Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

208 Is A Movie Destined To Go Down In History, Shocking The Audience, Amazing Film Schedule! (Ask Fo

"Qin Nuo, are you confident?" The third master turned to look at him.

"I'm here to help you with my old face!"

"Don't worry, Master San will be fine!"

"Oh, by the way, Third Master, do you have a heart disease?"

"a little bit!"

"Then you have to be careful. Don't look back and see that you haven't been able to catch your breath. It's over!"

"......screw you!"

The two of them joked and only focused on the movie after the main film started.

At the beginning, there was a long stretch of yellow sand, with no grass growing around it.

Only there are large tracts of corn forest near the protagonist's home.

The theater bosses below are also strange.

Soon the camera came to the room and the news on TV explained everything.

It turned out to be because of a virus.

Fusarium wilt has almost wiped out the entire Blue Star plant.

Human foods including rice, wheat, sorghum, and potatoes were not spared.

Only the corn with the strongest survivability survived to the end.

Become mankind's last hope.

"This is a good start. Director Qin's ability to control the camera is even stronger, with only a few shots!"

“Just explain the background of the story very clearly!”

The people below were also talking quietly.

"Lao Li is right, the doomsday scene was shot very well and the special effects are great!

The movie quickly enters the plot.

The protagonist Yang Li and his daughter Murphy find that strange scenes always appear in their room.

The dust in the room is always arranged very neatly.

It's like someone did it on purpose.

"Dad, is this a ghost?"

"No, this is just a natural phenomenon, ghosts do not exist!"

"Binary arrangement."

"This should be Morse code!"

"Okay, don't pay attention to these, go to school quickly"

The protagonist Yang Li looked at the dust on the ground and thought for a while but found nothing wrong.

Simply close the door and leave.

But this scene captured the hearts of the audience.

They were also curious about where this thing came from.

Ordinary wind can't blow it so neatly.

Afterwards, the father and daughter actually locked a position in the dust arrangement.

It turned out to be China's last hope project.

The aerospace secret base is shrinking.

This also made everyone exclaim.

Science is so amazing.

A few rows of dust can convey so much.

This father and daughter are so smart.

After that, Interstellar began to reach its climax.

As a former astronaut, Yang Li was given the most important mission by Blue Star.

Blue Star is no longer suitable for human survival.

The last of the corn has been slain by blight.

Soon the entire Blue Star will be destroyed.

At this time, a wormhole appeared near Jupiter.

Wormholes connect to another galaxy.

Yang Li drove the spacecraft made by Blue Star with the last bit of materials to Jupiter.

Travel through a wormhole.

Find a new home for mankind!

When everyone looked at the wormhole of the spaceship Jupiter with 3D glasses.

Everyone exclaimed.

This is so real, it's like being there.

Some people even stepped back.

He seemed to be frightened by the wormhole in front of him.

Qin Nuo in front turned his head and glanced at the people behind him, with a smile on his face.


"We've just reached this point, but I can't stand it now. When I see the big scene later, I'll be scared to death!"

"Hey Third Master, don't you really have a heart disease?"

Qin Nuo turned back.

Seeing the third master holding his chest, he was a little worried.

He thought the Third Master was joking just now!

"Go on, you, Third Master, I can hold on, and we won't get there until now!"

The third master glanced at it, then turned to look ahead.

The plot and special effects are so attractive that he doesn't want to miss any scene!

The subsequent plots became more and more exciting and compact.

When the protagonist, Lan Xin and his companions traveled through the wormhole and came to another planet.

Discovered that the entire planet is full of water.

At first, no one paid much attention.

The universe is so vast that the entire surface of the planet is covered with water.

It’s normal to have it!

But the next second, everyone was frightened.

The huge waves with a height of 10,000 meters are like waterfalls from the 3D perspective.

The huge wave seemed to be right in front of them.

Coming in a rush!!


"Nima, you scared me to death!"

"What the hell!"

Qin Nuo listened to the angry scoldings from the theater boss in the back row and was not angry.

On the contrary, I am happier.

This is the feeling he wants, shock is useless.

What I want is a shock, the kind that can scare people into fainting.

The special effects of this huge wave that took less than thirty seconds cost him nearly 30 million!

One million per second!

"Third Master, why don't you stop reading?" Qin Nuo turned to look at Third Master.


This old boy is already smoking.

"Go away, I can!"

The third master ignored Qin Nuo at all and kept staring at the screen.

Qin Nuo looked at Wang Lin aside and gestured with his eyes.

"It's okay, Third Master's heart won't die!"

After finishing speaking, he also turned his attention to the screen.

He was also deeply attracted by the special effects.

After that, Yang Li and Lan Xin passed the test of life and death in Julang.

Back to the spaceship.

But the companion Wang Zhiwen who greeted her already had white hair.

It turns out they only spent a few hours on the planet.

But he actually spent twenty-one years on the spaceship alone.

This scene couldn't help but make everyone sad.

What a wonderful time, what a wonderful universe

Climax afterward.

Yang Li wanted Lan Xin to complete the task of passing on human fire alone.

He drove towards the dazzling black hole without hesitation.

Under the lens.

The appearance of the black hole shocked everyone present.

The darkness is like the circle of the abyss, with this light shining on the edge.

Outside are large expanses of interstellar clouds.

The magnificence and vastness make them feel small.

In front of a black hole, they are like a grain of sand, small and ignorant.

This kind of shock that directly touches the soul makes people open their mouths.

Nothing could be said.

The movie also comes to an end.

All the answers are revealed.

It turns out that the dust in Murphy's room at the beginning of the movie is not a natural phenomenon.

And it was Yang Li who fell into the black hole.

The message I want to send to him and his daughter in the time matrix.

It is not others who are saving them, but they themselves are saving themselves.

Perhaps the wormhole and time matrix are also left by future humans.

Finally Yang Li finally understood.

He thought he was the hero chosen to save humanity.

But in fact, the person in the future chose his daughter Murphy.

The end of the movie.

The humans on Blue Star solved the problem under the leadership of Murphy.

Left Blue Star and came to live in space.

They won and gained the right to survive.

In the end, the protagonist was sent back to Saturn by the time matrix and was discovered by humans.

…Please give me flowers…

Brought back the space base.

I saw my daughter again, already gray-haired, lying on the hospital bed.


His departure may only be a few years or even a few months for him.

And for people living in Blue Star.

One hundred years have passed.

A whole century!

Seeing the father and daughter together, the two looked at each other, speechless.

The eyes of everyone present were red, and some even took off their glasses.

Wiped away tears.

This movie is not only shocking, but also very touching.

The emotional connection between Yang Li and his daughter Murphy spans time and space.

It makes people burst into tears.

"Let's go and find Lan Xin! She will be very lonely on another distant planet!"


Yang Li looked at the old Murphy holding back tears and said.

The last scene of the movie.

Lan Xin, played by Liu Yifei, comes to a planet suitable for human survival.

Numbers are carved into the stone.

The top is densely packed.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes full of loneliness and helplessness.


Suddenly a light flashed in the sky.

Her eyes lit up.

This is how the movie freezes!

The big guys below were stunned for a while.

Then everyone stretched out their hands and applause broke out.

It lasted for nearly a minute before gradually disappearing.

Qin Nuo walked up with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, I, Qin Nuo, didn't make everyone's trip in vain this time!"

"Haha! Director Qin is indeed a great director of Palm Tree. I am convinced by this movie!"

Mr. Li from Xingmei Cinemas gave a thumbs up.

His eyes were full of excitement.

People around him nodded.


"Director Qin, why don't we release it sooner?"

"I asked Mr. Yu, do you want to steal the chicken?" The bosses of the surrounding theater chains are not stupid.

"You only have a lot of 3D screens at home, right?"

"Yes, Lao Yu, don't think we don't know how to count. I also want Director Qin to release it a month later!"

A group of theater bosses were very angry.

We are all human beings.

How could he not guess what Yu Dong was thinking.

The movie Interstellar is most enjoyable and enjoyable to watch on a 3D screen.

Bona has the most 3D screens among them.

This old boy wants to steal their audience.

It's really insidious.

There are still twenty releases left, plus another month of release time.

Although it didn't take long, it was enough for them to get a few more 3D screens.

Making more money is not!

But Yu Dong was also thick-skinned and didn't take anyone else seriously at all.

"Qin Nuo said it a few months ago. You deserve it if you don't listen!"

"Fuck you, Lao Yu! I'm just short of funds, who didn't listen?"

"Me too, don't tell you"

Everyone retorted.

Qin Nuo smiled happily on the stage.

You guys are so cute when you talk so hard.

"Then everyone take a rest and don't leave at noon. I'll book a hotel for everyone!"

Qin Nuo motioned to the assistant.

The two left.

Give them the room to discuss filming.

Third Master and Wang Lin smiled and followed.

Everyone saw Qin Nuo leaving and started talking about business.

There are three PS, more than 10,000, and there is a guaranteed update later. Additional updates depend on everyone, and the factory will rise!

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