Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

171 The Appointment Of The Little Assistant, The New Secretary Bai Lu Takes Up The Post (Additional

Half an hour later, we arrived at the apartment Xiao Nizi rented.

Qin Nuo pulled on the handbrake and looked at Chen Duling next to him.

"Get out of the car."

Xiao Nizi twisted her butt and pretended not to hear.

"Go down~"

Chen Duling turned his head to the side and looked at the scenery.

Qin Nuo shook his head and had to get out of the car and go to the other side.

Open the door.

Drag this girl down.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Duling used the strength of Qin Nuo's hand to hug him directly.

His legs were wrapped around Qin Nuo's waist.

Kissed Qin Nuo on the mouth.

After holding on for a long time, this girl didn't let go.

Qin Nuo also gradually started to feel it, and put his hands on this girl's buttocks.


Come here for about two minutes.

Chen Duling looked at Qin Nuo with a mixture of joy and shyness on his face.

"Boss, let's go up together."

"Let me tell you, my whole body is tender, not only on my face, but also on other parts of my body."

"Xiao Nizi, come on seriously."

"Hey, let's go, it's very comfortable."

Qin Nuo looked at this girl and hesitated.

"Don't blame me if you regret it later."

"Only fools regret it!"

Qin Nuo parked the car and Chen Duling didn't get out of the car. Qin Nuo carried her into the apartment building.

Vertical sun.

early morning.

The weather in the Magic City is still hot in September, and it has only just dawned.

The sun in the clouds has revealed a small corner.

The sun fills the earth.

Qin Nuo stretched out his hand to cover his eyes slightly, and after a while he opened them vaguely.

A few rays of sunlight coming from the window,

Making his eyes narrow slightly.

"It's dawn~"

Qin Nuo wanted to get up, but felt a heavy object pressing on him.

He looked down and looked the same.

Xiao Nizi was sleeping soundly on his chest.

Linglong's nose twitched, looking very cute.

Recalling what happened last night, Qin Nuo smiled.

Although Xiao Nizi usually likes to lie, he didn't lie to her yesterday.

It is true that the delicate body is inseparable from the eyes.

at the same time

Qin Nuo is also very strange.

This girl is a bit out of her mind.

Which woman in the world knows him best.

Even Liu Shishi can't compare to this girl.

He didn't hide many things from Chen Duling.

Last time, he asked this girl to help him buy a small umbrella.

He couldn't figure it out, even though he knew he was a big scumbag, this girl still wanted to play with him.

He even gave away his precious things yesterday.

Are you stupid?

Qin Nuo shook his head and pinched the girl's nose.

After a while, Chen Duling was awakened.

Mei Mu glanced at Qin Nuo and said coquettishly.

"It's annoying, boss, you woke me up!"

He patted Nizi's buttocks.

"You still didn't get up at dawn and slept on me. I didn't sleep well last night.

"It's not your fault, it hurts me."

"It hurts even more!"

Qin Nuo wants to laugh when he talks about this.

"The pain feels good!"

Xiao Nizi is thin-skinned, and when she said this, her face looked like she was drunk.

Holding Qin Nuo's arm, lying next to him.

She had never quite understood why so many women liked to pester Qin Nuo.

And they are all famous in the circle.

Like Liu Shishi, Liu Yifei, Gong Yuanyuan

Each and every one of them feels like they have taken drugs and want to be with Qin Nuo.

She thinks Qin Nuo is nothing but handsome and talented.

But after what happened last night.

Xiao Nizi seemed to understand a little more.

My boss is such a man~

"Boss, I won't go to work today, okay~"

Xiao Nizi was acting coquettishly.

"Okay, but I'll deduct one day's salary from you."

Chen Duling couldn't believe his ears.

I'm already like this, and you still want to deduct my salary if I ask for leave.

"Boss, it's obviously you~"

"That's none of my business. It was you who took the initiative, Xiaonizi!"

"Yuck, boss"

Suddenly Chen Duling thought of a good idea.

A sly little fox smile appeared on his face.

Minato whispered in Qin Nuo's ear.

"can you?"

Qin Nuo didn’t want to get hurt again.

"It should be okay, don't worry, boss"

"Believe in you once"

Xiao Nizi slowly shrank.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Qin Nuo came to his company and made a deal with his assistant that morning.

Successfully achieved.

The little assistant is worthy of being the person who follows him, and is much smarter than Naza.

It didn’t take long to get the hang of it.

Qin Nuo generously gave Xiao Nizi a day off without deducting her salary.

Come to the office.

"Fat man, get me a cup of coffee!"

"I'm not your assistant"

Although he said this, Fatty Zhou still brought Qin Nuo a drink.

Then continue looking at the computer.

After taking two sips, Qin Nuo asked.

"How are things going now?"

"It went pretty well. We have been bragging about you and secretly belittling Zhang Yimou."

"Zhang Weiping also acted quickly, and the naval forces on both sides were evenly matched. "Things are developing in the direction we expected!"

"That's not bad."

Qin Nuo took a second look and thought, these people who write soft articles on their scarves still have two brushes.

Let me just say something fair...

Everyone knows that I am an honest person...

I never belittle anyone...013109127 Feilu 081573041]

Just see these beginnings.

You don’t need to look at it to know that these people are definitely going overboard.

However, netizens on the Internet nowadays are relatively naive and easily deceived.

These routine scarfs can still be used by celebrities for several years.

"Okay, so be it."

But Fatty Zhou was a little nervous, otherwise he wouldn't have come to Qin Nuo's office so early.

"I said if a fat man farts, just let it go, no matter how hard you twist it."

"Didn't you hear that this chair is already overwhelmed?"

Qin Nuo glanced at Fatty Zhou, this guy didn't know much about his weight.

"Fuck you, then I just want to ask. Yesterday you said Xiuchundao could surpass Zhang Yimou at the box office. Is it true or you are joking~"

Fatty Zhou couldn't help but ask.

Although many outsiders think this movie was shot by Qin Nuo.

But Fatty knew that Qin Nuo didn't interfere in anything, he was the one who created this movie.

Fatty Zhou couldn't sleep when he went back at night.

I thought if I defeated the national master in my first movie.

How awesome is that.

The old man at home dared to say that his film shooting was deviant.

"Haha, I knew you wanted to ask this."

Qin Nuo also knows Fatty Zhou, this guy is vain.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's true"

"Well, let me think about it"

He recalled it, if Qin Nuo remembered correctly.

In the previous life, the box office of Jinling Thirteen Hairpins was around 600 million.

I can’t remember exactly how many.

It was the box office champion of the year.

The estimated box office of Qin Nuo is also around 550 million to 650 million.

I can only say half and half.

If the audience pays the bill, winning against Zhang Yimou is not a problem.

If you stretch your hips a little, it's normal to lose.

Fatty Zhou waited for a long time before Qin Nuo finally spoke.

"Half and half, there is a chance to win!~"

"Really? Qin Nuo, you didn't lie to me."

The fat man's eyes opened in excitement.

"Why are you lying to me? I guess there is not much difference in the box office between the two sides, and the win is only a matter of tens of millions."

"That's good, that's good!"

After hearing this, the fat man smiled like a Maitreya Buddha.

He would make a lot of money if he won, after all, he was a national master.

There is no shame in losing, after all, he is a national master...

The two were chatting while cracking melon seeds, and after a while Sister Hong came in.

"Boss, where is Du Ling?"

Sister Hong looked around but didn't find Xiao Nizi.

"Ahem, Duling is not feeling well and asked me for leave this morning."

Qin Nuo said seriously.

"Boss, you are too spoiled to Na Nizi. As an assistant, you are late and asking for leave...

"It's not good for her."

"It's okay"

Qin Nuo also felt a little embarrassed. This time he really didn't blame Du Ling.

This girl was eaten just yesterday.

It hurts.

"What's the matter with you? Sister Hong.

"Oh, your secretary is here, do you want an interview now?"

"Okay, call in"

"Come in~"

As soon as Sister Hong finished speaking, a pretty figure walked in from the door.

The pink skirt is 660 and looks very cute.

With a shy expression on his face, he raised his head and glanced at Qin Nuo timidly and said.

"Hello, Director Qin, my name is Bai Lu!"

The fat man pushed Qin Nuo and winked at him.

"This girl is right. She is tall, sweet-looking, gentle, and has a soft voice."

"Qin Nuo, you have good taste!"

Qin Nuo was stunned for a moment and ignored the fat man's question.

"Bai Lu, aren't you the girl you were last time at Beijing Film Academy?"

"Director Qin, do you still remember me!!"

Bai Lu looked up at Qin Nuo, her eyes full of surprise.

He thought Qin Nuo was very busy and had forgotten her a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, I still remember it.

Xiao Nizi was very excited.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, can I not remember?

How long has it been?

You girl, you are a bit strange. Don’t you want to enter the entertainment industry and become an artist?

Why did you come here to be my secretary?

Curve into circle?

Fatty Zhou and Sister Hong were stunned, they were still acquaintances.

After some explanation, I found out that he was the student Qin Nuo met last time at Beijing Film Academy.

The two glanced at Qin Nuo.

Your charm is good. I went to Beijing Film Academy.

He actually managed to seduce such a pretty little fangirl.

Qin Nuo didn't bother to ask the two of them.

"Bai Lu, shouldn't you be acting or singing? Why are you here to be a secretary?"

"Ahem, the boss is like this. Bai Lu really wants to join our company, but we don't plan to recruit artists yet."

"I asked her if she wanted to be a secretary, and Bai Lu agreed."

Qin Nuo waved his hand: "Forget it, Bai Lu, I won't delay you, you should go to another entertainment company."

"You have a good image. Many entertainment companies should want you!"

"Director Qin, I can do that." Bai Lu panicked when she heard that Qin Nuo wanted to drive her away.

"I worked as an assistant in the company for two months before. Don't worry, I can really do it!"

ps: It’s late but it’s coming. Are all your monthly tickets gone? Today’s update is a reward from a big boss. Please give me some help. The author keeps his word and updates more than 20,000 yuan a day.

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