Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

There Is A Huge Market For 181 Animated Movies, Qin Nuo Is Probably Going To Succeed Again This Time

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart.

This fat man Wang looked like a turtle.

He couldn't help but be a little more vigilant.

If this guy is so eager, he must be trying to get his back.

"Director Qin, is that okay?"


The two hugged each other, feeling the softness.

Qin Nuo can be sure that this woman is the real deal.


"Then let's go in first, Director Qin, and have tea together when we have time!"

"Director Wang, walk slowly!"

After seeing the two of them off, Qin Nuo chatted with Fa Ge and Zhang Baizhi again.

Send the two people inside.

"Qin Nuo, this Fatty Wang has something, he actually brought Zhang Yuqi to your door!"

Da Meiyuan said quietly.

"Screw you, what is delivered to your door? Sister Yuanyuan, why do you speak so unpleasantly?

Gao Yuanyuan curled her lips when she heard this.

Isn't it delivered to your door?

Wang Jin is just going to book a room for you.

He turned around and glanced at the woman.

Even Gao Yuanyuan had to admit that although she didn't think Zhang Yuqi was prettier than her, she did have a good figure.

I don’t know what to eat to grow.

This guy Qin Nuo is blessed.

After sending all the guests inside, Qin Nuo also came to the theater.

There were many guests.

Almost all 3,000 seats are occupied.

The guests in front took advantage of the premiere to chat with each other before it started.

So lively.

Qin Nuo walked along with a smile on his face and greeted the people next to him.

From time to time, I was pulled into a conversation.

It took a while before I got to my position.

The director this time is Fatty Zhou.

It's none of his business to brag.

"Brother, why are you wearing Wu Jin's vest?"

Qin Nuo was surprised and looked at Wang Changtian next to him in surprise.

Qin Nuo remembered that he specially reserved the seat next to Wu Jin.

I want to communicate more with him and express feelings.

By the way, direct this guy towards military action movies.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Wang Changtian next to him.

"Hey, brother, you didn't expect it!" Wang Changtian smiled happily.

"I asked Wu Jin to change positions."

Wang Changtian was in a good mood and started chatting with Qin Nuo.

"I had a good chat with you last time. How about we chat again? I'm quite interested in what you said about animation."

"You can't do it, brother, your light is useless, so what are you using for animation?"

Qin Nuo had a casual chat with Wang Changtian last time, but he didn't expect that this guy's senses were really sharp.

I actually remembered it.

"Hey, brother, this is your fault. Do you want to eat alone?"

Wang Changtian had a straight face.

Although Qin Nuo said it casually last time, he took it to heart.

I went back and asked someone to check it out.


Unexpectedly, the survey results were very good.

Young people nowadays are very interested in animation movies.

And the market is huge.

The animation production in Sakura Country is pretty good, so Tian Changtian went to poach a few people.

I want to make a domestic animation movie.

He really wanted to take a bite of this piece of cake.

It seems that Qin Nuo has already planned it.

This is not okay.

If you want to eat alone, you have to ask me, Wang Changtian, if I agree.

Qin Nuo was very depressed, he really just said it casually.

I didn't expect this old boy to be so alert.

Actually realized this blank market.

In the previous life, Havoc in Heaven, Devil Boy, and White Snake received very good responses.

He still wants to keep it for himself.

But it seems a little difficult.

After thinking about it, it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

The initial investment in this thing is also very large.

He may not be able to support it alone.

It’s okay to find a partner.

Get it out sooner and make money sooner.

"Brother, it's not that I'm a solitary eater, it's just that the time hasn't come yet." Qin Nuo whispered.

"What time?"

"Anime movies can only be made in 3D. If you think about it, the number of such screens in China is less than 20% now."

"It's too little. We have to wait for at least a few years."

But Wang Changtian is not that easy to fool. Looking at Qin Nuo, he said quietly.

"Didn't you already start the layout?"

"What?" Qin Nuo pretended not to understand.

"Brother, I didn't understand what you were saying."

"Humph, you're still pretending," Tian Changtian whispered.

"It's so wonderful, your special effects company, the people there can just make some changes and create an animation studio.

"I'll go, old boy, are you going to investigate me?"

Qin Nuo cursed.

This guy actually does business investigation.

That’s right!

Another reason Qin Nuo invested in the special effects company was to incubate an animation studio.

This thing is definitely a cornucopia after all.

The sooner you do it, the more money you make.

"Hey, let's go together, Qin Nuo!"

"No!" This time Qin Nuo had a serious face. He didn't want to pay attention to the old guy.

"The money matter can be discussed. You must have a plan."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Wang, I don't understand!"

"How about I spread the word to you?" Wang Changtian curled his lips.

"If others say that animated movies can make money, people in the industry may not believe it."

"But if it's you, Director Qin, that's not necessarily the case...

Qin Nuo “…………

"Okay, then I'll take the lion's share and give you an advantage!"

"This is easy to say~"

"And you have to pay, at least 100 million~"

"That's easy to say."

Qin Nuo thought for a while and decided to drag this old guy along.

He is indeed short of money, although he has to share some profits.

But it can be considered an ally.

"We will discuss this matter later, now is not the time!"

"I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Yu Qi, you saw it too"

Wang Jin pointed to Qin Nuo, who was chatting happily with Wang Changdian in front of him.

Qin Nuo is really capable.

"Wang Changtian, you also know, take a look.

I have to apologize when facing Qin Nuo.

It looked like a good deal had been made.

If you can follow him, you won't have to worry about anything in your life.

Wang Jin looked at her and said seriously.

"Don't blame me, brother, I speak frankly. If a woman wants to do well in the entertainment industry, she must have a man behind her.

"But Director Wang, I have a boyfriend."

"That kid is nothing." Wang Jin looked disdainful.

"Dump him as soon as possible. That kid is not a good guy at first sight!"

"Compare that kid with Director Qin."

"Although Qin Nuo is a little carefree, which one of the women he follows will develop well.

"Liu Shishi, Liu Yifei, Gao Yuanyuan..."

"What about the boy?"

Zhang Yuqi stopped talking.

"Director Wang, let me think about it again."

"Think about it!"

After about ten minutes, all the lights in the theater were turned off.

Fatty Zhou walked up.

A light shone on him.

With a smile on his face.


"Why do I see that you all look so disappointed?"

"Especially some of the ladies!"

"Why, even though I'm not as handsome as Qin Nuo, the difference is only a few centimeters. 11'

"You said so, right? Qin Nuo!"

Fatty Zhou looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hearing this, the audience burst into laughter instantly.

The entire audience applauded.

Sure enough, they are the same as the people in Qin Nuo, they are really shameless.

"…"Okay, let me introduce you formally, I, Zhou Xiangxiang, am the director of Xiuchundao this time.

The audience burst into applause again.

Fatty Zhou once again boasted about how difficult it was to shoot and how difficult it was for him.

The guests below also yawned.

Fatty is really good at bragging this week.

You have worked so hard, and Qin Nuo is standing beside you to hold the battle.

Your life is infinitely better than that of other directors.

So drunk.

After half an hour, Fatty Zhou was still not satisfied and looked at the time.

"Without further ado, please enjoy China's last martial arts movie."

When the fat man stepped off the stage, the audience applauded especially warmly.

The movie finally starts.

Originally, the audience felt a little sleepy after listening to Fatty Zhou's words.

But they didn't expect that Xiuchundao would cheer them up at the beginning.

Shen Lian, played by Hu Ge, is wearing a flying fish suit.

He led a group of younger brothers to the residence of Wei Zhongxian's comrades and ransacked the house.

One man fought against more than a dozen servants without even pulling out his sword.

A dozen people were subdued in an instant.

Then he put the knife on his accomplice's neck.

"There's something special about this fight scene, the design is so cool!"

"Yes, it's very smooth, and with this costume, it's amazing!"

"Okay, this movie starts perfectly!"

The guests below were all whispering.

Qin Nuo's promotion that this is China's last martial arts film is true.

The beginning is hot!

Hu Ge’s fans at the back were very excited.

So handsome.

My brother finally has a chance to appear on the big screen.

Afterwards, the fate of the three brothers also affected the hearts of the audience.

Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian, and Jin Yichuan are obviously very strong in martial arts.

But he was plotted by the people above.

In one operation, he was almost killed by Jinyiwei Baihu.

When the door opened, the faces of the three people were covered with blood, and the knives in their hands had even been curled up.

The entire audience applauded.

The three of them are so handsome in this scene.

The cold eyes of the three people were like demons slain from the Nine Heavens Hell.


"I'm afraid Qin Nuo will be a success again. Although I've only watched half of it, as long as it doesn't fail later, the box office will definitely not be bad."

Wang Jin shook his head and said.

Fa Ge next to him also nodded.

"The plot is smooth, the fighting scenes are exciting, and the three characters have their own characteristics. It's awesome!"

Zhang Yuqi on the side listened to the two people's words.

He glanced at Qin Nuo in front of him.

The balance in my heart is gradually tilting.

Many people in the audience were also talking quietly.

Although they are not sure whether this film can break the record, as long as the subsequent plot does not stretch the crotch.

The box office must be very impressive!

I haven’t seen such a wonderful martial arts movie in a long time.

ps: The fifth update has arrived, and there will be an additional update in the afternoon, and some bosses will reward me. Thank you very much! The monthly pass is still far from the full subscription, so please support me.

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