Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

203 Chain Reaction, The Four Major Directors Worked Together, Thousands Of Artists Followed, The Gol

Watch Qin Nuo ignore the host and turn around coolly!

The audience suddenly remembered the thunderous applause.

Some mainland artists shoot very hard.

Well done, Director Qin.

So handsome!

He is worthy of being a future national master!

Although Feng Xiaogang and others are a little bit dissatisfied with Qin Nuo~ they pretend to be compared.

Still applauded.

This guy did pretty well.

But our previous enmity still exists!

Don't think that's the end of it.

Not long after, the 48th Golden Horse Awards came to an end -.

Mainland artists waited until the speeches were finished and did not waste a moment.

He turned around and walked out the door.

The expression on his face was very ugly.

The judges of the Golden Horse Awards are seeking death.

It can be said that mainland artists have gained nothing this time.

The winner of the best award turned out to be Zhang Zifeng!

Can you believe it?

Won Best Supporting Actress.

Other awards include Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Film, etc.

Didn't get them all.

Stayed in Wanwan.

Only a ghost can make them happy!

"What, are you asking me if I'm happy?"

Qin Nuo looked at the reporter.

"Of course I'm happy. Can you not be happy to win the Golden Horse Award for Best Photography?"

"And Zifeng also won the Best Supporting Actress!"

"I'm much better than Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan and the others, but they didn't get any of them!"

Qin Nuo smiled happily while holding the trophy.

Unexpectedly, Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan and others were walking behind Qin Nuo.

Listening to Qin Nuo's words, he also rolled his eyes.

It’s already this time, and you’re still cueing us.

Addicted to playing?

Seeing that you are still considered a man today, I won’t argue with you!

"Director Feng, are you satisfied with this Golden Horse Award? You have gained nothing today!"

Journalists are not afraid of making a big deal out of things.

They are reporters, and they want the bigger the story, the better.

As for the Golden Horse Award.

It's none of our business, it's not mine.

Play however you want.

After hearing this, Feng Xiaogang couldn't help it and said angrily.

"I swear I will never come to the Golden Horse Awards again. What the hell."

"Just change the name to Wanwan Golden Horse Award, you're sick!"

"Director Feng, isn't it a bit too much to say this? You're complaining about the award before you get it."

"No grace at all!"

One of the Wanwan reporters said angrily.

"Hmph, you know how to use a hammer, so I scolded you. Why don't you hit me?"


"Let's forget that Lao Li lost to Qin Nuo this time. Didn't he expect to lose to a little bastard?"

"Leave me alone, don't block the labor!"

Feng Xiaogang was not used to these reporters and turned on them directly.

Stormed away.

The following directors, such as Lu Chuan and Wu Ershan, also had nothing good to say.

They are belittling the Golden Horse Awards both overtly and covertly.

Although the possibility of their films winning awards is relatively small.

But it's not impossible.

Besides, awards are meant to divide the cake.

Qin Nuo, Feng Xiaogang and others took away the biggest piece.

They also get a small piece.

It can also quench thirst.

But this time I got all the farts, just the smell.

It’s strange to be happy!

Seeing Qin Nuo leave with a bit of anger, she couldn't help but laugh in her heart.

To be honest, he is much better than Feng Xiaogang and the others.

After all, he has the Palme d'Or, so there is no shortage of awards.

But Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan, Wuershan and others were different.

They are starved for awards.

This time the Golden Horse Awards tricked them again.

There will definitely be something good to watch when we go back.

"Let's go, let's go back and watch the show. Let's see if there are any tickets for the early morning!

No one objected.

Liao Fan, Deng Chao, Xiao Yang and others were also very unhappy.

There are a lot of complaints about this Golden Horse Awards.

Damn it, all this trip was in vain and you didn’t even get anything.

Leave quickly.

Get out of this shitty place.

The news soon spread to the mainland.

Although not many mainland reporters went this time.

But not a lot

The news was sent back immediately.

The whole network was in an uproar instantly!!

Netizens previously predicted that the grand prize this time would be either Qin Nuo or Feng Xiaogang.

The combined probability of the two of them reaching 90%.

The remaining bit was given to Lu Chuan and Wu Ershan.

But they never expected it.

All four mainland directors jumped on the block.

It didn't win either Best Director or Best Picture.

This is simply a joke.

That's not all, Zhao Youting defeated Xiao Yang, Chen Baoguo and others won the Best Supporting Actor.

Ruan Jingtian defeated Qin Nuo, Liao Fan and Chen Daomin to win the Best Actor.

Never seen before, never heard of.

It would be fine if the bends were severe.

But who are the people you are winning awards for?

I want fame but not fame, I want works but not works.


too dark!

Coal is not as black as you!

"To tell you a joke, the film that won the Palm Tree Award won nothing at the Golden Horse Awards."

“The Golden Horse Award is indeed the “International Grand Award!” It’s amazing!”

"I'm laughing so hard. I'm so fucking laughing. Wanwan and the judges are so embarrassed."

"You actually did something like this. If you don't live up to your expectations, you just want to take advantage of it. Can't you afford it?"

"Those people are very angry. Last year, some people said they wanted to keep the Golden Horse Awards in Wanwan and Wanwan.

"I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be serious!"

Netizens scolded the Golden Horse Award and made it a hot search topic very quickly.

It's about to hit the headlines.

"I used to wonder why Qin Nuo was so cautious, but it turns out that's the case."

"This guy may have guessed that this year's Golden Horse Awards will be tricked."

"Don't tell me it's true, Qin Nuo never said he wanted to win an award."

"It's really smart. Qin Nuo probably guessed it. The Golden Horse Award is shameless!"

"That's right, keep the order, the Golden Horse Awards are shameless!"

“The Golden Horse Awards are shameless!”

However, the circle was a little quiet, and no one spoke.

Of course they were angry too.

But no one dared to fire the first shot.

Afraid of being resented by someone with bad intentions.

But our conductor is not afraid.

I just got home and my butt is still hot, so I immediately handed out the double golden horse award in scarf.

[What a broken prize, I will never do it again!]

Tens of thousands of likes instantly.

Netizens left messages below.

Praise the wind guide for a job well done.

A real man with a temper.

Fancy compliments.

Soon this scarf became a hot search topic.

After seeing it, Qin Nuo also gave Feng Xiaogang a like.

I posted a photo of me with my legs crossed at the Golden Horse Awards just now.

Five words were written on it.

"I think so too!"

Shadiao netizens laughed very happily after seeing it.

"Let me go, where did Qin Nuo get this photo? Isn't it too arrogant?"

"I know this. During the Golden Horse Awards, Qin Nuo was given a technical award.

"Why, Director Qin was so arrogant at that time. He sat on the chair with his legs crossed and refused to get up!"

………Please give me flowers 0…………

"Everyone in the audience was watching, and the host was extremely embarrassed."

"Almost caused an awards accident!"

"Here is a candid video, look at it!"

Shadiao netizens couldn't help but laugh after reading it.

Qin Nuo was so arrogant, crossing his legs like an uncle.

I also chatted with sister Zhiling next to me.

I didn’t take the Golden Horse Award seriously at all.

It’s so cool to watch!!


"Don't say anything anymore, Director Qin is awesome!"

"As expected of the successor of our national division, he has such a good temperament!"

"My legs are crossed, because I don't give any face to anyone!"

"Fuck me if you have the temper!"

In an instant, this picture of Qin Nuo became popular.

If anyone wants to pretend to be a comparison, just throw out this picture.

"Uncle, I don't give face to anyone!"

"Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

"Boy, you are still young!"

"Kneel down!"

Fancy fighting picture.

Soon some big directors in the industry also issued warnings.

Cheng Kaige has a good relationship with Qin Nuo and also came out to say something.

"This Golden Horse Award is a bit excessive. The most important thing about awards is fairness, but this Golden Horse Award did not achieve this.

Zhang Yimou.

"I heard about this, it's really too much."

Qin Nuo didn’t think much about it before.

I just want to make fun of the Golden Horse Awards.

These guys are just a little too much.

It would be nice to teach him a lesson.

Unexpectedly, it triggered a chain reaction.

Feng Xiaogang cursed, Qin Nuo mocked.

Cheng Kaige and Zhang Yimou also sang!

The four major domestic directors spoke together.

The young directors and artists below saw it and had to hurry up!!!

The boss’s charge horn has sounded!!

How come we, the little brothers, are not allowed to charge into battle?

Don’t you give me any face at all?

Ever since.

Almost all artists in the Mainland issued scarves to accuse the Golden Horse Awards!

Huang Xiaoming; [I am very disappointed with this Golden Horse Award. I went there in vain. I am very unhappy to lose to such a person!]


Shuang Bing: [The Golden Horse Awards have become more and more popular in recent years. If it cannot be fair, please don’t hold it!]

Zhou Xun: [It’s too much, it shouldn’t be like this. 】


Chen Daomin;【Garbage, no explanation!】

Liu Yifei: [Damn Golden Horse Awards, you still have no shame!!!]

Yang Mi: [The more you live, the more you go back, a group of guys who can’t see clearly...]

All the mainland artists are criticizing the Golden Horse Awards.

This kind of thing can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

Thousands of entertainers and stars in the entertainment industry are speaking out.

Netizens were also very generous and praised and criticized it.

Less than an hour.

The scarf was already overwhelmed after a few minutes.

Directly paralyzed.

Scolding the Golden Horse Awards directly paralyzed the scarf...

This is a big deal!!

But netizens don’t care so much.

After scolding the scarf for a few times, he moved to other platforms.

Tieba, Hupu.

Overnight, the Golden Horse Awards became a target that everyone was clamoring for.

Reputation has plummeted!

ps: Four updates are guaranteed to arrive in your account, and more updates will be added later or in the afternoon. If everyone works hard, we can add seven in the evening and afternoon. .

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