Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

210 Record-Breaking Scarf Exploded, Excited Netizens! The Third Master Called And It Was On The Yang

"Record broken!!"

Everyone who saw the numbers couldn't help but cheer.

Especially on some university campuses.

Qin Nuo's fans are mostly young people.

College students even more so!

They love Qin Nuo.

They are similar in age, are casual, have ideas, and can understand them.

So in the early hours of this evening.

Screams were heard from many college dormitories.

“Qin Nuo Niubi!”

"Breaking record, Tian!!!"

"Qin Nuo, damn! Hero, absolute hero!!!"

"Don't say anything, Qin Nuo is a dick! It's a dick!"

This woke up the dormitory aunt downstairs.

Come to the clearing with the stick.

Looking upstairs, he put his hands on his hips and said angrily.

"Which one is Qin Nuo! Come down here quickly!!"

"Why are you so noisy at night if you don't sleep? I won't break your legs!"

The college students upstairs were stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing together!


"Ha ha!!!"

"You damn boys, wait for me!"

On the other side, Circle County.

The two groups of men and horses will make peace.

Come to Qin Nuo's company together.

When you see record-breaking numbers.

All cheered.

Hugging each other.

They did it.

Twenty Days broke Avatar's three-year-old box office record.

Just today, right now.

They succeeded!

It even ended the decade-long box office record held by Hollywood movies in the United States.

27 Qin Nuo reached the summit.

The rise of Chinese science fiction films!

"Qin Dao Niu pen!"

"I won't say anything else. Thank you, Director Qin, for letting me participate in this great movie!"

Chen Kun looked at Qin Nuo, his eyes full of excitement.

Although he didn't get a dime in salary...

It also took several months to film and promote the film……….

But still very happy!

"Director Qin, you have made history!" Wang Zhiwen looked at Qin Nuo.

"For the first time in many years, a Chinese film topped the domestic box office.

“Box office records have always been dominated by foreign blockbusters!”

A group of people also gave Qin Nuo a thumbs up.

Liu Yifei was the same, she was so excited that she forgot everything.

He jumped directly into Qin Nuo's arms.

"Qin Nuo, I love you!!!"

Xiao Nizi is very happy, very happy!

She is now the highest grossing actress in the country!

No one can compare to it, what a four-dan double ice, the king of heaven and the queen of heaven.

Everything paled in front of her.

Now is the time for the fairy sister!

Qin Nuo quickly held the girl's buttocks, looking a little embarrassed.

look at everyone

"Sissi, she is so excited!"

Everyone around rolled their eyes.

Do you believe this yourself?

If you two are fine, I can stand on my head and eat shit.

It’s so obvious, Qin Nuo, why are you still pretending!

Too lazy to tell you!

On the other hand, Chen Duling looked very angry.

He whispered to Bai Lu next to him.


"That's our biggest enemy, remember her!"

Xiaobai looks embarrassed

I quietly took a look at Liu Yifei on Qin Nuo, with her exquisite makeup.

Perfect profile, flowing long hair, and smart eyes.

"But she, she is so beautiful! So beautiful!"

Chen Duling'

"You're so pretty, be confident, you're not bad either!"

".....…All right!"

"Okay, come down, really!" Qin Nuo said angrily.


Liu Yifei smiled like a beautiful kitten.

Slowly slide off Qin Nuo's body, and then pull Qin Nuo's arm.

"Okay, thank you everyone, it's nothing!"

"I'm treating you tonight, you can order whatever you want!"

"Long live Director Qin!"

"I won't come home until I get drunk tonight!"

the other side.

Whether it’s a neck gaiter or another platform.

Within half an hour, the news of Qin Nuo’s summit hit the headlines.

If this matter is bigger.

Qin Nuo can even be praised as a movie hero of China.

He broke the record of more than ten years, ending the rule of Hollywood.


It inspired many people's national pride.

And the most important thing is the science fiction film made by Qin Nuo!

This type of movie has always been the weak spot of Chinese movies.

But today this weakness has been fixed!

"To be honest, I feel like crying when I see this number. You are doing a great job, Director Qin!

"Who says it's not the case? This time Qin Nuo has given us a chance to win, Director Qin is great!"

"A hero can be considered a...hero in peaceful times!"

.....So, countries compete not only in terms of force, but also in education and culture!"

"Movies can be regarded as a symbol of culture, and they can barely be regarded as heroes!"

"It doesn't matter what he does, Director Qin is awesome! I have no brains to support the movies he makes in the future!"

"Plus one, no matter what director Qin makes in his next movie, I will support him. Just by breaking the record, it will be worth it!"


In just one day, Qin Nuo's name spread to the streets.

Even some older people know his name.

The news of Qin Nuo’s record breaking was replayed several times on TV and online.

But the next day Sanye called Qin Nuo.

Instantly makes him energetic!

"Third Master, are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? You made a lot of money this time and died!"

Qin Nuo still couldn't believe it when she looked at her phone, and even wondered if she was dreaming.


"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Chen Duling walked over and followed Qin Nuo's arm.

"Would you like to come to my house tonight?"

‘Go get a hammer and buy me a TV!!”

"Just leave it in my office!"

"Ah?" Chen Duling was confused, what the hell is this?


7:15 p.m.

All key members of Qin Nuo Company are concentrated in Qin Nuo’s office.

Looking at the newly purchased 52-inch TV.

The Yangma news was playing on it.

this time.

It’s the news from China every day from 7:00 to 7:30!

"Boss, aren't you here yet? It's already halfway through!" Du Ling was very anxious.

Keep looking at the time.

It's almost 7:20.

Just over ten minutes left.

Everyone else in the room was also nervous, their eyes glued to the TV.

Don't dare miss a second.

"Don't be so noisy, Du Ling, this is Yangma's news, what if you miss a shot!"

"Don't make a fuss, just watch me quietly!"

Sister Hong glared at Xiao Nizi.

Chen Duling pursed his lips.

After Qin Nuo saw it, he held the assistant in his arms and whispered.

"Don't worry, Third Master called me, it's not wrong!"

"Got it, boss!"

The news continued very quickly, and when there was less than ten minutes left.

finally come.

The camera turned and the host's voice sounded.

"This year's Spring Festival movie is still hot, and an epic science fiction film Interstellar was born."

"Produced by the famous domestic director Qin Nuo. Broke the domestic box office record!"

Under the lens.

I don’t know when Yangma’s reporters went to secretly take photos.

There are many long queues in the theater of people wanting to buy movie tickets.

There are also many excited expressions on the faces of the audience after watching the movie~

"The box office reached 1.41 billion!!"

"This signifies that our country's film industry is booming and people's living standards continue to improve..."

"Let's pay attention to Hangzhou. Yesterday..."

"A total of forty seconds, four seconds!"

Fatty Zhou looked at the stopwatch in his hand and was very excited.

"Qin Nuo is big!"

Sun Wen pushed up his glasses. Agreed.

"It's really amazing. It's not just a general introduction, but a detailed introduction!"

"And boss, have you stuffed your money? Epic, famous director!"

"Lao Mouzi doesn't have as much face as you!"

"Yes, boss, you are so kind to me, mother-in-law."

Sister Hong couldn’t believe it either.

Not only was this in the news, Qin Nuo also had a name and was a famous director.

Some people can do this kind of thing once in their lifetime.

It can be said that you will die without regrets.

"Boss, you are so awesome!"

Xiao Nizi held Qin Nuo and kissed her.

It doesn’t matter if my cousin is here or not!

Bai Lu next to her looked at Qin Nuo, her eyes full of admiration.

But she was very timid and only dared to watch from a distance.

"Come on down, I'm going to make some phone calls!"

Qin Nuo put down Xiao Nizi.

His eyes sparkled with excitement.

Picked up the phone and called his parents.

Do not misunderstand.

Qin Nuo is not an orphan, he has a father, mother and relatives.

However, the two of them are just ordinary working-class people.

Not really a rich man.


"I see, keep working hard!"

"Don't worry about me and your mother."

"We get so much money in one month, we can't spend it all, we can't spend it all..."

"Son, you are awesome!"


After hanging up the phone, Qin Nuo was a man of two generations, and the corners of his eyes were still a little moist.

As long as your parents are here.

Then you will always have a home.

It doesn't matter whether the home is big or small, a luxurious house or a thatched house.

But it doesn't matter.

Home is always the warmest harbor!

"By the way, why don't you contact my good friend at this time!"

Qin Nuo picked up the phone.

"Director Feng, good evening!"

"...Qin Nuo, if you fart, let it go!"

"Didn't you watch the news today? Haha, as a director, you must remember to watch the news from Yangma every day!"

"I see a hammer, but labor and management never read the news!"

Feng Xiaogang looked at the TV in front of him and roared at Qin Nuo on the other end of the phone.

“Labour-employers don’t even have television!”

"Get out!!"

After saying that, Xiaogang hung up the phone.

His chest rose and fell as he recalled what the host had just said.


So jealous!!

Labor and management have been mixed up for so long.

I just hope that one day that kid Kang Hui can pronounce the words of the famous director Feng Xiaogang.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo got it first!

Damn it.


Come and show off to me!

Are you going to die?

"Xu Fan, take this broken TV and throw it away tomorrow!"

'I just bought this!!

"I don't want it anyway, whoever wants it wants it!"

After saying that, Feng Xiaogang stood up and left.

He doesn't want to see this crappy TV for a moment!

Qin Nuo looked at the phone and shrugged,

I thought to myself.

Feng Xiaogang is really shameless, forget it, let’s play with Lu Chuan~

ps: Guaranteed second update, everyone is excited. On Monday, the author is ready to update, with a target of 25,000!!

Do not miss passing through!.

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