Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Contrast Between 183 Yujie And The Tense Moment When The Box Office Is Released!

Qin Nuo looked at the two girls, Zhang Baizhi would not say anything else, they were indeed quite beautiful.

If it hadn't been a few years ago.

It may develop better now, but it's a pity.

Zhang Yuqi is a bit shy, to be honest ~ Qin Nuo looks a bit contrasting.

It was mainly the image of the woman in the mermaid that left a deep impression on him.

Can you imagine a billionaire's wife being shy?

"Director Qin, let's meet Zhang Baizhi." Zhang Baozhi stretched out his little hand

"Qin Nuo!"

The two held hands, and Zhang Baizhi squeezed Qin Nuo's hand quietly.

Qin Nuo raised his head and glanced at the woman.


So anxious?

On the other hand, Zhang Yuqi was a little embarrassed and gave a brief introduction.

The three of them chatted casually about things in the circle.

Qin Nuo boasted, and Zhang Baozhi was very happy.

I have to say that this woman is really good.

At least it made him happy.

"Is it true, Director Qin? You finished filming in two months, the Exploding Drummer is so awesome!"

"I was so excited when Detective Tang broke the record. Director Qin, you are so awesome!"

What Qin Nuo said was a bit arrogant.

But soon Qin Nuo felt a few unkind glances.

Liu Shishi, Yang Mi and Reba.

Women like Xiao Duling and others would cast dagger-like looks from time to time.

It made Qin Nuo very uncomfortable.

I almost forgot there were others.

Qin Nuo quickly collected it.

"There's something going on over there, Fatty Zhou. I'll go take a look and you guys can talk!"

After saying that.

Qin Nuo stood up and acted as if nothing happened.

He left with the wine glass in hand.

Only then did the piercing gaze on his back disappear.

"Qin Nuo, this guy will go out to hook up with other women if he doesn't stare at her for a day." Liu Shishi whispered.

"That's right, Sister Shishi is right." Nazar nodded.

"Sister Shishi, how about I keep an eye on it for you? Don't worry, I have a good eye!"

When Liu Shishi heard this, she was as white as a girl.

What are you thinking, girl?

If you keep an eye on me, it would be strange if you don't watch over the thief.

I have already suffered a loss once, can I suffer again?

Want to eat shit.

"Yu Qi, there's no need for this." After Qin Nuo left, Zhang Baizhi looked at her.

"It's all about being in a circle, there's no point in pretending."

"I'm sorry, Sister Zhi." Zhang Yuqi quickly apologized, "I'm not, I just feel a little unable to get over that hurdle.

"I haven't thought about it yet~"

Zhang Baizhi sighed, but she could tell.

Qin Nuo is much more interested in Zhang Yuqi than in her.

This girl's figure is really domineering.

Innate differences.

no way.

"I would fall in love with you if I were you. Qin Nuo just looked at your darlings several times."


Zhang Yuqi was a little embarrassed.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. I will teach you today how to seize the opportunity."

"Watch it."

Zhang Baizhi saw Qin Nuo walking towards the bathroom.

Take advantage of others not paying attention.

Mimi followed quietly.

Zhang Yuqi on one side was shocked.

What is this for?

After a while, I couldn't help but followed quietly with curiosity.

the other side.

Qin Nuo is thinking about the promotion of Xiuchundao in the future.

Today everyone is so interested in his role as Ding Xiu in the play.

It would be nice to have people cut down a few shots.

Put it online.

Attract the attention of some spectators.

Netizens are good at making memes and stuff like that.

You can even discuss it with Brother Xiao Ming.

The two interacted remotely.

Add some fun to the movie.

And Tang Yan.

Didn’t Wu Kebo say he wanted to stir up scandals before?

It's quite appropriate when you think about it.

Xiaonizi Tang Yan is very smooth.

Thinking of this, Qin Nuo smiled.

"Damn it, who is it?"

Qin Nuo was smiling happily. Just as he was about to close the door and put out the water, a figure suddenly came in.

He thought it was some paparazzi.

But when I saw this face, I was stunned.

"Azhi, what are you doing!"

"Shh, Director Qin, stop talking, someone seems to have come in."

Qin Nuo's attention was suddenly diverted.

But he didn't expect that he would be choked by his throat in the next second.

Look down.

Zhang Baizhi was smiling at him, his face full of charm.

After taking a look at him, he continued to work.

Twenty minutes later.

Qin Nuo stood up.

Zhang Bai on the side gave Qin Nuo a blank look. Jiao said angrily.

"Director Qin, you are going a little too far. Why do you do this again?"

Qin Nuo didn't sound embarrassed at all.

"Sister Zhi, you still blame me, I came in just to pee.

"Fuck you, don't mention that word."

"Really annoying!"


Looking at this woman, he felt a little pity.

This woman, when she walks on her back, her teeth are filled with cold water.

Zhang Baizhi was a new generation actress in Hong Kong before.

She is very famous on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and is even comparable to Liu Yifei now.

And it’s not like Liu Yifei relies solely on her looks to make a living.

This woman is good-looking and her acting skills are top-notch among actresses.

If it had gone well, I might have won several big prizes by now.

Enjoy life happily.

It's just a pity that one mistake will last forever.

"You are so generous, but I haven't agreed to anything yet?"

Qin Nuo lifted the woman's chin.

"Don't think too much." Zhang Baizhi looked at Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, don't think that I am a very mean woman. I, Zhang Baizhi, am not that low."

"If you have a chance in the future, just consider me first!"

"no problem!"

Qin Nuo nodded, he liked prostitution the most.

Walked out swaggeringly.


As soon as Qin Nuo walked to the bathroom door, he saw the backs of ten women running away in a hurry.

When Zhang Yuqi heard this, her whole body trembled.

He stopped unconsciously.

I cursed myself a few words in my mind.

Why are you so stupid?

Why not run earlier.

Now it's okay to be caught.

Listening to the approaching footsteps from behind, Zhang Yuqi was a little scared.

Who is Qin Nuo?

She also knew that there was a new leader in the industry, the great Palm Tree director.

Deep appreciation from above.

She even heard from Wang Jin and others that it wouldn't take twenty years.

Just ten years, or even five years.

Qin Nuo is afraid that he will be able to secure his position as national master.

If such a person were to deal with her as a small artist.

Don't take it too easy.

Qin Nuo came to Zhang Yuqi, rolled his eyes and said.

"Why is it you? Do you feel comfortable listening to the corner?"

"Director Qin, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." Zhang Yuqi apologized quickly.

"I'm just passing by!"

"Tell the truth!" Qin Nuo's face turned cold.

If you were passing by, you wouldn't be so panicked. You really think it's my first day out in Qin Nuo.

"This~" Zhang Yuqi originally wanted to struggle.

Qin Nuo's stern face can be seen.

feel a little scared.

I told you honestly.

After Qin Nuo listened.

I feel like there are too many flaws, and I don’t know where to start.

"So what did you learn?"

"This, that" Zhang Yuqi blushed, unable to speak.

Qin Nuo simply put his hand in front of her.

"Director Qin!"

"Don't move" Qin Nuo looked at her and said after a while.

"I've wanted to try it for a long time. It's very comfortable."

"Farewell, Director Qin, in case someone comes

Zhang Yuqi was shy and scared, this was the aisle.

What if someone comes?

after awhile

Qin Nuo glanced at the woman, buttoned it up for her, and said.

"I'll give you the phone number. Call me later. If you want to learn, study hard."

Qin Nuo put his business card in front of Zhang Yuqi.

Then he whistled and left.

Zhang Yuqi looked at Qin Nuo's back and just breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly I felt someone move on my chest.

I suddenly became nervous.

But when I saw it was Zhang Baizhi, I felt relieved again.

"Ah, personal business card!" Zhang Baizhi turned over the things in his hand.

A playful smile appeared on his face.

"I sacrificed so much, but this guy didn't even give me anything."

"You girl, I was touched twice, but I gave this thing to you."

…Please give me flowers…

Zhang Baizhi touched Zhang Yuqi's face.

"Nizi, you are lucky!"

"Sister Zhi, stop talking, I'm scared to death!"

Zhang Baizhi curled his lips.

Scared to death, or happy to death.

It's not that Zhang Baixi can't get Qin Nuo's personal phone number.

But asking and taking the initiative to give are completely different concepts.

"Put it away"

Zhang Baozhi put it back again.

"Think about it for yourself. If I can hug Qin Nuo's lap, I might have to ask you for help in the future!"

"Sister Zhi, you're kidding."

After the reception.

Qin Nuo didn't go home either and came to the company.

It's after twelve o'clock, or the box office will be out at midnight in two hours.

Why are you going back now?

Let’s check the box office first.

"I'm talking about Mr. Wang, Mr. Wu, Yang Mi and Hu Ge..."

Qin Nuo looked at the group of twenty or so people and shook his head.

"Don't you have a room? Why come with me back to the company!"

“Today’s hotels are very advanced and can connect to the Internet!”

He was a little depressed.

This group of people has nothing to do, why should they follow me? I have to entertain you.

"Director Qin, what you said is meaningless. We are all our own people, so we are not seeing outsiders."

"Mr. Wu is right. It's interesting to watch it together. It's boring to go back to the hotel alone."

Wang Zhonglei nodded.


"Director Qin, stop talking and have a few cups of tea. I drank a lot just now and my stomach is burning."

"Brother Xiao Ming, help me have a drink too,"

"I want this too!"

Qin Nuo was speechless looking at these people who regarded his company as their own.

Sitting like an uncle and serving tea?

I'll give you a spindle, believe it or not.

"Du Ling, what are you looking at Bai Lu for?"

"Why don't you go serve tea to these uncles!"

"I know, boss!" the two women said with a smile.

More than twenty people were sitting in the lounge, and although they were all chatting, some people would look up at the clock on the wall from time to time.

Then his face was full of disappointment.

Why is time moving so slowly?

Damn it, why did it take so long?

"Don't look at Fatty. If I go up and adjust the time for you, my neck will almost break.

"Hey, I don't

Are you nervous?"

If we want to say who is the most nervous here, there is no one except Fatty Zhou.

This is his first movie.

The same goes for Huang Xiaoming and Hu Ge next to them.

One of them wants to take back the honor of being the number one young student in the Mainland.

One is to break out of the tight encirclement and fight against Tian Yin Piao.

This movie has a great effect on them.

Although previous guests and invited fans have very good reviews.

But they will only feel relieved if they see real box office results.

Liu Shishi and Tang Yan are similar.

Both are also heroines.

As the fourth Xiaohuadan.

Liu Yifei relied on Tang Tan to widen the gap between them.

Although I dealt with that woman last time.

However, Liu Yifei's words were always like a thorn in their hearts.

They all prayed secretly in their hearts.

Box office explosion!

Box office explosion!

Everyone was still chatting at first.

But slowly everything became quiet.

As the time approaches, you can even hear the heartbeats of some people.

Qin Nuo looked at the computer and refreshed the web page from time to time.

See no movement

He picked up the water glass and took a sip.

It's so late, I'm a little sleepy

Suddenly I heard the sound of dripping water, which was a bit strange.

He glanced at the bottom of the cup.

There's no water leakage either.

He turned to look at Wu Kebo beside him.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It turned out that the sweat from this guy's head dripped on the floor and made a clicking sound...

"Hey, it's a bit hot today. I'm afraid of heat! I'm afraid of heat!"

Saw Qin Nuo's teasing look.

Wu Kebo smiled and explained.

"It's a bit hot. Bailu, please turn down the air conditioner!"

"Didn't you see that Mr. Wu is sweating?"

p.s. Updates will continue. Today is guaranteed to be five updates. The monthly ticket is enough. There will be an additional chapter in the afternoon. I look forward to two additional updates. Everyone, please pay attention. It’s the end of the month. Don’t keep it. .

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