Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

213The Response Was Overwhelming And Shocking! The Applause Lasted For Five Minutes, And The First T

The 140-minute movie ends here.

Before the audience could react, the big screen went dark.

The ending song sounds.

However, it seems that the audience has not yet escaped from this adventure that spans the entire universe.

Nearly half a minute passed.

Only then did they realize that the movie had ended.

He slowly took off his glasses, feeling a little confused.

This trip is still replaying in my mind.

What a nice view!

So shocking!

Very touching!

It’s so good that you can’t put it down!

Soon sporadic applause sounded, and slowly the people around him also applauded.

At the end, the audience burst into applause.

Everyone has a genuine smile on their face.

Looking at Qin Nuo in the front row, in his eyes.

It’s admiration!

It's shocking!

It's excitement!

Qin Nuo is a real genius!

He did it!

A science fiction film was made that makes all Chinese people proud!

From then on, the door to Chinese science fiction films was opened by Qin Nuo!

The applause lasted for three minutes.

Until Qin Nuo took the creative staff onto the stage.

The applause gradually disappeared.

Qin Nuo had a smile on his face and picked up the phone before speaking.

Suddenly a loud voice came from the back row.

"Qin Dao Niubi!"

Qin Nuo was stunned.

This is not over yet, someone is taking the lead.

The sand sculpture fans in the back shouted.

“Qin Nuo Niubi!”

“Director Qin’s movie is so shocking that I peed while watching it!”

"Director Qin is so awesome!"

The artist in front also laughed out loud.

This was the first time they encountered this in a theater.

Fans are so crazy!!!

It seems that this movie is not averagely good.

It feels quite interesting

Soon the artist in front also shouted.

This completely confused the reporters who were waiting outside.

This fucking movie is over!

Why hasn't anyone come out yet?

And there's something going on here.

Can't hear clearly through the wall!

He wanted to sneak in, but the security guard glanced at him.

The reporter is scared!

After several minutes, the chaotic theater became quiet.

"Okay, thank you for your support!" Qin Nuo couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm very happy to see everyone likes it so much!"

"On behalf of the entire Interstellar crew, special effects, and post-production staff, I would like to express my gratitude!"

"thank you all!"

Qin Nuo and the creative staff bowed deeply to the audience of more than 4,000 people.

at this time.

The audience burst into warm applause.

The audience also gave Qin Nuo and his team the greatest support.

The applause slowly ended after a minute.

The audience and guests slowly left the theater under the supervision of the staff.

Qin Nuo came to the third master. A little nervous.

Although the people next to me are wearing masks.

However, the aura on his body is very strong, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

"Third Master, leader!"

I don’t know what Qin Nuo is called, but it’s definitely right to call him leader!

The middle-aged man smiled.

"Director Qin did a very good job, and the spirit conveyed by the movie in terms of plot is very positive!"

"I hope you will continue to work hard and the country will not let down anyone who has contributed to the country!"

Qin Nuo scratched his head, these words sounded a bit scary.

He said quickly.

"Leading is what I should do as a director. I don't dare to expect too much!"

"Haha! It's good to be humble and respectful."

"Qin Nuo, you are worthy of being a role model for young people in Chinese cinema!"

The middle-aged man smiled happily, and he liked Qin Nuo's humble look very much.

The third master on the other side rolled his eyes.

You are not familiar with this boy.

After getting acquainted with him, he was still humble and humble.

The tail wants to be raised to the sky.

Last time even labor and management dared to fight.

But Third Master didn’t expose Qin Nuo either.

Leaving a good impression will also be beneficial to Qin Nuo's future development.

"I just have a question, Qin Nuo, can you answer me?"

"Leader, please tell me!"

The middle-aged man looked into Qin Nuo's sharp eyes and asked.

"Are all the special effects in this movie really created by Hua himself?"

"I promise, leader!" Qin Nuo looked at him with firm eyes.

“Everything in Interstellar is original and made by China itself.

“Whether it’s special effects or post-production!”


The middle-aged man patted Qin Nuo on the shoulder, although he didn't say anything.

But these few strokes already represent something.

As long as Qin Nuo does not make principled mistakes.

Then he can travel unimpeded in China.

Then the two left.

Qin Nuo didn’t send it either.

He's not stupid either, he just keeps a low profile.

What you say is annoying.

"Brother Qin, please take care of me in the future." Wang Zhonglei came over.


There was also a flattering smile on his face.

"Boss Qin, so am I." Wu Kebo also walked over and glanced at the backs of the two of them.

"Don't call me brother from now on, you are me!"

"Yes, Qin Nuo, please take care of me from now on!"

A group of entertainment industry bosses came over one after another.

I didn't know 99% of the people in that circle just now.

But they are different. They know each other and are close to each other.

Of course it can be seen.

I was very surprised.

That's Mr. San's boss.

Qin Nuo looked at a group of people buying treasures and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'll definitely take care of it!"

"But first give me half of the company's shares!"

Qin Nuo stretched out his hand and looked at everyone.


Instantly everyone turned their heads!

"I want to eat shit!"


"You're not very young, but you still have a big appetite!"

“So many shares, I’ll hold you back, believe it or not!”

"You are said to be fat, and you are still out of breath!"

"You think we have never met the boss!"

Qin Nuo knew that this group of people would say that they are all iron roosters.


"A bunch of pickpockets! Why don't we give you money to count the votes!"

the other side

The reporters were like waiting for everyone to come out.

Finally after a long wait.

The door finally opened.

The reporter rushed over.

"May I ask this lady..."

Before the reporter finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young lady.

"Go away, don't stop me, I want to grab tickets!!!"

The reporter who was interviewing was confused. Are you trying to grab a ticket?

What tickets are you grabbing?

Didn't you just watch the movie?

No matter what, quickly find the next target.

"This gentleman..."

"Don't disturb me, okay? If there's something urgent, go ahead!"

The reporter was really confused now.

So did the reporters around them.

After watching the film, the audience felt as if their home was on fire.

I rushed to the ticket office.

They quickly followed. What did these people want to do?

Want to refund your ticket just after watching it?

Is it popular now to have sex for free?

But what happened next left them stunned.

"Give me three 3D tickets for tomorrow~!"

"You are asking about Hammer, it must be interstellar travel! Hurry up"

"I want four of them too, all of them are 3D tickets!"

"I want five for tomorrow, hurry up!"

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't have anything for tomorrow..."

"What about the 3D tickets the day after tomorrow?"

…Please give me flowers…

"No more!"

"Cao, when will it be?"

"There will be more the day after tomorrow!"

The man hesitated.

"Sir, please decide quickly. There are less than a hundred 3D tickets left in the system, and they will be robbed immediately!"

"Then place an order for me quickly, I want it, I want it!!"

"Okay, doctor!"

Now the reporters were dumbfounded, what the hell?

Didn’t you just finish watching it?

Why are you here to buy tickets again?


One reporter was smarter and grabbed a young lady who had just bought a ticket.

"Beauty, can I ask you a question?"


The young lady grabbed the 3D ticket for tomorrow and was very happy.

Even when reporters interviewed her, she did not refuse.

"Beauty, if I'm not mistaken, you should have watched Interstellar."

"Why did you buy the ticket? Did you buy it for a friend?"

"Of course not." The young lady quickly hid the tickets in her bag.

"Then why?"

"You will know when you watch it. Qin Nuo is really a genius, and the interstellar film was so well shot.

"Whether it's the special effects or the story, it's perfect. I have to watch it again!"

"Then since you've seen it all, why not choose the regular ticket with a lower ticket price!"

"You don't understand even after I tell you. Director Qin spent more than 200 million on special effects. The special effects are simply shocking!"

The young lady looked at the reporter with a confused expression.

I don’t think it’s interesting.

"It's boring. You won't understand if you haven't seen 3D. I'm too lazy to tell you. Let's go!"

After saying that, he jumped up and left.

The reporter was left dumbfounded.

"Lao Li, this movie seems extraordinary!"

"Yes, I interviewed a beautiful woman just now. I just watched it and bought tickets!"

"You said Qin Nuo's movie is so good. It's just a movie. Is it that good?"

Lao Li didn't believe it.

"Ask a few more!"


After that, the reporter who interviewed finally believed it.

No one who saw the premiere gave a negative review.

It's all shocking, the special effects are perfect, the plot is engaging, and the male and female protagonists are also very handsome and beautiful.

Acting online.

The same goes for stars who come out after one side.

"Brother Chao, what do you think of Director Qin's new movie?"

“Full marks!”

"No! Add twenty points to the full score, it will shock your soul!"

...Brother Chao, I know you have a good relationship with Director Qin, but isn’t this flattery a bit too much!”

"Fuck you, go and see for yourself. If you don't like it, come and hit me!"

"Sister Binbin, after watching the movie, what do you think?"

Fan Fat looked at the reporter and was very excited. .

"I just have an idea. Next time Qin Nuo wants to make a movie, you can come to me!"

"I don't want money, I can just repay it!"

"Sister Binbin, what are you talking about?"

"Anything goes!"

Fan Pang smiled ambiguously at the camera and walked away.

The reporters found that all the celebrities they were looking for had good reviews.

And it’s a little too good!

It doesn't feel real.

Suddenly I saw Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan and Zhang Weiping walking out.

His eyes lit up.

As reporters, they naturally knew that the three of them had conflicts with Qin Nuo.

Considered an enemy.

Enemies will definitely not care about how much face Qin Nuo saves.

And there are two big trolls.

This is their ideal interview subject.

As soon as Feng Xiao came out, he was surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Director Feng, it is said online that you are here to learn from Director Qin's advanced shooting experience. Is that true?"

"Director Feng, how was your study this time? Did you gain anything?"

ps: We will continue today, with four updates guaranteed. Every monthly pass will add one, reminders and rewards can also be added, as well as customization.

Everyone, stand up and let's kill other idiots together!

The target is more than 25,000!

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