Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

199 Good People Are Rewarded, Super Pie Sent By Wang Baoqiang, Embarrassing Series! ! !

"Director Qin, I have something I want to discuss with you later."

Wang Baoqiang thought of the recent movie.

I would like to ask Qin Nuo for help.

"No problem, let's talk about it tonight!"

"Director Qin, let's go, it's not easy for everyone to get together!" Wang Zhonglei looked at Qin Nuo.

"I'm treating you all to a drink today!"

"The relationship is good, I'll come"

"Me too, Director Qin ran away last time, not this time!"

“Everyone goes, everyone goes”

"Wait me a moment!"

Qin Nuo also nodded.

"Then Mr. Wang spent a lot of money."

"Haha, you should, let's go!"

Soon more than ten people came out of the hotel.

On the way, I also met many artists who came to attend the Golden Horse Awards.

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo and his group with envy in their eyes.

This is the biggest favorite to win this year.

There is no way to get in.

They are all their own people.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Wang Zhonglei was also a regular customer and bought a lot of things.

Qin Nuo tasted very good.

And the price is much lower than in the mainland.

This Benwan is a geomantic treasure.

Not long after eating, everyone started drinking.

Deng Chao, Liao Fan and these guys caught Qin Nuo and raped him.

No matter what, I want him to get drunk today.

However, Qin Nuo was not stupid and gave Wang Baoqiang a look.

Brother Baoqiang has a very good drinking capacity. "Eight Zero Three"

The two of them worked together to drink Deng Chao and Liao Fan to the ground.

He turned to look at Xiao Yang and others.

Scared, they quickly raised the white flag.

We are friendly forces, friendly forces!

"Director Qin has a good capacity for drinking." Wang Zhonglei raised his glass and touched it with Qin Nuo.

"Not as good as Director Wang!"

Qin Nuo knew that Wang Zhonglei was the real one.

This is Huayi's public relations boss.

How can you drink less?

Drink and talk.

"Director Qin is afraid that he will move the Golden Horse Award home this time. He has been shortlisted for more than 20 awards!"

Wang Zhonglei joked with a smile.

these days.

He saw that Feng Xiaogang scolded Qin Nuo several times every day.

It's obvious why.

This is the best director competition.

His biggest rival is Qin Nuo.

"It's not that simple. I guess something strange might happen!"

"I'll be happy if I can win a few small prizes~"

Everyone around laughed.

Thought Qin Nuo was joking.

You still get a few small prizes.

Unless the Golden Horse Awards judges are crazy.

Hehe, don’t say it yet~

But Wang Zhonglei heard something interesting.


"Brother Qin, it's impossible.

"Unless this Golden Horse Award winner wants to die, it is absolutely impossible for him to do this!"

Qin Nuo smiled and said nothing.

Do you expect a group of people who stay on the island every day to stay awake?

What a joke.

Anyway, Qin Nuo is here to watch the fun this time.

It would be best to win a prize.

If he can't win the award, it's not him who should be anxious.

That's Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan, and some directors in China who are in urgent need of awards.

Qin Nuo has won the Cannes Grand Prize.

Afraid of a hammer!

The meal lasted for three hours, and the host and guest had a great time.

Everyone returned to their rooms at night.

Wang Baoqiang followed Qin Nuo to his room.

"Director Qin, this room is okay for you! It's so big!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at this guy.

"It's not like you can't afford to live here, just live here!"

I greeted the assistant and served two cups of tea.

He was also a little curious as to why Wang Baoqiang was looking for him?

"Forget it, it's too expensive. I bought a house in the capital and I don't have much money!"

After chatting for a while, Qin Nuo asked.

"Baoqiang, tell me, no matter what, we are all our own people, you're welcome!"

"Director Qin, will your company invest in other movies?"

Qin Nuo was stunned for a moment and replied.

“It depends on the situation, if it’s a good movie, we will definitely invest in it.

"Director Qin, I made a movie, but only half of the investors ran away.

"Now the crew is in a lot of trouble. They only filmed half of the film and have no money for the remaining half."

"Would you like to take over, I guarantee this movie will be great."

"What movie?" Qin Nuo was just polite.

I was already planning to refuse.

What a joke, the investor ran away after filming half of it.

What a good script this is.

"Those who are lucky in the Spring Festival are in trouble!"

"What?" Qin Nuo's eyes widened.

Wang Baoqiang was frightened and quickly said it again.

"It's a funny road movie about people traveling during the Spring Festival!"

"Is the director Guangtou Xu?"

Wang Baoqiang was a little embarrassed. It turned out that Qin Nuo had heard of it.

"That's right, don't worry, Director Qin."

"Although it is Xu Zhen's first time as a director, I can see that he is very talented!

"I will never lie to you, Director Qin, if I lie to anyone!"

Only then did Qin Nuo confirm that this was the first part of Thai囧 which was very popular in the previous life.

Embarrassing spring!!

I didn't expect that he would meet him.

You must know that in the previous life, Xu Zhen would have let himself go.

What kind of art do you want to do in Hong Kong 囧?

Replace Wang Bao Wall with Bao Bei~

The "囧" series of movies will definitely become the most successful series of movies in China.

After that, I will take pictures of beautiful things, Australian things, European things...

Just keep the same style as before.

Definitely a gold mine.

The kind where you lie down and count money.

It's a pity that Xu Guangtou was deceived into lameness and wanted to win the prize.

As a result, I played the "囧" series to death.

Qin Nuo never expected that someone would bring this cake to his mouth one day.

It seemed like the light had taken over in his previous life, and now it was his turn.

But it doesn’t seem strange when you think about it.

Qin Nuo and Wang Baoqiang have a good relationship.

It's normal to find him first.

"Director Qin, is that okay? The investment is really not that much."

"And you can read the script and change the bad parts!"

"Director Xu promises to cooperate!"

Qin Nuo smiled, could you not cooperate?

This was the first time Baldy Xu made a movie, and he encountered this mess.

Not to mention changing the script, Qin Nuo is just inserting a heroine into it.

As long as Qin Nuo gives money.

He promises to be happy.

"Bao Qiang, you also know that it was Baldy Xu's first time making a movie, and his investors ran away.

"It shows that they are not optimistic about this movie..."

Wang Baoqiang was disappointed when he heard this.

Qin Nuo said this with a high probability of rejection.

But he won't complain about Qin Nuo.

Anyone would be afraid of this kind of thing.

Investors ran away.

New director.

It's really hard.

"But~ what is our relationship? For your sake, I can help you!"

"Really? Director Qin!"

Wang Baoqiang's mood can be said to be like riding a roller coaster.

It was still hell a second ago.

I was in heaven all of a sudden!

I can't even believe my ears.

Chen Duling and Bai Lu next to them didn't expect Qin Nuo to agree.

They were very anxious, as soon as they heard about this movie, they were off the streets!

Isn’t investing just throwing money into the water?

What is this for???


The boss is still too emotional.

So kind!

Qin Nuo patted Wang Baoqiang on the shoulder and nodded.

"This little money is nothing, I believe you can do it~"

"Director Qin... I really don't know what to say!"

Wang Baoqiang looked at Qin Nuo, his eyes a little red...

His voice became choked.

Qin Nuo also felt a little ashamed.


no way.

Rushing up is no business.

If Qin Nuo expresses interest in this movie.

Just watch, I'm sure someone will look for Xu Guangtou to invest.

And he shouted loudly.

They didn't believe Baldy Xu.

But believe in Qin Nuo’s vision!

That is the most popular director in the country.

So Qin Nuo has no choice but to use this method.

"Okay, how much does it cost for a grown man who doesn't need this?"

"Not much, just 20 million. Director Qin can get 50% of the bonus!"

Qin Nuo nodded, the investment in this movie must have exceeded 50 million.

Being able to get 50% of the dividends is definitely enough sincerity.

But that's not what Qin Nuo is interested in.

This little money is nothing.

What he values ​​​​is the "囧" series.

"Let's do this, I'll just take forty and leave the rest to you!"

"Director Qin, you are here!" Wang Baoqiang was unwilling.

He didn't want Qin Nuo to suffer.

"Listen to me, I don't want to argue with others in case this movie makes money!"

"What should we do if the investors who run away want to blackmail us? So I want the copyright of this movie!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid.

In my previous life, it was because of copyright issues.

Bald Xu and Guang Guang had a falling out.

After that, Thai Jon actually fought a long lawsuit.

So he must hold all the copyrights in his hands.

Baldy Xu will not be given any loopholes to take advantage of.

Don't think about anything and let yourself go.

If you dare, I will kick you out directly.

Anyway, I own the copyright.

If you change the director, there will be labor pains.

But it's better than dead...

"Of course there is no problem with this. Director Xu may be very happy~"

Qin Nuo's smile was meaningful.

Maybe he is smiling happily now.

But I won’t know in the future.

It feels really uncomfortable to be manipulated.

But it would be nice to take advantage of others.

Qin Nuo is the latter, and Xu Zhen is the former.

"Okay, let Guangtou Xu come to our company sometime!"

"no problem!"

"When Director Xu heard the news, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep!"

"Let's talk later. I think you can't wait any longer. Go tell him the good news."

"Baoqiang, I'll give you enough face this time. Next time I find you, let me star in a movie for free!"

Wang Baoqiang patted his chest with a sincere look on his face.

"Director Qin, you can call me anytime, I'm always here!"


Qin Nuo saw off Wang Baoqiang and couldn't restrain his excitement.

no way.

This is the embarrassing series, if you go the right way.

That is a series of movies that can leverage tens of billions of dollars in revenue.

Even Qin Nuo.

I can't help it either.

One movie is made every year.

It can definitely provide the company with a steady stream of cash flow.

Exactly the same as Tang Tan!

Turning around, Qin Nuo was about to have a drink to suppress his excitement.

But I didn't expect to see two long-looking faces.

"Why do you two little girls look so ugly! Go to bed when you are sleepy!"

The two of them didn't speak.

Chen Duling feels that he must talk about Qin Nuo.

I want to think about becoming the chairman’s wife in the future.

Qin Nuo, please continue to be such a prodigal!

We will have to go to the streets to beg for food from now on.

P.S. Chapter 2 is updated. There are still five votes left for the next one. Please support me. I have coded more than 20,000 words today. Please support me. Thank you!

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