone just let go.

"Here comes Qin Nuo!" Fatty Zhou watched the movie and touched his chin.

"This big troll has something. Based on the movie, how do you say Qin Nuo?"

"It makes sense. The Twelve Hairpins of Jinling must have more connotations than Xiuchundao. That is an adaptation.

"Director Qin, you should be careful not to fall into Zhang Weiping's trap."

"This guy seems to be talking about the issue of hype, but he is actually comparing the connotations of the two movies. Director Qin, be careful!"

Sister Hong and Fatty Zhou said one after another.

Qin Nuo nodded, of course he could see it.

Zhang Weiping has been in the industry for so many years, so he is not such a simple person.

If Qin Nuo talks about hype with him, he will definitely fall into Zhang Weiping's trap.

One word can seal all Xiuchundao's efforts.

You don’t need to watch this movie, Qin Nuo’s movies are all hyped.

The old guy is quite cunning.

Dig a hole for him.

Qin Nuo touched his chin, thinking about how to line up.

On the other side, Zhang Weiping smiled.

"Boy, you are still a little young. Do you dare to talk to me about hype? If you do, I will kill you."

"You're facing me, Zhang Weiping, and you're still holding a pacifier in your mouth when I'm trolling people."

"I know" Qin Nuo smiled.

Everyone was surprised that they thought of it so quickly?

"Director Qin, be careful, don't let him lead you."

"Yes, Qin Nuo must be careful."

"Do not worry"

Qin Nuo holds the keyboard with fast fingers.

[Mr. Zhang, I admit that the movie "Guoshi" has a very good visual quality, and "Jinling Twelve Panties" is definitely also very exciting and touching]

[But what I want to say is, why should movies be viewed as so lofty? As long as the values ​​​​are correct. 】

[To be honest, I don’t like people using movies to educate the audience. Movies are just movies and entertainment. It would be better if it can make everyone laugh. 】

[Nowadays, young people are so old and work so hard that they have to be educated even after watching a movie. I think this is a very cruel thing]

One second ago, Zhang Weiping was very happy.

But the next second he saw Qin Nuo's scarf, he started swearing.

"I'm cheating on him!"

He was very angry that Nuo not only failed to fall into his trap.

Instead, it erased the biggest advantage of Jinling Twelve Hairpins.

Zhang Weiping was still giving out scarves before saying that this is a movie worth pondering and watching again and again.

Qin Nuo has a backhand that doesn’t require thinking when watching a movie.

Just make the audience happy,

Does what Qin Nuo say make sense?

Zhang Weiping knew it made sense.

A large part of the audience actually watches the movie without thinking.

Feng Xiaogang has previously scolded the Chinese audience for not having much aesthetic appreciation, which is correct to a certain extent.

Qin Nuo just changed his words.

The audience felt very comfortable instantly.

Netizens also expressed their approval after seeing Qin Nuo's scarf.

"What Director Qin said makes sense. In fact, I don't like Burst Drummer very much. It was very depressing. I prefer Tang Detective.

"Anyway, I laughed like a pig's feet in the movie theater."

"Yes, why do movies carry so many things? You need to be educated when you study, you need to be educated when you go to work, and now you have to be educated when you watch a movie. Why do I have to live so tiredly?"

……Please give me flowers…………

"I support Qin Nuo. As long as the movie is logical and good-looking, why does it matter so much?"

"I just think about educating others all day long. Do we need your education? If you really want to learn something, you can just buy classics or watch movies."

This wave of Qin Nuo has torn off the fig leaf of many directors.

Some directors regard movies as an art, but their films do not do well at the box office.

It's just the audience's stupidity.

Don't know how to appreciate.

Anyway, it's not my problem, it's your problem.

This wave of Qin Nuo will definitely offend many directors, but it will win the hearts of the audience.

It all depends on how you weigh the gains and losses.

"Director Qin, you have to be careful. Although this is a good thing, I'm afraid there will be trouble for domestic awards in the future."

Fatty Zhou reminded him.

"Yes, Director Qin, those who present the awards don't like your words very much."

Sister Hong also knows what the awards in China are about.

Many times they like to give awards to some viewers without even watching them.

Or a movie that you can’t even understand.

Of course they are not stupid, they are smart.

If all were awarded to movies that the audience likes.

So why do we need judges?

How about a direct vote from the audience in the future?

So there's no way they're giving all the awards to popular movies.

I will pick some out of the blue.

The audience can’t understand it anyway.

Why is it that we, the judges, have the final say?

"I have a palm tree in my hand, but I still need a prize."

Qin Nuo pointed to the big palm tree not far away, which was polished by the assistant every day.

"And I don't want to lose face. At worst, releasing a movie next time will sometimes require some real thinking!"

"The mouth is on me, how can I say it?"

Fatty Zhou

"Sister Hong"


Chen Duling "..

Looking at Qin Nuo, Ou Ren didn't know what to say.

They almost forgot that talking about it in the entertainment industry is shameless.

Qin Nuo is one of the best.

For a grand prize. Slap yourself in the face.

Qin Nuo would not hesitate at all, I got the award anyway.

No matter what you say.

"Qin Nuo, you can do it, you are indeed shameless and invincible!"

Fatty Zhou gave a thumbs up.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Fuck you, you know how to hammer"

"Making money, losing face, no!"

Now the pressure is on Zhang Weiping.


He felt it didn't matter in his heart.

I'm just a film businessman. I make films to make money, not for feelings.

The promotional film is a profound one that makes people think.

It’s just to get the audience into the cinema.

If Qin Nuo hadn't used these words to attack him.

He would even have a drink with Qin Nuo, which was a good statement and won my heart.

But not now,

Qin Nuo used these words to general.

Zhang Weiping did not dare to confront the audience.

Then I want to defraud you of money.

I offended you guys, where are you going to cheat money?

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