Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

193 Fairy Sister Vs. Fairy Sword Sanmei, Qin Paopao Comes Online! (Additional Update)

Liu Yifei wiped her eyes and hesitated for a while before asking.

"You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course not!" Qin Nuo's tone was quite sincere.

"I just wanted to tease you, I didn't expect you to be so funny!"

"So many people are watching, and they are crying!"

Qin Nuo feels that Liu Yifei is a bit naive in nature.

Expression management is basically zero.

Last time, I was usurped by Gao Yuanyuan, who made me look bad on stage.

Everyone saw it.

At this celebration banquet, there were so many people around, this girl could burst into tears...


You are an artist, but your expression management is too poor.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei started to panic.

Hurry and hide behind Qin Nuo.

Show your little head.

said angrily.

"It's all your fault, you bullied me again, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Qin Nuo you bastard!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"Sissi, don't even think about it. I didn't see anything on you when we were making movies!"

"Don't be too familiar. You have lost so much weight. Can I not tell?"

"Obviously you are too stupid!"

"Disgusting!" Liu Yifei spat at Qin Nuo, this guy is so shameless.

"You are stupid, Big Pig Hoof. I just~just care too much about you!"

"Me too." Qin Nuo quietly held this girl's hand.

"I don't care why you are teasing me? I don't bother to waste my time on others."

Liu Yifei heard Qin Nuo's words.

The previous depression and grievances were gone.

I feel very happy.

But his face is still so arrogant.

He didn’t spare Qin Nuo either.

"Glib talk~ I won't ignore you like this next time!"

This scene was also seen by many people, but everyone tacitly looked away.

Act like nothing happened.

Liu Xiaoli, who was not far away, sighed.

When Liu Yifei passed by just now, she discovered it.

When she found out that her precious daughter was being made to cry, she couldn't wait to rush forward immediately.

Give Qin Nuo two big pussy fights.

But before she could take action.

Qin Nuo calmed down the crying Liu Yifei with just a few words.

How many minutes before and after this?

"Nizi, your tears are too worthless..."

Liu's mother hated that iron could not become steel, and she cried for so long.

Qin Nuo was coaxed in two minutes.

After all, it’s you, girl, who is too good at this.

Or is Qin Nuo too clever?

Look at it this way.

Liu Xiaoli was worried that Qin Nuo had sold Liu Yifei.

This girl even helped him count the money with a silly smile.

"No, I must teach this girl two tricks when I go back!"

"Otherwise, if I really get married, I will be eaten to death by Qin Nuo."

the other side.

The three beauties of Liu Shishi, Yang Mi, Tang Yan and Xian Jian are gathered together, seemingly smiling.

But if you look carefully, the three women's eyes will show knives from time to time.

And who is this target.

Naturally it goes without saying!

"Humph, it's embarrassing for such a big man to cry!"

"Sister Yan, you are right, Qin Nuo is a kind-hearted person who cannot bear to see a woman cry." Liu Shishi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Liu Yifei played a good card!"

"What a fart, this woman is smiling like a fool, why don't you punish her?"

Yang Mi was very disdainful.

Using tears to deceive people is abominable!

"What do you mean, why don't we go get some medicine and give it to Liu Yifei."

"And how about taking nude photos of her."

Tang Yan said angrily.

Last time, Huang Xiaoming robbed him of the opportunity to speculate on the scandal.

Today, Liu Yifei gave me the first advantage.

Think I, Tang Yan, have no temper!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tang Yan noticed that Liu Shishi and Yang Mi looked at her with a very strange look.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

"Whoever is in the future, you are stupid and sweet, and I am in a hurry. You are really cruel!"

"I just beat up Liu Yifei. Tangtang, do you want us to go in and have tea?"

Tang Yan"...

"I was just kidding, what do you think we should do?"

When the two women heard this, they fell silent.

They really have no good solution.

If this girl Liu Yifei were replaced by them, they would be men.

I also like her very much, she is beautiful, arrogant, and innocent (stupid).

Everything is perfect except Yahuako.

No advantage!

"Huh, you guys are so useless," Tang Yan snorted.

"Anyway, I can't stand it. I'm going to laugh at this crybaby!"

After speaking, Tang Yan ignored the two of them.

Walked straight over.

"Qin Nuo, come find me tonight." Liu Yifei quietly glanced around.

Her mother was not found.

"I'll leave the door open for you!"

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"It's okay. Just leave early in the morning. My mother slept like crazy."


"Ah, isn't this the fairy sister?" Tang Yan smiled politely.

"Why did you come out for a walk again? Didn't you do some fitness work at home?

"Tang Yan!"

When Liu Yifei heard this, her face suddenly turned dark.

She hasn't forgotten what happened last time.

This is the shame of her life.

This guy is still taunting her.

I can't bear it.

"Shouldn't I call you sister?"

"Sister, sister, please delete the recording quickly! Otherwise, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Liu Yifei raised her fist.

Don't look at the gadget as small.

It hurts to hit someone.

Tang Yan quickly took two steps back when he saw it.

She didn't expect this girl to be so aggressive.

Are you shameless in public?

Still beating people?

Tang Yan was not afraid of quarrels.

But when it comes to fighting, Liu Yifei is really good at it!

Just when Tang Yan was surrounded by Liu Yifei, a meat tank.

Her teammates arrived just in time.

"Hit someone?" Yang Mi looked at Liu Yifei, "Okay, Liu Yifei is here!"

"Yes, Sissi, do you want to challenge three people?"

"You are here!"

Tang Yan was very surprised, she almost ran away just now.

Mainly because she really couldn't beat her, so Shi Liu Yifei went crazy and praised her here.

That would be a huge loss of face.

"Of course, we are the Three Beauties of Immortal Sword!"

"Just a fairy sister! What does she count?"

"that's right!"


Tang Yan looked at Liu Yifei and became arrogant again.

He even deliberately moved his face towards me,

"Hey, hey, hit him!"

"You! Qin Nuo!"

Liu Yifei was a little scared and quickly called Qin Nuo.


When he turned around, he only saw Qin Nuo's back running away in a hurry.

"I'm going to help you get some reinforcements, Sissi, just hold on!"

Liu Yifei "......."

She now feels that as the ADC, the team battle has not yet started.

The illusion that my own support ran away first.

Damn it.

Selling wife, I will kill you tonight.

The three girls were not surprised to see Qin Nuo running away.

This is what smart people do.

He pressed towards Liu Yifei step by step.

After Qin Nuo ran away, he glanced behind him.


Sissi, it’s not that I won’t help you, I’m the referee in this team battle.

Cannot attend.

They are all our own people.

Don't worry, this is in public.

They won't do anything to you.

At most, she just calls her sister.

Anyway, it’s not like you haven’t shouted before...


"Hey, Director Qin, why are you here?" Li Shuo glanced around.

"Didn't Sissi go to find you?"

"Yes, Director Qin, where is Sister Qianqian?" Song Yi smiled like a little fox.

"Isn't it because you didn't notice the changes in Sissi and you were scolded?"

"You came just in time!"

If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, these two ladies are Liu Yifei's good friends.

Now Liu Yifei is surrounded, please go and help.

"Go left, it's the first room on the right."

"Sissi is surrounded by people, go and rescue her quickly?"

"Why don't you save me?" Li Qing was very surprised.

"You will know when you go there"

Qin Nuo lazily explained to the two women.

I am the captain of Dragonfly. I have rules and cannot take action.

"It's too late, Sissi will be in trouble!"

"Damn it, let's go quickly, Tiezi!"

"Don't call me Tiezi!"

The two women didn't care so much and hurriedly ran in the direction Qin Nuo pointed!

Qin Nuo was relieved when he saw the two women passing by.

Three against three, evenly matched.

There should be no problem.

Turning around, he found Wang Changdian smiling at him.

"Brother, long time no see!"


Wang Chang took a closer look at the two women running away and said jokingly.

"Director Qin is really a romantic man. Why, he has fallen in love with these two little girls Rong Xinda?"

"I have a pretty good relationship with Li Xiaohong, how about I set up a connection for you?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes when he heard this.

What a bullshit.

Although Li Qing and Tie Zi are indeed good.

But Qin Nuo is already in trouble now, and he doesn't want to provoke other women.

"Brother, I was joking, we were just chatting casually!"

"I understand~" Wang Changtian smiled meaningfully.

"But you should also be careful. Girls can't lose face if something like this happens together.

"Next time, remember to talk separately. Look at it, it scared everyone away.

Qin Nuo's mouth twitched.

Why can't I understand what you are saying?

You old man really thinks of me as a stud.

See previous one.

Looking at you like this, you must have been an old gangster when you were young!

"Stop talking, brother."

"I'm going to see Director Zhou!"

"Hey, don't worry!" Wang Changtian quickly grabbed Qin Nuo.

"How about we talk about what happened last time?"

"I recently conducted a survey and found that the number of 3D screens in China is constantly increasing, and it will reach 30% in less than two years."

"This quantity is enough to test the waters!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo stopped.

Producing 3D animation does take some time, at least a year.

His Interstellar will be released today during the Chinese New Year.

At that time, it will definitely stimulate another wave of 3D screen explosions.

Calculating the time, I can really try the water!

Forget about using Nezha.

Qin Nuo feels a bit shortchanged.

The Return of the Great Sage is great.

In the previous life, this animation was released in 2015 and had a box office of one billion.

If it is more sophisticated, it will not be a problem to exceed one billion.

"Okay, but brother, please pay me 20 million for boarding fee first!" Qin Nuo looked at him.

"Otherwise, I will seek cooperation from Huayi!"

Qin Nuo stretched out his hand and looked at Wang Changtian.

This old boy wants to eat his cake, it's not that simple.

Even threatened him before.

It was the first time in so long since Qin Nuo’s debut that he suffered a loss from someone else.

How can this be done without coming back with revenge?

ps: More updates are coming. Don’t be stunned. Come on, I wrote 600,000 yuan this month. This is considered sincere in Feilu. Let’s continue!

Tomorrow, the author has invested a huge amount of money and wants to make a recommendation. Please help me tomorrow. Please click on the subscription to increase the number of users. Thank you very much!

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