Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

175 Otherwise, If Zhang Yimou Is Not Poached, Yang Mi Will Really Not Be Able To Escape This Time.

As soon as he reached the door, there was a sound from inside.

"Oh, this internationally famous director is different~" Zhang Weiping looked at Qin Nuo and squinted his eyes.

"Let us, the masters, wait for so long!"

Qin Nuo looked up, and it turned out to be Zhang Weiping, a big troll, and he wanted to give him a blow.

Beautiful thought.

He pretended not to know that it was Zhang Weiping who said it.

look around.

A confused look on his face.

"Who was speaking just now?"

Zhang Weiping was so angry, why are you pretending to be stupid when I stand in front of you?

"Qin Nuo, don't play tricks on me here."

"Here we go again, Imperial Master, you didn't choose this theater well, it's haunted!"

Zhang Yimou opposite heard the laughter and was very happy.

Qin Nuo is indeed Qin Nuo, and it really takes an unusual path.

If nothing else, Qin Nuo's acting skills are really good.

Many people around looked at it and laughed happily.

After so long, people in the circle have roughly analyzed what happened online.

Qin Nuo put Zhang Weiping on the spot this time.


The others were happy, but Zhang Weiping was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

If I had an AK in my hand, I would have given Qin Nuo to Mirai a long time ago.

This kid is playing tricks on him.

"Qin Nuo, don't do this with me. How are you going to solve this matter?"

Qin Nuo lowered his head and suddenly realized.

"Mr. Zhang, it turns out you were talking to me. I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

"Haha. Okay, stop playing."

Zhang Yimou quickly came over to smooth things over.

If Qin Nuo continues to stimulate him like this, Zhang Weiping might actually explode.

It would not be good to cause trouble then. 27 "Formal acquaintance, hello Qin Nuo."

Qin Nuo was also very solemn, reaching out his hand and holding it tightly with Zhang Yimou.

"Hello Imperial Master, I have always been your fan,"

"Haha, it's my blessing to have a fan like Director Qin, Zhang Yimou!"

"Director Zhang deserves the award!"

Qin Nuo has a good impression of Zhang Yimou. This old boy is a good old man.

And he takes the movie very seriously.

It can be said that he devoted his entire life to movies.

The pictures I took are full of visuals, except that the storytelling ability is a little weak.

Everything else is absolutely top notch.

The two became more and more speculative.

"Director Zhang, how did you create such a harmonious and beautiful scene in the movie when you were shooting?"

“Every time I watch Director Zhang’s movies, I can’t help but be shocked!”

"It's not that exaggerated." The smile on Zhang Yimou's face never broke.

Qin Nuo acted like a student when he arrived and taught him various questions.

Originally, he thought Qin Nuo, who became famous at a young age, would be very arrogant.

I didn't expect him to be such a humble person.

The favorability level instantly increased a lot.

"This is the language of the lens. Just combine a few lenses..."

"That's it. Director Zhang is really awesome. I admire him."

"I also admire you very much. I've watched Exploding Drummer many times. Director Qin is really a genius in telling stories."

"Then we can talk, Director Zhang, when we have time."

“How about communicating with each other!”

"I was just about to say~"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The onlookers couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

This is not what they expected.

Wasn't it agreed that it would be a showdown between the old and new national masters?

Shouldn't the world be shattered and the two of them mocking each other and looking down on each other?

That would at least make you choke on a few words.

Why are you so harmonious?

Those who didn't know thought they were a good couple.

The style of painting completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Zhang Weiping next to him became more and more uncomfortable as he listened. The two of them were too happy.

Even Zhang Weiping was a little worried whether Qin Nuo, the turtle son, had taken a liking to Zhang Yimou.

I want to dig him out.

This is no joke.

Everyone in the industry knows about the recent expansion of Qin Nuo Studio.

This kid has a big appetite, maybe.

"Damn it, I wouldn't have invited this kid here if I had known better. It would have been a great disservice to me!"

"Okay, Lao Mouzi, the premiere is about to begin."

Zhang Weiping pointed inside.

"You still have to go on stage to speak, let's talk about it next time.

"Yes." Zhang Yimou turned to look at Qin Nuo.

"I'm sorry, Director Qin, let's chat later!"

"Just call me Qin Nuo and contact me anytime.

"no problem!"

Zhang Yimou nodded towards Qin Nuo and left quickly.

"What do you want to do?" As soon as Zhang Yimou left, Zhang Weiping grabbed Qin Nuo.

There was danger in his eyes.

"Qin Nuo, you want to poach me! Believe it or not, I will kill you."


Qin Nuo didn't react at first.

It took a while to understand what Zhang Weiping meant.

This guy thinks I want to poach Zhang Yimou?

Not to mention there is a real chance.

Qin Nuo never thought about this before, but he really thought Zhang Yi was good.

Want to talk more.

But after Zhang Weiping’s reminder.

It’s not impossible.

If he remembered correctly.

In less than two years, the national master will leave the new scene.

As for the reason, there are different opinions.

But there must be some rift between the two, and Zhang Weiping, this old boy, is immoral.

It seems that Zhang Yimou has a handle on the matter of being born.

They also maliciously deducted a lot of money from Zhang Yimou.

In the end, Zhang Yimou had to sue.

Anyway, this matter was quite a big deal in the previous life.

"No, how is that possible? Mr. Zhang, you misunderstood."

Although Qin Nuo has already made up his mind to give it a try.

But Zhang Weiping would definitely not tell the truth.

Old boy, you cheated me at first, but after a while I cheated you a lot.

"This is best. Qin Nuo, I won't care about you taking advantage of me this time. Don't worry about Zhang!"

Zhang Weiping was a little afraid of Qin Nuo.

This guy is better at deceiving him than he is, so I will make up my mind not to have contact with him in the future.

So as not to take away his cash cow.

"Alright," Qin Nuo looked around and whispered.

"But you have to help me kick Zhang Yibai out of the National Day show. This old boy seems to want to force him to do it!"

It’s almost National Day, and Qin Nuo hasn’t heard the news about Zhang Yibai’s withdrawal.

This won't work. We have to drive him away.

Only in this way can the benefits of Xiuchundao be maximized.


"Oh, really?" Qin Nuo looked at Zhang Weiping.

"I have nothing to do lately, how about I go find..."

Zhang Weiping felt his teeth itching looking at Qin Nuo's rogue appearance.

Before, I was the only one who threatened others,

I didn’t expect to be threatened by this kid today.

He hesitated and said.

"I can only help, there is no guarantee whether it will be successful or not."

"I believe Zhang can always do it." Qin Nuo put her arm around his shoulders.

"After all, the Imperial Master is Mr. Zhang's cash cow, isn't he?"

"And by driving Zhang Yibai away, Jinling Thirteen Hairpins will also get some benefits.

Qin Nuo patted Zhang Weiping.

"Helping me means helping yourself!"

It was the first time that Zhang Weiping felt so humiliated. Qin Nuo was really hateful.

After thinking for a while he said.

"Okay, I agreed to this, but after Qin Nuo has finished watching the movie, you should get out of here.

"Let's not meet again in the future!"

"no problem!"

Zhang Weiping took a deep look at Qin Nuo, turned around and left.

The biggest mistake he made this year was inviting Qin Nuo to the premiere.

This guy is really a piece of candy, you can't get rid of it once you get it.

"Qin Nuo, what were you talking about with that big troll just now?" Yang Mi came over and asked curiously.

"Let's talk about a big deal. Yang Mi waits for me all night. How about I let you star in Zhang Yimou's movie later?"


Yang Mi heard the first half of the sentence and already pinched the soft flesh of Qin Nuo's waist with her fingers.

But he stopped again after hearing the second half of the sentence.

Zhang Yimou's movie.

real or fake.

Don't look at it now, Qin Nuo seems to be on par with Zhang Yimou.

But in the circle, actors still have a filter for Zhang Yimou.

After all, he is a national teacher

Being able to star in Zhang Yimou's movie made them happy for several days.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? Do you agree or not? If not, I will go find Liu Yifei!"

"Hmph, just come. Anyway, I will be yours sooner or later, it's not a loss!"

Yang Mi is not a reserved person either.

I have been with Qin Nuo for more than a year, but I was interrupted several times. 103

She had been eaten clean by Qin Nuo a long time ago.

It would be nice to have a different heroine.

"Okay, remember to wash the baby well.

"You bastard"

Yang Mijiao said angrily.

"But how can you make Zhang Weiping agree?"

Qin Nuo heard this and smiled disdainfully.

"Do I need to get that big troll to agree? Come here and I'll tell you."

After hearing this, Yang Mi couldn't believe it, and her mouth was open.

"Really? Zhang Yimou is leaving~"

"Just wait and see, the Imperial Master will definitely be mine. And you..."

Qin Nuo looked up and down.

“This is what you’ll wear tonight!”

He led Yang Mi away who was still in shock.

Qin Nuo also greeted people around him.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have tea together when you have time.

"Okay, Director Qin, please contact us at any time."

"Mr. Yu, you're here too, long time no see~"

Yu Dong also smiled happily.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Director Qin. I have a beautiful woman in my arms. I am so envious of you."

"Ha ha"

"Director Feng!" Qin Nuo saw Feng Xiaogang and hurried over~

Feng Xiaogang naturally saw Qin Nuo and hummed.

"Qin Nuo, you are lucky this time"

Qin Nuo naturally didn't care either.

"Director Feng, when will the next movie be released? I have to thank Director Feng."

Feng Xiaogang's mouth twitched and he did this again.

Of course he knew what Qin Nuo was referring to.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, let's go!"

After waving his hand, Xiaogang turned and left.

Qin Nuo doesn't mind either.

Feng Xiaogang just gave in this time, he was from Huayi after all.

Qin Nuo and Huayi are still in the honeymoon period.

I won't chase him.

The fourth update of ps has arrived. That’s all for today. I have to buy cold medicine. Thank you for your support. I have enough monthly tickets and other data.

I'll update if I see it in the afternoon or evening.

Sneak bye first.

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