Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

179 Is A Hard Promotion, The Popularity Is Explosive, Shameless Zhou Xiang! Zhang Yibai Ran Away!

"Just wait and see, I will definitely break the box office record in a month. When we go back to the celebration party, you all want it, and I will pay for the transportation!"

"Director Zhou, you are so generous."

"Yes, Director Zhou."

"Director Zhou, we really made a mistake, don't you regret it?"

"Yes, there is still a chance to regret it now."


"Send me!"

The reporters nodded.

Okay, Fatty.

In this case, don't blame us for being rude.

There is no carriage fee when you come.

Let’s see if we don’t write it off as arrogant!

After going back, it took less than half a day.

A group of reporters posted Zhou Xiangxiang’s words on their neckbands.

There were a lot of melon-eating people watching.

[Arrogant or confident, Xiuchundao director Zhou Xiangdao claims that the total box office of Xiuchundao can break Tang Tan’s record, claiming a box office of 900 million]

[The zero-point box office is over 15 million, Zhou Xiangxiang said that Qin Nuo is not as good as him at all]

[The box office on the first day was 40 million. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morals? 】



Originally, the audience was very interested in Xiu Chun Dao, which will be released tomorrow.

Zhou Xiangxiang is making a wave like this, and the popularity is rising straight up.

"Haha, Fatty is as shameless as Qin Nuo this week. He really thinks that we viewers are fools. Your "140" words are completely evasive.

"Don't look at the schedule, the type, or the opponent, just use the advantages against the disadvantages."

"Director Zhou Internet has made it clear to you."


"Then I can also say this, I am 1.88 meters tall and Qin Nuo is 1.85 meters tall. I am better than Qin Nuo!"

"Then I can still do this. I am a man, and Qin Nuo is also a man. I am twenty years old, and Qin Nuo is also twenty-four. In other words, I am equal to Qin Nuo?"

"Speak of the hammer, is Director Zhou here to make a joke?"

"Don't tell me, the fat guy is really growing up this week, I love him!"

"I don't think it's right. Maybe this is what Qin Nuo asked him to do. Take a look. This makes me want to see the Xiuchundao."

"Plus one, I want to see how Fatty Zhou breaks the record!"

"Plus one, if not, we can spray him!"

There are still many jokes about Fatty Zhou on the scarf.

Soon Fatty Zhou’s interview became a hot search topic.

And the ranking is very high.

[Today, Jinling Thirteen Hairpins, guided by Lao Mouzi, broke 70 million in two days


[Director Zhou said that his movie Xiuchundao will break the Chinese film record, with a box office estimate of 900 million!]

[Today, Zhang Yimou, Ni Ni and Dong Dawei appeared in Yangcheng and interacted closely with movie fans]


【Xiuchundao big names gather together, Qin Nuo, Liu Shishi, Tang Yan, Huang Xiaoming, said that the lineup is completely better than Tang Tan

[Jinling Thirteen Hairpins has a box office of 10 million at midnight, 32 million on the first day]

[Zhou Xiangxiang made a bold statement that Xiuchundao’s zero-point box office will exceed 15 million, and it will exceed 40 million on the first day!]



"Fuck you, Qin Nuo!"

Zhang Weiping sat on the sofa with one foot on the coffee table.

Looking at the tablet in his hand.

His face was dark.

"You still have no shame!"

Zhang Weiping was very angry. The one on the hot search was their Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

Next up is the fat guy that week.

One after another, they are as hard to shake off as brown candy.

You only invested 50 million in a martial arts film, but you dare to call it 900 million!!

Don't show your face.

Do you treat the audience as a fool?

"No, I have to call and scold Qin Nuo!"

Next to them, Zhang Yimou, Ni Ni and others were looking at the news on the Internet.

He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Qin Nuo, you are such a publicity genius.

This works too.

That's right, none of them thought that this was done by Fatty Zhou.

It must be Qin Nuo’s instructions behind the scenes.

That guy is the real mastermind behind this.

"Weiping, are you sure? You just suffered a loss last time."

Zhang Yimou reminded.

"I'm afraid of him being a hammer."

Zhang Weiping was really angry, so he ignored it and picked up his phone.

after awhile

"Qin Nuo, you are shameless. You are really shameless. How can you promote a movie like this?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid. It's 900 million. If your crappy movie had 900 million, would you believe it if I ate my phone?"

"Didn't you say that? Qin Nuo, don't think that I don't know about Fatty Zhou, but you are the one giving instructions behind his back."

"Fuck you, I'm not as shameless as you!"

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I don't have anyone to talk to tonight."

Then a female voice came from the other end of the phone

"Qin Nuo, come on, let's wash together and I'll rub your back."

"You heard me too, Mr. Zhang, bye, I will tell Fatty Zhou what you said later."

Zhang Weiping looked at his phone.

The anger on his face almost made him lose his mind.

Qin Nuo didn't admit it even after he did something bad.

He actually still had time to take a shower with a woman.

What the hell.

Why does that woman's voice sound like Liu Shishi?

Qin Nuo, you shameless, despicable and lucky bastard!

Zhang Yimou looked at Zhang Weiping like this.

Just know that he didn't take advantage of Qin Nuo.

"What did he say? Why did he die so quickly?"

"This guy is too busy taking a shower with a woman, you bastard!"

"When I have time, my employer and I will find some paparazzi to take photos of Qin Nuo. It's really too much!"

After hearing this, everyone present didn't know what to say.

Qin Nuo is really awesome.

The playboy in the entertainment industry lives up to his reputation.

But Zhang Yimou doesn't care about this. Young people, what's the point of not being lustful?

"It's okay, we can just fight head-on, don't you think I can't do it?

Zhang Weiping looked at Zhang Yimou the same way.

"No, I just feel a little angry. This guy is so shameless for publicity.

"Thankfully, I helped him negotiate yesterday..."


"It's nothing, you guys have a good road show, I'll go back first"

People in the circle were drunk when they saw Qin Nuo being so shameless.

He’s going to hit on this hot search, and there’s really nothing you can do about it.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be nothing.

This guy Qin Nuo hides behind his back and lets Zhou Xiang come out. It doesn't matter if he gets scolded.

Maybe it can also increase Zhou Xiang’s popularity.

Not a loss.

Wang Zhonglei and Wu Kebo were quite happy.

Wu Kebo even had a drink in the office.

The previous depression was gone.

I laughed happily when I saw the comments on the internet calling Fatty Zhou shameless.

Before, he was worried about the popularity of Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

The premiere of Xiuchundao will be affected.

Now it seems that there is no need at all.

Netizens like that Fatty Zhou is still wearing a scarf and facing off against Fatty Zhou.

Ask him what if he doesn’t break the record.

Fatty Zhou is also a jerk.

Forget it if it doesn’t break the record, at worst the next movie is coming...

Angry netizens called him shameless.

Fatty Zhou’s backhand is a line he learned from Qin Nuo.

Netizens really have no choice now.

He kept scolding him under the scarf.

But Fatty Zhou didn't care at all. He still had time to interact with Qin Nuo from afar.

"Tangtang, get ready tomorrow and walk the red carpet with Qin Nuo!" Wu Kebo said with a smile,

"Really? Mr. Wu, how did you do it?"

Tang Yan on the side is still thinking of a solution.

There are three heroines in the crew, so the competition is very stressful.

"Hmph, then Qin Nuo dare not listen to me, you have forgotten that we are the largest investor in Xiuchundao.

"Boss, you are so awesome, then I have enough choices!"

"Go ahead~!"

After Tang Yan left, Wu Kebo sighed.

“This Qin Nuo is so outrageous!”

Will Qin Nuo listen to him?

What a joke, if Wu Kebo hadn't said that he would bear the money for the subsequent reception.

Qin Nuo ignored him.

"But it shouldn't be a loss. I can make money back by hyping up the scandal between Qin Nuo and Tang Yan and helping Tang Yan improve her reputation."

Wu Kebo could only comfort himself in this way.

the other side

"Hey, withdraw the file, Qin Nuo is ruthless and can't be offended!"

Zhang Yibai looked at the news on the Internet and sighed deeply.

The whole person seemed to be ten years older.

In fact, he planned to invest some money in publicity today.

Unexpectedly, when I turned on my computer, I saw Qin Nuo’s shady operations.

He was really convinced.

If I can’t afford to offend you, can’t I afford to hide from you?

Damn Qin Nuo!

"I told you to withdraw your files before, but you didn't believe me!"

Xu Jinglei rolled her eyes at him. She had invested five million in publicity but had no success.

Xu Jinglei knew now that he should withdraw.

There is no enthusiasm at all for publicity, it just relies on the quality of the movie.

It's very difficult.

Unless your movie is good enough.

Otherwise, you will only be crushed.

"I didn't know Qin Nuo was so good at publicity. Cao, if I had known, I wouldn't have cooperated with this bastard Zhang Weiping."

"The total amount spent on promotion is 10 million!"

Zhang Yibai was very distressed, all ten million was wasted.

"There is an advantage." Xu Jinglei looked at the hot searches on Net 4.6.

"Everyone is paying attention to Qin Nuo and Zhang Yimou, but they haven't noticed that they have withdrawn.

"Just think that the movie cost an extra 10 million yuan to shoot."


He glanced at Xu Jinglei, "What you said is absolutely right."

But it’s really hurtful...

It was not popular when it was released, and the film was not even popular when it was withdrawn.

Netizens didn’t even bother to ridicule him.

I'm going to fuck you!

The next night, the Bona Cinema in the Magic City was brightly lit.

This time Yu Dong relied on his distribution relationship to steal the premiere of Xiuchundao from Wanda.

A happy smile on a fat face.

Although the issuance fee is not much.

But Qin Nuo’s movies have high box office.

Anyway, distribution does not cost much, although it is low.

But Qin Nuo's movie is better than several other directors' movies.

Yu Dong was too happy to get up.

At the entrance of the cinema, Liu Shishi looked at Tang Yan holding Qin Nuo's arm on the carpet.

The two walked the red carpet together.

Very unhappy.

"This slutty woman is almost sticking herself to Qin Nuo."

“It’s flat, so what’s there to stick with?”

Liu Shishi muttered.

Three PS, there are two more to come, brothers, cheer up, come on!

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