Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

216 Almost Broke 100 Million On The First Day! ! ! Everyone Stands Up! One Person Sucked Up The Enti

It was said before that Zhang Zifeng made his debut in the C-position in the entertainment industry.

So what does this mean to her?

The C bit of C bits!!

It can be said that no one is better or more awesome than her!

But after Qin Nuo saw it.


Quickly cover this girl's face with your hands.

He was really scared.

He never wanted to touch a sewing machine in his life.

"Brother Nuo, why are you blocking me?"

"No kissing, your brother doesn't want to go in and be picked on!"

A group of people nearby laughed.

This guy Qin Nuo is so timid!

This is also scary!

"Disgusting, what is picking up soap!"

"Children don't understand, day!"

Liu Yifei next to her looked at Qin Nuo with affection in her eyes.

If only there weren't so many people here.

She really wanted to pounce on Qin Nuo directly.

Right in the living room, not wanting to waste a moment.

The same goes for Yang Mi, who even felt that Qin Nuo had perverted ideas before.

Not that perverted.

What's the matter? I heard that foreigners like to play like that.

The same goes for Zhang Ziyi.

She just wanted to ask Qin Nuo if she still lacked fluff balls.

Sister, I love being played with by you!

"Okay, I've seen the box office, and I'm going to prepare a road show tomorrow!"

"You can go!"

Qin Nuo pointed to the door.

Signal these guys to get out!

"What are we going to do?" Teacher Li Youbin was very happy.

"Come on, Director Qin, let me treat you to a treat. How about we go have a barbecue!"

"Okay, Teacher Li"

"I agree!

"How about you go, I won't go!"

Li Youbin glanced at Qin Nuo.

"Chen Kun, Zhiwen, take our Director Qin with you!"

"no problem!"

"give it to me!"

Qin Nuo“……..……

In the end, Qin Nuo still couldn't resist the two of them, and was forcibly taken to the Bund to have a barbecue!

at the same time.

Qin Nuo's good friend.

Bib also immediately released the zero-point box office for Interstellar.

No other reporters were given a chance to pick up on the hot topics.

[Congratulations to Director Qin for breaking the domestic box office record for his new movie Interstellar!]

【Box office 33.5 million!!!!!】

There is also a big word "Explosion" on the back of the scarf.

It immediately detonated the entire network the moment it was released!

This time, scarves were prepared, and hundreds of programmers were not off work.

This time, Director Qin, don’t try to paralyze our scarves!

The popularity of scarves rises very quickly.

In less than half an hour, it was directly on the headlines of netizens!

There are countless comments below the scarf.

Once refreshed, there will be dozens of items!

All congratulations to Qin Nuo, and even many celebrities in the industry.


They also took action.

The news of Qin Nuo’s record-breaking performance spread all over the Internet.

One person monopolized five hot searches.

【Qin Nuo’s new movie breaks records!】

【Qin Nuo has brought Chinese cinema to a level that does not belong to him! 】

【33.5 million!! Amazing box office figures!】

[Sister Binbin said she is willing to back Qin Nuo’s next movie!]

[High-priced Interstellar 3D movie tickets, three hundred each!]


The scarf guys on the Internet have been stunned.

"It's so fierce! Did I see it wrong?"

"Is this the zero o'clock box office or the first day box office?"

"I would like to ask, is this thing real?"

"More than 30 million yuan at the box office, it would still be tens of millions in one day!"

"Holy shit, shit! Damn it! I knew Qin Nuo was awesome, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome!"

"How about blowing the whistle? Is there anyone out there who can tell me how this movie is?"

"I haven't read it yet, so let me ask!"

"I've seen it, it's awesome, I don't want to explain it!"

"I just got home. This movie is worth 30 million at the box office. The special effects made me pee!"

"After watching it, I had the thought in my mind that Qin Nuo alone has surpassed the heights of the entire Chinese film industry!"



My old friend is still a little unsure, so he quickly went to the rating website to take a look.

It has been released for two or three rounds now, and there should be many people rating it.

But when they saw the ratings of Interstellar.

People are also stupid.

[Interstellar: Rating 9.9, 23,210 people rated it!]

Almost perfect score.

Pull down.

All 10 points.

Rarely does it fall below nine points.

Nine out of ten people scored perfect marks.

Now the old man is really sure.

This movie is really awesome!

Start booking tickets one after another!

But this exhausted the hospital selection staff.

They had a busy day.

Just as I was about to take a rest, the call came again.

"I'm really sorry, sir, there are no more 3D tickets."

"General tickets are gone too! Today's and tomorrow's tickets are gone!"

"What a crappy movie theater you guys are!"

"I'm really sorry!"

After connecting several calls, my sister-in-law Liang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Manager, please open another hall, I was scolded badly!"

The manager was also very confused and said after a while.

"If we open another theater, it will be dedicated to Qin Nuo, leaving only one hall for other movies!"

"Let's go, everyone is here to watch Interstellar anyway, who wants to watch that crappy movie!"

"Oh well!"

The manager looked at the watch in his hand.

From the morning until the evening, it is all about interstellar travel.

no other movie

Qin Nuo’s new movie is more than just a general killing!

This is simply a waste of money!!!

Not even a drop of soup was left for anyone else.

And depending on the situation, I’m afraid I’ll have to eat it for several days!

And this is not uncommon.

Many movie theaters across the country do this.

They didn't even listen to the theater chain's words.

Anyway, I'll arrange it.

I made money.

At worst, you can scold me.


Many directors in the industry have lost sleep today.

Especially directors who have been to premieres.

"Go to sleep, Xiaogang!"

"Honey, I can't sleep!" Feng Xiaogang turned to look at the dazzling numbers on the screen.

"My wife has more than 30 million, do you think I can do it in this life?"

Xu Fan wanted to comfort Feng Xiaogang, but he looked at the numbers above.

Also fell silent.

If it's more than 10 million or even 20 million.

She felt there was still hope.

But this is more than 30 million.

She also didn't know what to say.

"I will join forces with other entertainment companies when this crappy movie is released!" Zhang Weiping clenched his fists.

"We must get Qin Nuo to the summer vacation!"

"Otherwise we will really be doomed, Lao Mouzi!"

Zhang Yimou rarely spoke this time.

Qin Nuo is really scary this time!

It has a box office of 30 million, and the reviews are very good!


This movie will give China the best of its time.

Suck it up during the Spring Festival!

No movie opportunities left!

It's okay to do this once,

If you come every year.

As a director, I am really disappointed!

"We'd better wait for this first. Aren't the upstarts causing trouble recently?"

"If we do this, you won't be afraid of exposing Qin Nuo. They don't have to go!"

Zhang Yimou looked at him.

"Qin Nuo has a good temper. Think about Qin Nuo's talent and popularity, and those nouveau riche have money! A lot of money!"

"The two merge into one! I'm worried that both of us will be killed together!"

Zhang Weiping took a deep breath when he heard this.

If only they all united against Qin Nuo.

This kid Qin Nuo will definitely not be taken lightly, he has a very stubborn temper!

If it doesn't work out, I'll join forces with those guys.

Those guys don't treat money as money.

If Qin Nuo is willing, he can make two such blockbusters every year!!

Then how can they play?

Play with a hammer!

"You're right, let's think about this again!"

"First beat the nouveau riche away!"

"As for Qin Nuo, we'll deal with him later!"

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Nuo and his team traveled to major theaters across the country.

Started a road show.

The audience is also very considerate.

As long as it is a popular time, the theaters are basically full.

Even in the morning, the attendance rate exceeded 8%!

All of a sudden.

Interstellar seems to have become a hot word.

Young people walking on the road are talking about black holes and gravitational slingshots. Wormholes or something...

Sometimes I even say it’s urgent.

There will also be a quarrel.

I think the plot is a bit unreasonable.

Why can the protagonist come out after falling into a black hole?

How is it possible that there is a planet that can cause huge waves that are 10,000 meters high?

Others objected.

You’ve never been to a black hole, so how do you know it’s not possible?

The universe is so big, why is there no such planet?

It's the same online, everyone is clamoring.

I think the Qin Nuo movie is very good.

But the setting is really a bit too bizarre.

Too exaggerated!

But this does not affect the popularity of Interstellar at all.

A movie is popular only if it can arouse everyone's discussion.

After reading it, I felt like boiled water.

This kind of movie is destined to be a hit.

So Qin Nuo doesn't care about the debate on the Internet.

Even the company’s sister Hong took the stage to guide public opinion on both sides.

What are you arguing about?

I just watched it once, how can I understand it (Nuo Mo Zhao), hurry up and watch it a few more times.

Not to mention there were quite a few viewers who listened.

Hurry and grab tickets again!

So noisy.

The premiere box office is out

【February 19th】

[Single-day box office champion, Interstellar, box office 89.5 million (including premiere)

[Second in the single-day box office, I am in my mountain. Box office 290,000]

[Third in single-day box office,...]

Everyone in Interstellar at the hotel saw this number.

It's all like they've smoked something.

All the fatigue was gone in an instant.

"Director Qin, it's almost over 100 million! You, you, you~" Wang Zhiwen didn't say the next sentence for a long time!

"I'm here to help Brother Wang" Chen Kun looked at Qin Nuo.

"You are simply amazing!"

"Ninety million a day, ten days is nine hundred million, thirty days is twenty-seven billion!"

"Director Qin, what happened?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes were blurred.

Twenty-seven billion.

Oh My God!

What money!

I'm afraid it won't even fit in this room.

A movie is more valuable than a listed company!

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes as he listened.

You are really good at calculating accounts!

The National Bureau of Statistics of China should invite you, Chen Kun.

In this case.

It won't be long before China's per capita GDP reaches one million!

..according to...

PS guaranteed four updates have arrived...the data is not good.

There won’t be any extra updates today, no, no, I’m ready to explode!

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